
Thursday, September 25, 2014


As promised earlier, here is my GIVEAWAY for English speaking readers, since it is written in English.
Just LOVED this book; not for trying to lose weight but for EATING healthy and especially in regard to Diabetes type 2 and Pre-Diabetes.
What I learned from this book especially is Rule #18: Finish eating your meals by 8:00 PM for having a better and healthier sleep too. Makes sense! All babies are being fed on a very regular schedule, so where did we all get side-tracked?
Yes, BOB HARPER is a world-renowned fitness trainer and star of the NBC reality series The Biggest Loser, which finished its thirteenth season in 2012.
His way of writing is also full of humor!
Being Bob Harper appeared in the Costco Connection on June, 2012 (click it) on 
Pages 26, 27 and 28.
Page 27
Page 28
His book I only can highly recommend to anyone wanting to find out more about eating healthy!
The book also is full of practical, easy to follow recipes.
Harper's approach on Page 18, about going vegan...
'But after a few years, the benefits start to wane. I was fatigued. And I was getting... soft, which is not a particularly good thing if you are the trainer for a show called The Biggest Loser...
Page 57 - We like potatoes so much we're beginning to look like them.
Page 65 - Let us now come to your pancreas and liver. Chronic eating of concentrated sugars and bad fats tells the organs to make more insulin and more blood fat, as your muscles become resistant to the insulin. This is called type 2 diabetes. 
Page 77  Salt - Puffy bags under the eyes...
Page 161 about PROTEINS
Protein helps keep blood sugar and insulin in check, making it easier to maintain weight loss and keeping chronic diseases like diabetes and high cholesterol at bay.
Guess this did give you a good insight into what type of book it is.
Very beneficial for all those that like to prevent Diabetes Type 2 or even Pre-Diabetes.
For the year 2050 it is said that one in three could end up having the disease. You can read more in my previous article, via link below. 
You can either order THE SKINNY RULES book at Amazon (click) or get a FREE copy as a GIVEAWAY if you manage the English language. 
How can you earn this FREE book?
Go to my website: Mariette's Back to Basics and click on my Google+ Page button and follow.
Once on my Google+ Page, leave a message there.
If you do Tweet about my Google+ Page let me know via: AngelsnRosebuds
From my website, you can have another entry when going to the top right and click on the FB Page logo. Click LIKE  and do leave me a message; making sure to do so UNDER any story that is on my Timeline.
If you again do Tweet about my FB Page, or share, let me know and that too counts as an entry.
Ends September 30, 8:00 PM EST

Related link:
{Diabetes Type 2, & Iranian Medicine about Sesame Seed Paste or Tahini} | previous post


  1. Replies
    1. Dearest Helen,
      Learned a lot from reading this book and it also did underline lots of things...

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    this sounds like a great Book!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Happy week to you,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      It sure is a very informative book and rather helpful.

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, dieser Mann ist klasse!
      Liebe Grüsse,

  4. Hoi Mariette,net terug van een heerlijke vakantie bij onze oosterburen,we verbleven in een charmant landhuishotel waar we wat eten en drinken betreft werkelijk niks te kort kwamen.
    Even heerlijk niks moet alles mag,dus je zal begrijpen dat we eenmaal thuis weer een beetje op gaan letten wat er op tafel komt,nu wil dat absoluut niet zeggen dat de koks ons vette hap voorschotelde,maar wanneer je bij zo'n uitgebreid ontbijtbuffet staat en je ziet al dat lekkers wil je nog wel eens meer eten dan thuis,en wat te denken van de overheerlijke Kaffee und Kuchen met pruimen die in de ochtend nog aan de boom hingen in eigen boomgaard en 's middags in het gebak,een voordeel in de Schlagsahne zit geen suiker;-)
    Jij gaat vast iemand van je vele volgers blij maken met deze give away.
    Doe zelden tot nooit mee aan give away en heb veel kookboeken maar niet een dieetboek,ik volg op mijn manier aardig wat mensen in mijn omgeving die zichzelf te dik vinden en het ene dieetboek na het andere kopen en lezen,de meeste vallen dan in korte tijd veel af maar vervallen daarna al weer snel in hun oude eetpatroon en worden nog zwaarder dan dat ze al waren.
    Afvallen is big business. Maar al die dieetboeken verkopen eigenlijk gebakken lucht,als je echt structureel gewicht wilt verliezen is er een gedragsverandering nodig en dat is een langdurig en zwaar proces.
    Ik volg wat dat betreft mijn dochter op de voet,zij heeft nog nooit een dieet gevolgd maar wel haar eetpatroon ''drastisch'' veranderd en ze is daardoor al weer vele jaren op een mooi gewicht.
    Ze is en blijft een Bourgondisch type maar eet alles met mate en soms neemt ze genoegen met 'n hapje voor de smaak.
    Ik vind het bijzonder knap van haar wat ze doet.

