
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

{Dutch Twin Down Duvets Altered to American Size}

WHY is there such a difference in sizing between continents? Clothes, shoes and even for bedding and bed linens there is quite a difference. So due to the problem of maximum baggage weight we no longer can bring home Dutch duvet covers etc. The only solution was to change them in American sizing and that's what I did. For adding some 40 cm or 16 inches to each twin duvet, I did use a down duvet that I had gotten on sale at The Company Store  for only $ 99.00. Not much to risk! 
Here it is... one segment of down squares added on and ready to be slipped into the ocelot flannel duvet cover from Garnet Hill that I got at their winter sale!
So how did I do it?
Using the smocking stitch setting on my sewing machine, I went on both sides of the stepping.
This is how it looked...
That way I could cut it in the center with the serger, right on the stepping and it did not cause any mess. 
All the down stayed neatly inside.
With a single stepping stitch I than proceeded to sew them together.
The Dutch twin duvets happened to be in a beige color but that will not be visible once inside the duvet covers.
This table from Yves Delorme shows the differences between US sizing and Dutch sizing...
The US Twin size is 42.7 cm wider and also 18.4 cm longer!
So glad for having tackled that so now all American duvet covers fit perfectly.
Mainly I have those from Yves Delorme from their Outlet.
Is any of you having had to deal with different sizing for bed linens?


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    good to use the Smocking Stich ;O)
    But anyway it looks like hard work ;O)
    You are right, why they do not have the smae sizes everywhere?
    Have a lovely new week, will let you know, when the post arrived!
    Love and hugs

  2. I got a lot of sheets and pillow cases from the States. For me it is easy, because it is nice that the sheets are big. I only have to adept the pillow cases. Easy, just making them smaller. The Greek pillows have another shape than the Dutch ones. They are narrower. So, I also have to adept them. Ten minutes work!
    Your duvet looks great the way you enlarged it.

    1. Dearest Ada,
      Most of our pillow cases are flanged shams so altering those is not an easy thing to do! Pillow cases, the ones that are open on one end, are easy to alter!
      For us, we're all set for the future and no more worries.

  3. Well if we made our own it would solve all problems. I didn't know that the measurements were different for different countries.
    Hugs Kay

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist sehr interessant.

    Sonnige Grüße

  5. Hey dear Mariette! That is smart:-) I guess you have learned to adapt well to the different challenges of a global expat life:-) Things we don't really think about until they are right there:-) Big hugs to you

  6. Slim gedaan! Ja die maten zijn hopeloos, voordat je er achter bent wat je schoenmaat is heb je er al vijf gepast. Ik wist niet dat zelfs de dekbedden van maat verschillen. Ja in Amerika is alles groter...

  7. Ja, Mariette de afmetingen van beddengoed kan per land nog wel eens verschillen,maar jij bedacht een goede oplossing voor dat ''probleem''.
    Kocht in het verleden graag dekbedovertrekken in Duitsland,maar de sloopafmetingen zijn daar 80x80, maakt mij niet uit, die gebruik ik gewoon als grote sierkussens op bed en de hoofdkussens krijgen een witte geborduurde sloop die ik nog stapels heb liggen met stoffen knoopsluiting.uit schoonmoeder haar linnenkast.
    Zal nooit dekbedovertrekken kopen zonder instopstrook, ook weer zo'n typisch gebruik per land,weet dat in Duitsland,Oostenrijk en Zweden het gebruikelijk is om het dekbed losjes op je te leggen.
    Denk dat het bij ons Nederlanders van vroeger uit inzit,lekker aan alle kanten instoppen.....die wollen dekens;-)

    Fijne dag en lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja, dat instoppen van die wollen dekens is wel erg typisch, je zat er bijna 'te' strak ingepakt.
      Hier in de USA zijn de dekbedden en dus ook de overtrekken zowiezo al 18 cm langer dan de nederlandse dus dat is ruim voldoende om achter in the stoppen. We hebben er geen met een instopstrook als zodanig. De duitse sloop maat is inderdaad erg groot en hier, evenals in Frankrijk, hebben we europese vierkante slopen van 65 x 65 cm dus dat is prettiger.
      Lieve groetjes,

  8. Very clever! And I love the idea of finding solutions by ourselves, Mariette! You are a multifaceted woman and I would like to add that you look really elegant and stylish in a previous post.You hide a lot of strengh and optimisme inside you and I really admire you!
    Love, Olympia

  9. Dear Mariette,what a clever idea indeed!!I know that the measurements are different for different countries!
    The Smocking Stich looks great!!Nice work!!Have a lovely week!!Hugs!!

