
Friday, October 31, 2014

{Grand Canyon South Rim Motorcoach Tour}

From the scenic Grand Canyon Railway train ride, we did board onto the Grand Canyon South Rim Motorcoach, for viewing the different lookout points. 
This was all included in our Grand Canyon Railroad Hotel package!
Husband Pieter viewing the AMAZING Grand Canyon...

So glad we did also add this Grand Canyon Motorcoach Tour  ←(click it) to our hotel and train package! Below, you will find links about previous Grand Canyon posts.
The ULTIMATE ADVENTURE measures: 277 river miles long, up to 18 miles wide, and an average depth of one mile!
No photo can actually capture what you experience while standing at one of the Grand Canyon South Rim's view points...
Grand Canyon Village Shuttle Bus Routes, Points of Interest ←click to open pdf
FREE Shuttle Bus in Grand Canyon Village!!!
This is such a bus stop; Mohave Point and you can see it on the map above, better of course from the Pdf.
This is the view at Mohave point... you better wear good shoes for safety and don't go too close to the rim!
Not bad from my iPad...
Mohave Point, Grand Canyon National Park ←click to see almost identical photo.
Husband Pieter captured me with our Nikon...
Here I am almost out on a limb when taking this photo with my iPad...
You can see Mohave Point marked yellow on this Pdf map from Grand Canyon National Park - The official news paper; just click link and select page 7.
Still at Mohave Point, taken with Nikon.
Do you see the Colorado river also to the right, above the red rocks?
Another iPad shot from the red limestone rocks.
Looking down at the Colorado river...
Always climbing over rough terrain...
Pieter holding on to his cap! It flew away once and I just could retrieve it...
We have been so lucky with the weather during our entire 7 days in Arizona!
Talking about winds that make your cap fly away; Hopi Point is at an elevation of 7,071 feet or 2,155 meters.
The above and following photos at Hopi Point, I took with the Nikon camera while Pieter sat down on the curb for a rest.
Amazing views and it is SO HUGE!
Since this was on Sunday, Labor Day weekend, there were lots of people at the Grand Canyon.
These photos I managed to take without anyone obstructing the view.
Hopefully this did give you a little impression of the Grand Canyon's South Rim.
Thanks for watching...

Related links:
{Riding the Grand Canyon Railway} | previous post by me


  1. it is truly a marvel! it has been over 30 years since i've been there. thanks for sharing these views!

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Glad you got to see it when you were young. We were in Scottsdale 28 and 27 years ago but did not have the funds for making it to the Grand Canyon then.

  2. Hello Mariette, An absolutely amazing site, the Grand Canyon. And these are some of the most dramatic pictures I've seen of it!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Thank you and it does take your breath away! Photos hardly can capture its magnitude...
      Kindest regards,

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    this must have been a spectacular Tour! Great and amazing pictures! Thank you for sharing!
    Happy rest of october,
    Love and hugs,
    Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      It truly was a spectacular train ride and this motorcoach tour followed right after arrival. That's what we opted for, to be brought to all those fabulous lookout spots.
      Glad to share this, it might help others...
      Hugs and love,

  4. Dearest Μariette,
    It is truly a miracle of nature. You're very lucky. I love the wonders of nature and I want to travel around the world .Beautiful photos!
    Hugs to you,

    1. Dearest Georgette,
      Oh, it sure is one of nature's miracles and so well preserved, from the times of the dinosaurs right up to our era! Thank your for your kind words, so happy to share with all of you.

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    ich war zwar nicht genau an diesen Aussichtspunkten, aber ich war schon am Grand Canyon und es ist wirklich ein großes Erlebnis. Danke für die Auffrischung der Erinnerungen.
    Liebe Grüße,

    1. Liebe Johanna,
      Vermutlich warst du an die Nord Seite wo jetzt das Plateau aus Glass angebaut ist zum herumlaufen. Dass ist aber auserhalb das Grand Canyon National Park und gehört den Indianer. Da darf man auch nicht fotografieren und man bezahlt etwa $ 90.00 um da zu stehen. Da dachte ich, nein, wenn man schon hingeht, so weit vom Haus, dann soll man auch frei herumlaufen und auch fotografieren können. Also haben wir uns entschlossen dieser South Rim zu besuchen. Meistens kommen die Touristen aus Las Vegas oder Hoover Dam, nur an den North Rim...
      Liebe Grüsse,

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich, und ich danke dir ganz herzlich für deinen schönen Post.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke und es macht mir Freude mit euch zu teilen.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  7. Hola amiga querida el año pasado estuve con mis 5 niños en el gran cañon del Colorado , una maravillosa experiencia , con esa increíble formación rocosa

    1. Querida Angélica,
      Tan feliz para ti y toda tu familia por haber visto esta maravilla de la madre naturaleza! Los enanos del río Colorado en este gran escenario...

  8. Mooie foto's, Het is geweldig als je daar staat en al die verschillende kleuren ziet. Je kunt je haast niet de diepte en grootte voorstellen. Echt indrukwekkend.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Dank je en ja, wát een ervaring en te bedenken dat het al gevormd werd ten tijde dat de dinosaurussen nog rond stampten op onze aarde... Het is een mijl diep, oftewel 1,600 meter. Heel indrukwekkend en bijna onmogelijk om te 'vangen' in een foto. Zelfs opnames vanuit een helicopter zijn nog ver van de werkelijkheid.