    Zo, ik ga eens kijken wat manlief in de keuken aan het doen is,het zal vanaf vandaag wel weer een ''normale'' lunch worden.

    Fijne dag en lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Fijn dat jullie weer een mooie vakantieperiode achter de rug hebben met lekker eten en al. Ja, daar kan men van genieten, zolang de gezondheid dit toe staat.
      Nee, om af te vallen heb ik nog nooit een boek in huis gehaald. Dit boek is echter veel meer gericht op gezond leven en om b.v. de suiker, die vaak tot pre-diabetes en diabetes type 2 leidt, uit je dagelijkse voedselpatroon te schrappen. Het onderlijnt eigenlijk wat wij al jaren deden, veel groente en fruit eten, veel vis, wat kip en zo min mogelijk rood vlees. Ook alles met witte bloem (brood, gebak of wat dan ook) vermijden.
      Ja, het gaat puur om discipline and die Bob Harper is wereldwijd bekend om een goede trainer te zijn voor diegenen die het zelf níet redden. Hij ziet er ook goed uit zelf en hij schrijft met veel humor!
      Lieve groetjes,

  5. Ich komme problemlos in Deinen Blog, liebe Mariette. Vielleicht hattest Du nachts das Problem? Dann arbeitet Blogger wohl am System.

    Darf man in USA die Buchauszüge öffentlich stellen? Bei uns ist das verboten, einige tun es dennoch. Hier lauern immer die Abmahnanwälte. NIcht mal die Buchcover dulden manche Verlage, online zu stellen!Oder nur im Zusammenhang mit Buchbesprechungen oder unter "freundlicher Genehmigung" - also vorheriger Anfrage ;-) Wobei die Cover auch unbearbeitet bleiben sollen ...

    Aber andere Länder, andere Sitten (Gesetze) ...

    Was das Gewicht halten betrifft, bin ich zu dem Schluss gekommen, daß Regelmäßigkeit wichtig ist, auch bei den Mahlzeiten, 3 Mahlzeiten reichen völlig aus im Abstand von mindestens 4 Stunden. Keine Süßigkeiten, nur Vollwertprodukte, also keine Auszugsmehle, kein Fabrikzucker. Kaltgepresste Öle, ein Drittel Rohkost täglich. Und ausreichend Bewegung, insgesamt FDH - (iss die Hälfte, so sagt man bei uns). Bei mir klappt das seit Jahren.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Mitlerweilen gelingt es mir auch wieder im Blog zu kommen!
      Ja, mein schreiben ist ja kein Plagiat in dem Sinn und ich vermelde ja auch den Link zum Buch von Bob Harper und sogar hat er via FB Page auch zwei mal davon Bericht.
      Du hättest Recht wenn ich nur den Text verwendet hätte in meinem Blog aber keine Sorgen!
      Die pinke Wörter sind ja meine Hyperlinks und die führen zum Buchverkauf etc.
      Haha, du schreibst 'iss die Hälfte' aber wenn man Googlet dann kommt da 'Friss die Hälfte...'. Ich glaube so esse ich schon Jahrzehnten, nicht das ich die Hälfte auf dem Teller lasse, aber einfach genug für meinem Magen und nicht jede Mengen wie man ab und zu Leute siehte als wäre es das letzte zum essen...
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  6. Scusa Mariette non so se ho compreso bene. In questo libro si parla di dieta mi sembra. Guarda, da qualche mese ho dovuto cominciare anche io, le analisi mediche non hanno dato scampo.....devo dimagrire e tanto! Speriamo bene....Un abbraccio. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Sì, questo è principalmente un trainer, famosa nel mondo, per persone famose, ma obese. Ma il suo approccio è così buono e lui è duro, ma divertente e punteggi grandi risultati tutto il tempo. Lui spiega molto circa l'impatto degli alimenti buoni e cattivi così ho imparato mólto circa il pericolo di zucchero e il danno che fa al corpo nel tempo... Mangiare più verdure fresche e frutta, tagliare lo zucchero, nemmeno bere succhi di frutta. Non bere le calorie, lui avverte!
      Abbracci a te e buona fortuna.

