
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

{Two Seasons Side by Side}

It was a funny sight to see winter berries next to spring blossoms...
Winter Berries of our Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo alongside Spiraea cantoniensis 'Lanceata' or double Bridal Wreath Spirea
Nandina berries I always use for Christmas...
Spirea Cantoniensis 'Lanceata' or double Bridal Wreath Spirea is gorgeous!
Sunlight playing with those blossoms...
The beautiful closeup photo I made on April 10, 2010
The other two on April 10, 2014...

Related links:
{Our New Spiraea Cantoniensis (dbl Bridal Wreath Spirea)} | previous post by me
{Our Cornus Kousa (Japanese Dogwoods) & Spiraea Cantoniensis (dbl Bridal Wreath Spirea)} | previous post by me


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    As usual you have posted such gorgeous pictures that tell that you take good care of every thing God has given you and then you share. Thanks.

  2. The red berries and the white flowers look so pretty together. Nature is wonderful.
    Hugs Kay

  3. How interesting to see winter berries and spring blossoms at the same time and side by side! They sure look lovely together though :-) And the double bridal wreath spirea is gorgeous and elegant! Enjoyed your beautiful photos as always :-)

  4. Wonderful pictures, dearest Mariette!
    Have a nive week,
    Love and hugs

  5. Your blossoms are divine and I'm sure that the whole area around your house is now more than beautiful dear Mariette!Wish you a great week and thank you for your lovely and sweet words.

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    das schenkt Freude.

    Alles Liebe

  7. Oh, "Two Seasons Side by Side" how amazing and blessing form the funny weather or something♡♡♡ Winter berries and Bridal Wreath Spirea blooming side by side; it must be unusual thing to occur♪ The way it flowering with bundle sure look GORGEOUS!!! Have a Happy New Week, dearest Mariette;

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  8. Good Morning Mariette, The white Spirea is stunning..... I do so love white flowers in a garden and your garden is full of so many beautiful flowers. The contrast of red berries and white spring flowers was lovely to see.
    I have been meaning to say, that I love the lace curtains which you have hung in your windows.... they really look lovely.
    Have a wonderful day today.
    Best Wishes

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    in diesem Jahr ist alles etwas anders.
    Aber die roten Beeren sind ein wunderbarer
    Kontrast zu den weißen Blüten.
    Einen guten Start in die neue Woche wünscht Dir

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    The red nadina berries contrast prettily with the spirea. We had spirea in our yard when I was growing up....memories of youth!
    Enjoy the coming week........xox.......*s*

  11. De natuur is uitbundig aan het bloeien in je tuin, mooi gezicht.

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    The winter Berries of your Nandine Bamboo along side double Birdal wreath apired and always for Christnas is gorgeous sunlight pling with those blossoms.Your garden is the best to showing us for many years.
    Have a lovely day!
    Hugs and love to always!

  13. Dear Mariette,it is very strange,indeed!!How interesting to see winter berries and spring blossoms ,at the same season!The flowers from your spirea are gorgeous!!Great pictures!
    Have a happy new week!Hugs!

  14. What a fabulous treat these photos of your garden beauties to go with my morning cup of cafe. Hugs and blessings, Celia M. (HHL)

  15. Dear Mariette. That looks so nice though... Nature has a funny way some times... It is really beautiful and gives me peace at mind to watch through your pictures. Big hugs :-) Eli

  16. Dear Mariette,
    Your spirea is gorgeous with its lovely white flowers!!!!!!!! I don't know how to explain the winter berries still keeping on your nandina, but I had a similar surprise this year as all my chrysanthemums are now in bloom much much earlier than the usual mid-September/October !!!! I even used some when I made my 1st May wreath!
    Many hugs and a happy new week to you!!!!

  17. Dear Mariette, beautiful pictures!Love and kisses from Grece!

  18. Dear Mariette,

    Beautiful flowers side by side - the seasons are all a bit topsy turvey - I have hyacinths coming up and they would normally come up in Spring which is September here.
    Happy week

  19. 4 years later and still blooming beautifully. That's great! Have a wonderful week. Tammy

  20. Hello

    The flowers are beautiful, the nature are wonderful, thanks for the photos.


  21. Hi Mariette,
    Your garden is so pretty and full of blooms..I always enjoy a beautiful garden. Gary and I are working on ours its going to take a while to get it up to par.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  22. My dear friend Mariette,
    This is a very interesting post, very strange to see winter berries and spring blossoms side by side. The seasons seem to be a little bit mixed up this year. But nevertheless your pictures are so beautiful and gorgeous.
    Hugs and have a blessed day

  23. So schön wie Rosen, die weissen Blüten, liebe Mariette, fast hätte ich auf den ersten Blick geglaubt, Du hättest die Guierlande d'amour ;-) :-) Ich hab' sie im Garten und bin gespannt wann und wie sie dieses Jahr blühen wird. Viele Knospen hat sie schließlich ...

    Liebe Grüße

  24. It's so wonderful when two seasons collide! <3


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