  9. This is such a great view, Mariette! Grand view, it's really impossible to capture this great nature in one shot but your photos are amazing! I feel a bit nervous to be very close to the rim. Guardrail makes me feel relieved :-) I've been to Grand Canyon twice but there are so much left to see. Your posts made me want to go visit there again!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      You are right, impossible to capture its full magnitude! Luckily I never have been afraid of heights but it did make us very uneasy when some youngsters got literally out on a lone rock to look cool on photo... The bus driver warned all of us for not to go to close to the Canyon's edge as each year it causes several death. Even at such heights, the winds are very strong and what if you roll over a piece of stone or wood? You're gone; forever...
      We are so pleased for having chosen to go to the South Rim, versus most tours will only bring you briefly to the one view point with glass bottom where it is even prohibited to make photos. And besides, everybody is on that same spot... It belongs to the native Indians, whether the South Rim is within the Grand Canyon National Park and is free for entering any view point. Buses ride for free the entire day to bring you from A to B.
      Hugs to you,

  10. Beautiful shots of the Grand Canyon!!! When I visited there, 22 years ago, I was with 6 colleagues and we had rented a mini-van, so we could stop at various watch points. It is a trip I will never forget!
    Thank you, dearest Mariette, for sharing your experience! Both Pieter and you look gorgeous!!!!
    Many hugs!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Happy for you and your 6 colleagues for having witnessed this marvel of nature so many years back. Oh, we don't regret having made this trip and will have forever fond memories for the rest of our lives!
      Thank you for your kind words and I'm so glad that the Giveaway finally reached you. Crazy timing for mail delivery anno 21st Century!
      Hugs to you dear,

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist ein tolles Erlebnis für jeden - ich glaube, es würde mir Angst einflößen - aber es ist
    unheimlich beeindruckend -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Oh aber wenn man Angst hat dan ist so eine Tour mit Bus perfekt und man kann dann selektiv sein und nur dort schauen wo mann sich festhalten kann. Nicht jeder ist ohne Angst für Höhe oder Tiefe... Es lohnt sich weil es wirklich sher beeindrucksvoll ist.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    Thanks for sharing such nice pictures. I am now trying to convince my husband to go there next year. Enjoy the rest of the tour.

    1. Dearest Munir,
      Glad you enjoyed the pictures and you can convince your husband that it will be a very relaxed traveling experience, if you book it right. Just stay tuned.

  13. Dear Mariette,what a wonderful place!The Grand Canyons view is breathtaking!
    Amazing nature!I really enjoyed your beautiful pictures of your lovely trip!
    Have a happy day!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Yes, it is beyond words and we were so lucky with perfect weather and all. It sure does take your breath away... one can only be in awe!
      Glad you enjoyed traveling along.
      Hugs and pleasant evening!

  14. Mamma mia,che posti Mariette!Baci,Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Certo, qui si può dire mamma mia e sono veramente posti incredibile per visualizzare le meraviglie di madre naturala.

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    Grand canyon south rim moturcoach tour, I'am very happy to hair from you has been 27 years ago
    your idea was beautiful of hotel package! at the Grand Canyon.
    Your photos Nikon Pieter's are good memoris of your husband has too all of life.
    Hugs and love to both of your!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Glad that you too are happy about the fact that we finally after 27 years, got to see the Grand Canyon! It was such a great trip and we now even have more fond memories of Arizona.
      You bet, those photos will remain fond memories for life.
      Hugs and love from both of us!

  16. che immagini spettacolari!!!!!! ti auguro un sereno fine settimana e buona festa di Ognissanti Lory

    1. Grazie Lory, questa era un'esperienza insieme indimenticabile. E sì, per noi è fine settimana tutti i Santi e non Halloween...

  17. Hello again, Mariette, Congratulations on Country #200! I admit that I had to look up Vanuatu. The next thing you know, you will start getting visitors from places like Mars or Alpha Centauri!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Haha, I too had to look it up at first, have now added the information that it is in Oceania, close to Australia... One keeps wondering indeed!
      Enjoy your weekend and kindest regards,

  18. lieve Mariette ..
    Nog meer van die mooie foto van je je mooie trip ...
    wat een schitterend uitzicht ....geweldig
    een fijn weekend

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja hoor, telkens onderdelen van onze 7-daagse trip. Erg mooie uitzichten; onbeschrijflijk en niet te vangen in een foto...!
      Ook een fijn weekend en liefs,

  19. Beautiful scenery, Mariette! I have never been to the Grand Canyon and always wanted to go. This looks like a great way to see the sights and not have to deal with the traffic. I am very sorry to hear about your friend. A young friend of mine just lost her brother and father in one week. Life can be so hard sometimes. Thinking of you and sending warm hugs. xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you for your kind words and oh, this trip was so worthwhile taking together. We have such fond memories. Life has happy moments and also knows deep valleys... We have to enjoy every day because one never knows!

  20. You have been on some lovely holidays this year. It was lovely to see the pictures of the Grand canyon.
    Take care of your self.
    Hugs Kay.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Yes you are right, so glad we did work this vacation in. Fond memories forever.
      Hugs to you,

  21. Wow, the Grand Canyon South Rim Motorcoach☆☆☆ What a magnificent pictures and great captures of grand place(^_^)v I've never been to America; your pictures really makes me wish to visit the Grand Canyon. Well, just I 'm afraid of heights p:-)

    I truly wish you are feeling fine and having wonderful weekend, my friend.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      It was such a good idea to first ride this motorcoach that brings you to all these spectacular overiew places for great photos. The weather was just perfect that day too. With these first impressions we did board again the Southbound Train and back to dinner at our Railway Hotel for a last night. Next day we drove back to the Grand Canyon National Park to spend 2 nights in one of their great lodges.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