  7. Dear Mariette
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Dearest Kajsa,
      You are quite welcome!
      Hugs and happy weekend...

  8. Dear Mariette,i'm so sorry that you cannot get in to Blogger,what is the problem?
    The book sounds very interesting!Thank you for sharing!
    Have a lovely day!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Early this morning I finally managed, it was a weird Internet problem and I could access Facebook, my Google Mail but nothing else...
      Glad I now can start making my rounds, late as we had a very busy day!
      The way Bob Harper explains about good and bad food is so helpful; no wonder he is such an enormous success!
      Hugs to you,

  9. OMG!!! I DO hope your problem get fixed soon, Dearest Mariette.
    This book seems to have such great advice.

    Wishing you will be able to find the answer as soon as possible, Dear friend.
    Sincerely from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Yes, I'm back on line. A partial Internet problem that could not be explained as I had access to Facebook and also Google Mail but not to Blogger... This morning it got resolved.
      The book is very educational and I learned a lot and other things he kind of underlined.
      Hugs to you,

  10. Sounds like a very good book Mariette! Thanks for the giveaway. That quinoa salad you made looks delicious, too.

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      It is a very valuable book and written in an excellent way; not to many words but to the point and laced with some humor as well. Great recipes too.
      Yes, the quinoa salad was a great idea from Whole Foods and I managed to copy it rather well by listing those ingredients.
      Hugs to you and good luck with the book!

  11. Dearest Mariette, I was talking with Dimi earlier on the telephone and she told me you had problems with Blogger. I hope all is fixed by now!!
    What an interesting giveaway!!! I would certainly be very pleased to win this book!!!!
    From the pages you show, it also looks very pleasant to read!!
    Many hugs to you!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      It sure makes a very pleasant read; to the point and not cutting corners. He tells it as it is and adds his humor and wit. Well, he wrote it with a friend; so two guys are to be credited for this. On FB Page I learned that he just published another book with Recipes. There are already several in this one.
      Hugs to you from a happy me because today I had full Internet access again. Now I need to catch up from two evenings...

  12. Thanks for your information Mariette, i didn`t know about him but now i'll never forget it
    Sin pereza

    1. Dearest Leticia,
      He sure is a very big name and quite successful. Tough but he proves year after year that it works. Like you constantly do, mentioning the impact of the food we eat and how we eat it. It all makes sense and I was happy for learning a few things while reading.
      Sending you hugs,

  13. Both my husband and I really like Bob Harper!!

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      He is such a straight forward, no nonsense guy and he has proven that his way WORKS! Love his writing, he is not using too many words but gives you the basics and explains why and how.

  14. Used to love watching that show. Now I don't watch any tv at all. For me, going vegetarian and then vegan were very easy because it came from my heart and is the right thing for me. There are plenty of vegan athletes out there who aren't soft at all. Everyone certainly has to do what feels right for them. There's so much research. I like to enlighten and sift through it . Some things are just common sense. I enjoy eating healthy food. No more fast food for this gal, unless it is fast food I make at home. :) Have healthy, happy day. Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      You do approach life the correct way by eating very healthy. When we lived in Indonesia we ate a lot more vegetarian meals and loved them, so we continued doing so at home. Fish and once in a while we add chicken meat but mostly vegetarian too. Coming from The Netherlands we were not so used to fast food back in the early 80s so we never went for that here in the USA. Sure it takes more time to prepare for shopping fresh ingredients and cooking at home but it is the best thing to do. Got very positive results yesterday from my physician about my blood work so I am eating and drinking (water!) right.
      Stay both healthy too and wishing you another happy week.


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