
Monday, October 6, 2014


On September 23, I did start my GIVEAWAY for English speaking readers, to win the book: THE SKINNY RULES.
Readers only had to go to my website: Mariette's Back to Basics and click on my Google+ Page button and follow.
Once on my Google+ Page, leave a message there.
If you do Tweet about my Google+ Page let me know via: AngelsnRosebuds
From my website, you can have another entry when going to the top right and click on the FB Page logo. Click LIKE  and do leave me a message; making sure to do so UNDER any story that is on my Timeline.
If you again do Tweet about my FB Page, or share, let me know and that too counts as an entry.
Ends September 30, 8:00 PM EST
Well, only 2 English speaking ladies did click through to my Google+ Page of Mariette's Back to Basics LLC and they were: +Deborah Montgomery and +Marie-Anne Barelier-Synodinou 
On my FB Page Mariette's Back to Basics LLC it was only Marie-Anne who liked my page so that made her the winner for this book!
Even if I did leave Deborah a message on her FB on September 25th, with the link for having another chance, she obviously did not check it yet... Sorry Deborah!
Congratulations to you Marie-Anne and please do email me your mailing address in Greece so this book will be on its way to you!
Enjoy a happy new week!
And yes, on October 23, I will start posting about our trip to Arizona and to the Grand Canyon.
All other posts I had lined up as they would no longer make much sense when posted later.


  1. Hola Marietta querida ! ! Que tenga un buen inicio de semana

    1. Dearest Angélica,
      Wishing you the very same; enjoy the lovely spring season!

  2. Dearest Mariette,

    Congratulations to the winner of your giveaway.
    Happy new week
    sending hugs

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Thank you and this book is really a great source of information and Marie-Anne will sure love it.
      Happy new week to you as well.

  3. Oh Mariette, I had already liked your FB page . . . at least it says I did . . . but that's okay, I'm happy for your winner!

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      So sorry you never opened my private message on your FB, that I did send you on September 25th with the link. It would have been so easy to click on it instantly yielded you equal chances of winning! Will email you this separately so you can see it!
      It is a lovely book that's for sure!

  4. lieve Mariette ...
    Wat leuk dat het prijsje na Maria-Anne gaat ..Wij zijn in contact gekomen via haar blogje ...
    proficiat Marie-Anne en veel leesplezier ermee ...
    Een hele fijne week ..veel liefs

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja ja, het gaat naar Griekenland en het is ook erg fijn dat jullie elkaar persoonlijk hebben leren kennen! Ze zal er zeker veel leesplezier aan hebben en ook praktische tips.
      Ook een hele fijne oktoberweek en liefs.

  5. Congratulations to the winner of the giveaway book. Dearest Mariette;

    And yes, looking forward to the post of your trip to Arizona and to the Grand Canyon, my friend.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      There is always so much to do but yes, you will get to read about our Arizona trip too!
      Pieter has to give a lecture and I have to work that out first; lots of typing for me...
      Hugs and happy October week to you dear friend!

  6. Dear Mariette,congratulations to our friend Marie Anne!
    The book will be useful to her!
    Have a lovely week!! Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      We are happy for Marie-Anne that she won it and it is a useful book for all of us I guess; at least I love mine!
      Wishing you a lovely Octoberweek and sending you hugs and sunshine.

  7. Dearest Mariette,

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. My daughters and I were touched by your beautiful words.

    I enjoyed your blog post on health food. It's good to read that a lot of the things we eat are on the list!

    Wishing you and Pieter a Happy week!

    Madelief x

    1. Dearest Madelief,
      You are so welcome! What you didn't know was that I too was so touched by the title of your blog post: The last roses
      It is because just this week, Pieter recalled the death of a former colleague, who died young... He sang at his graveside, together with one more colleague, 'Auf der Heide blüh'n die letzten Rosen'...

      Auf der Heide blüh'n die letzten Rosen
      Braune Blätter fallen müd vom Baum
      Und der Herbstwind küsst die Herbstzeitlosen
      Mit dem Sommer flieht manch Jugendtraum
      Möcht einmal noch wie damals kosen
      Möcht vom Frühling träumen und vom Glück
      Auf der Heide blüh'n die letzten Rosen
      Ach die Jugendzeit kehrt nie zurück
      Versunken ist die Frühlingszeit
      Kein Vogel singt im Lindenhain
      Die Welt verliert ihr Blütenkleid
      Und bald wird Winter sein
      Verlassen ist der Holderstrauch
      An dem ich einst geküsst
      Es blieb ein Duft der wie ein Hauch
      Aus fernen Tagen ist

      Auf der Heide blüh'n die letzten Rosen
      Braune Blätter fallen müd vom Baum
      Und der Herbstwind küsst die Herbstzeitlosen
      Mit dem Sommer flieht manch Jugendtraum
      Möcht einmal noch wie damals kosen
      Möcht vom Frühling träumen und vom Glück
      Auf der Heide blüh'n die letzten Rosen
      Ach die Jugendzeit kehrt nie zurück

      Holde Jugend, holde Jugend
      kämst du einmal doch zu mir zurück

      (Robert Stolz / B. Balz)

      Life is never easy and roses do have thorns!

      Hugs to you and your girls,


  8. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist Grund zur Freude.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, auf jedem Fall für eine Person!
      Ganz sonnige und liebe Grüsse,

  9. Dearest Mariette,
    I am so happy to be the winner of your giveaway!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for this precious and lovely gift!
    I definitely need to loose weight and I look forward to receiving the book and start trying....!!!!!
    I will of course let you know as soon as I get it in the mail.
    Thanks also to all your blogfriends for their kind comments!
    I will also look forward to your post about Arizona and the Grand Canyon!! I had the chance of visiting there some 20 years ago but at that time I had no digital camera and so I only have a photo album reminding me this wonderful experience.
    Many many hugs and renewed thanks, my dear friend!!! Have a nice week!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      You are quite welcome; it just worked out that way and you better enjoy it!
      Time is pushing us through the year fast and there is often so much to do; but yes, I will post about Arizona later this month!
      Good for you that you have still fond memories on your retina and isn't it tough to think about our travels back than without any digital camera?
      Hugs from Georgia/USA and your book is on its way to you!

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    I'am very happy with your congratustion to the WINNER of the giveaway book Dearest Mariette!
    I has so many things and you are interalting with each other world. That makes a huge for our ealth.
    While on vacation happy time with Pieter many of the birds beautiful of both a happy with nice time.
    Hugs a lovely to both of you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Guess the winner will be happy with this book and it is good for anyone's health.
      We have been on vacation in Arizona from August 30 till September 5... but I am not yet able to post about it. But you will get to read about it and see photos.
      We had a fabulous time together and will do this more often!
      Hugs and love to you,

  11. Congratulations to the winner! I've been to Grand Canyon long time ago. Enjoyed beautiful view there. I look forward to your posts! Have a wonderful new week xoxo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Good for you for having been there. We did enjoy it tremendously; beyond expectations the entire Arizona trip!
      Glad to make someone happy with this book and it is a very valuable one, at least I learned a lot from mine.
      Enjoy your cooler mornings and evenings in Georgia. This afternoon we had tea on the balcony in the sun, it was warm but quickly the temperature goes down again. But it feels great!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
