
Monday, May 19, 2014

{Our Squawroot}

At the base of our huge oak tree, next to the white vinyl fence, we always can see a Parasitic Plant called: Squawroot.
This is it! Very strange looking parasitic plant!
The light was just perfect for making photos on April 10.
Wondering what that bumblebee is doing in there...?
Does that mean there is some pollen on those young Squawroots?
They almost resemble some sort of pine cone.
There is quite a crop for 2014!
You see the huge trunk of our oak tree.
To the left at the top you can barely see our white vinyl picket fence..
This is it, in the corner to the right you see some more, they are in a large circle around this tree.
Does any of you have this combination of oak tree with parasitic Squawroot?


  1. how interesting! no, i'm not familiar with that plant and glad to say our oaks here don't have them.

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    sehr interessant!

    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße

  3. Hi Mariette, I have never seen those before.
    Love the picture with the bumblebee

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    diesen Schmarotzer habe ich nie zuvor gesehen.
    Einen schönen Sonntag wünscht Dir

  5. You have a lot to see in your garden, love the picture with the bumblebee.

  6. That sure is unique looking plant. I might mistake it with pine cones indeed!

    It's been cold and rainy. But kind of nice to have break from heat. Have a lovely Sunday!

  7. I would be worried it might take some of the goodness in the soil from the beautiful tree. Can you chop it out? Perhaps you like its lovely golden colour.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      No it lives off the roots of the oak tree and it does not affect the tree at all as it is a happy and tall looking one. Why would we chop it out? That way you would chop off the roots as well... Let Mother Nature take its course; she knows best and it is a very pretty sight!

  8. Dearest Mariette.
    That is one strange plant. Reading up on it, I'm surprised that I haven't seen it here in southern New England. We certainly have enough oaks!
    The wet winter may be why it's so prolific this year.
    Enjoy your Sunday.....*s*

  9. Dear Mariette,Hi Mariette, I have never seen those before!They have nice brown colours!!
    Wonderful macro shots!!Wishing you a happy new week!!Hugs!

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    This is educational. At first I thought that hose were dried up pine cones. I learned some thing today. Thanks. Take care.

  11. Ja jeszcze takich pasożytów dębów nie widziałam. Wygląda to ładnie, ale pewno szkodzi drzewu. Pozdrawiam.
    I have such parasites oaks have not seen. It looks nice, but certainly harm the tree. Yours.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      No don't worry, it does not harm the tree at all! There is plenty of food for having these Squawroots live off the oak tree's roots.

  12. Woo this is something I have never seen before

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    I have never seen such beautiful flowers! They are wonderful! Thank you for sharing!
    Have a wonderful new week,
    Love and hugs

  14. Oh My; Quite unique pine corn shaped flower. Still really pretty, isn't it♡♡♡ I was amazed with the bumblebee, which is different from what we see here♪♪♪ I hope you will have a wonderful new week.

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend Mariette in America, xoxo Miyako*

    ps; I accidentally hit the sign out button and typed several times. If you see others from me, please delete it p;)

  15. Dearest mariette,
    I wondering what is the bumblebee in pollen an those young squawronto I never seen a brown colowrs.
    Hugs and love to you!

  16. non hai avuto paura nel calabrone? un abbraccio grande e buona settimana Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      No non ho paura di un calabrone come solitamente non pungono!
      Abbraccio e allo stesso modo una settimana felice.

  17. Very interesting. Don't know that I've seen anything quite like it. I imagine if it flowers then it's got pollen. That bee sure is enjoying it. Have a great week. Tammy

  18. lieve Mariette ....
    Wat een aparte plant nooit eerder gezien of van gehoord..
    ik verbaas me elke keer weer met die prachtige en arparten planten die je
    in je tuin hebt ...
    Een fijne week
    veel liefs uit griekenland

  19. Very interesting!!!! I've never seen such a parasitic plant before. But, of course, we don't have any oak trees in our area!!!! I don't know if there would be such plants under the oaks in other areas in Greece.
    Have a nice week, dearest Mariette!!

  20. I've never heard of Squaw Root, but it is so pretty underneath the canopy of the trees. xo


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