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    der Raucher-Stich gefällt mir sehr gut.
    Es ist wirklich nicht schön, dass es immer noch
    untrscshiedliche Größen gibt. Vielleicht ändert es sich
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht dir

  11. I've never had to deal with different bed size lines, but I feel the pain! I always have to convert U.S. sizing into Japanese sizing in order to know the actual size. You are so smart and skilled to alter the duvet to fit in American size! Amazing job.
    Have a wonderful new week xoxo

  12. Ich bewundere immer wieder Dein Geschick, liebe Mariette. Wir haben ganz gewöhnliche Bettdecken, 1 m x 2,00 m. Uns würde es stören, wenn der Eine die Bettdecke zu seiner Seite hin wegzieht, so daß der andere bloß liegt. ;-) Aber wer das so haben kann, ist das eine gute Idee, die Bettdecken selbst zusammenzunähen.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Aber wieso eine Bettdecke von nur 1 m breit? In Deutschland sind sie jedoch genauso wie in den Niederlanden 1.35 m breit und 2.00 m lang... Da muss man schon ganz straff ins Bett liegen sonst liegt man bloss!
      Liebe Grüsse,

    2. Hmm, das muß ein neueres Maß sein. Ich habe eben die Matratzenbreite gemessen, die ist auch nur jeweils 90 cm. Wir sind ja keine so wuchtigen Personen, als daß wir Überbreite bräuchten.
      Aber stimmt, bei der Bettdecke ist es ein wenig mehr, 1,15 habe ich eben bei unserer alten Bettwäsche gemessen. Die neue ist manchmal viel zu groß für unsere Bettdecken, darin schlackert das Bettzeug hin und her. Uns reicht diese Breite vollkommen aus. Ich fand es nur ärgerlich, daß es diese Breite scheinbar kaum noch gibt. I*ea jedenfalls führt sie scheinbar nicht. Wirklich schade, da manche von dort mir gefiel.

      Liebe Grüße

    3. Und eben sehe ich gerade noch Deine Glückwünsche. Vielen herzlichen Dank dafür! Auch von meiner Mutter! Ja, erstaunlich ... Mutti hätte selbst nicht gedacht, daß sie einmal so alt wird! Positives Denken macht sehr viel aus, auch beim Aussehen! Und nicht schlemmen. Mutti ernährt sich vegetarisch und isst nur noch relativ wenig. Auf den Körper hören wird immer wichtiger, je älter man ist ... Alles Liebe nochmals

  13. I hope never siging with anything with my bed or Hotel nomaley out standing with me.
    Japanese or American size OK with me!
    I don't like with small bed size lines..
    Hugs and happy day to you!

  14. There is nothing so annoying as sheets that are not big enough

  15. That is funny why there is different sizings. But how wonderful to be a talented seamstress and be able to size things exactly how you need them!! I can hardly sew on a button. ;)
    Happy Tuesday Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  16. I'm the one who need your talent (or my mother's, haha) as a seamstress, you must know why(^^;) Besides mine;I have a couple of my husband's trousers which need to alter the length (because of his handicap, he doesn't want to try in front of the staff except the fashionable ones). Using sewing machine is always a hard task for me p;) Have a wonderful week, Dearest Mariette;

    Sending you lots of love and hugs to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  17. You my dear are one Smart lady! Wow, you did an amazing job...and that only comes out right with your talent! Thanks for sharing, I will remember just in case. I never buy sheets here in Ecuador, somehow they're not standard to the American ones for our King size bed, therefore, I just buy them in the USA only.
    Thanks for your lovely comment on our vacation and I'm sorry about what happened to Peater and his camera... there are no honest people left anywhere!

  18. this is a brilliant solution for the differences in sizing of bedding. Thank you for sharing your creative solution ...hugs, Celia M. (HHL)


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