
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

{Storage Box Roller Casters Added}

One great advantage of following other bloggers is to pick up some great ideas once in a while. Blogger friend Daniela from the blog: Frugal Ain't Cheap, is such an example. You will find two links below this post from where I got this idea for adding Roller Casters to our Storage Box in the garage. Thanks Daniela!
We used to keep this on our balcony to store the chaise's cushions.
With our remodeled attic we now can keep them there, nearby the balcony, for use.
It is a Suncast Resin Deluxe Deck Box with Seat from and now it is in our garage as a favorite lounge area for our felines.
You see the Roller Casters underneath...
Pieter glued some planks underneath with the casters attached.
Detail of such a Roller Caster that we got at The Home Depot, together with those planks and they are cheap.
Photo taken from the spot where usually our car is parked. This is the corner where it is stored and easily rolls out of the way with items piled on top.
You like it?

Related links:
How to make a rolling basket and "new" coffee table - blogger friend Daniela's example of using casters
Ikea dresser turned into kitchen recycle/trash cart - blogger friend Daniela's clever idea with casters
{Our Balcony} | previous post by me where you can see this storage box on the balcony...


  1. The dear kitties have a nice warm place to sleep. I did think, they might have slept inside?????
    They are very lucky to have a cosy place.
    Hugs Kay

  2. Dear Mariette,

    Such a great idea having the storage box on casters.
    Have an enjoyable week

  3. Liebe Mariette,


    Alles Liebe

  4. Goed gedaan, grappig dat de poezen het zo fijn vinden daarop te liggen. Ik zie ook een paar mooie fietsen staan eentje met een hondenmandje? Of gaan de poezen daar ook in mee?
    Groetjes, Marianne

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    what a great idea with the roller casters underneath! makes life so much easier!
    Have a wonderful week,
    Love and hugs,
    P.S. When did you post the letter? Nothing arrived jet :O(

  6. Hoi Mariette,

    Handige tip,Pieter steekt weer de handen uit de mouwen en rollen maar........
    Ook ik heb zo'n handige man die de houten kist met klepdeksel gekocht bij hobby doe het zelf zaak zo'n 19 jaar geleden toen al voorzag van zwenkwieltjes,de eerste jaren deed de kist dienst voor het kinderspeelgoed zoals puzzels,leesboekjes etc. van kleinkinderen,later kreeg kist een blauwe beitskleur en belande in de keuken om mijn broodbakbenodigheden in op te bergen,hij maakte van de voorkant ook een scharnierende klep met haakje,zodat ik niet telkens dat wat er óp kist stond hoefde weg te pakken om erbij te kunnen.
    Inmiddels hebben de wieltjes al heel wat kilometers afgelegd en staat nu al weer poosje boven en heeft weer een andere functie gekregen.

    Fijne dag en lieve groet,

  7. Dearest Mariette this is such a s fabulous idea... thank you for sharing it. There is so much creativity in BlogLand... hugs and blessings, Celia M. (HHL)

  8. Wow Mariette, I love it! Your friend Daniela has got such a smart idea. That must make moving the storage box so much easier!
    I have the same Eat Mor Chikin cow as yours :-)

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    eine Aufbewahrungsbox mit Rollen erleichtert einem das Leben.
    Das ist eine gute Idee.
    Einen angenehmen Tag wünscht

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    What a great, simple idea. I've always stayed away from large storage containers due to the difficulty of moving them. You've solved the problem.
    More rain, but it's soft and warm so kind of enjoyable when taking Winterpup out.
    Enjoy your day.....*s*

  11. Dear Mariette,
    this is a very clever idea indeed!!What a lovely place for the kitties!!Thank you for sharing!!
    Have a wonderful week!!Hugs!!

  12. It is indeed a very good idea and now you can move your container very easily. I have visited Daniela's blog which is full of practical solutions. Thank you, dear Mariette!!!
    Lots of hugs!!!!

  13. Ja inderdaad, mooi idee! En wat een prachtig opgeruimde garage hebben jullie,
    helemaal geweldig!
    Fijne dag!

  14. lieve mariette ,
    Inderdaad een goed idee ...en wat hebben jullie een ruime garage ...
    en nog netjes opgeruimd ...
    een fijne dag.....veel liefs

  15. I seriously need to do this in our big pool toy box, love the idea Mariette and appreciate you visiting my blog! Following you back on google+

  16. Grazie Mariette! Your garage looks so organized, and now with the casters under the storage box, you can easily move it. Very nice.

  17. Oh, fabulous idea and isn't it wonderful your husband can put the idea in use♡♡♡ I remember I was so happy to find the small rice container which has casters for our little kitchen cabinet♪♪♪

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    Great idea blogger friend Dariela! Idea for adding roller caster to our storage Bx in the garage.
    Your remodeled aatlic you mow can keep them. The balcony,for use.
    You see the roller casters undemeah. Depot together with those planks and they are cheap.
    Your Pieter glusd some planks undemlath with the casters attached....
    Thank you for sharing!
    Yesterday was my golfing was so miserable and frustrated bad day!
    hugs a lovely to always!

  19. Great and very practical idea, dear Mariette! Thank you for sharing!
    Hugs from Rhodes, Greece!


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