
Saturday, December 6, 2014

{How the Dutch Brought Us Santa, Presents, and Treats}

Just have to share this great find with you around the very popular Dutch Saint Nicholas or 'SINTERKLAAS' celebration.
On December 5th, for the adults and December 6th, for the little children the Dutch celebrate their gift giving.
How the Dutch Brought Us Santa, Presents, and Treats by Peter G. Rose. 
She did an excellent job!
How many of you did know about this historical fact?
Now you can read Peter G. Rose's excellent book: Delicious December: How the Dutch Brought Us Santa, Presents, and Treats: A Holiday Cookbook ←click it to have some page insight at Barnes & Noble.
Also available at where I got mine...
Treats for the Saint Nicholas season, as shown here in a 1995 Dutch Nouveau magazine.
You can read about and even find RECIPES for making your own Saint Nicholas or SINTERKLAAS treats! Many of which are already very popular here in the USA!
Shown above is Black Pete, Saint Nicholas' helper and there has been a tremendous outpour against the 'few' that wanted to do away with him.
Dutch court rules in favor of 'Black Pete' ←click link.
It is obvious that this AGE OLD tradition has to STAY!
To the left is shown a Dutch book about the festive finale, the way December is being celebrated in my birth country The Netherlands.
It was a special gift from dear Dutch friends and is an exclusive edition by De, 1981.
Writer Peter G. Rose did a fabulous job in listing all the Treats, just like being found in this Dutch version.
My Sewing Creation napkin with gold DMC thread done on my serger.
I've also quilted (by machine) placemats to go with them.
Shown is a scented French candle from Point A La Ligne and the Mason's Mandalay Chartreuse tea cup & saucer with cigarette holder in which I keep demitasse spoons.
If you still need to find out for the coming Christmas Season about: {Difference Between Coffee & Tea Cups} you can read my MOST popular all time post.
Next post will also be about 'Of Sint and Santa'...
Such an important historic tradition!

Related link:
{TIP New Purpose for Cigarette Holder} | previous post by me
{Merry Christmas 2014} | later post by me showing my sewing creation 


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    these are wonderful books! Well, I did know some about the historie of St. Nikolaus, but I guess, in every nation it is a little bit different ...But it is lovely, to have all facts and recipes in a wonderful book :O)
    Happy SantaClaus and a wonderful 2.nd Advent-Weekend!
    love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Such books about age old traditions and the history from Saint Nicholas to Santa, are a treasure. Thank you very much for your Happy Saint Nicholas and start of 2nd Advent Weekend!
      Wishing you the very same.

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist wunderschön.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja so etwas soll auch nicht verloren gehen nach Jahrhunderten!
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  3. Hej Mariette, een prachtig boek. Ik had het al even bekeken n.a.v jouw reactie op mijn blog. De andere boeken van Peter.G.Rose lijken mij ook erg interessant. In Nederland vieren wij toch echt Sinterklaas (jong en oud) op 5 december (pakjesavond). Op 6 december is er geen spoor meer van Sinterklaas en zijn Pieten te bekennen. Veel leesplezier en fijn Sinterklaasfeest als je het viert, lieve groet

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja dit zijn waardevolle boeken die die historische feiten nog eens mooi weergeven; compleet met lekkere recepten. Geinig dat je zo schrijft dat er op 6 december geen spoor meer van Sinterklaas en zijn Pieten te bekennen is! Ja, als kinderen vonden wij de pakjes altijd in de morgen van de 6de.
      Wij vieren het hier als zodanig niet meer, maar toch fijne herinneringen! Hopelijk hadden jullie een leuke avond.

  4. Ja dat hele Zwarte Piet gedoe hier was niet normaal. Er werd van alles bij gehaald wat er niets mee te maken had. Het heeft de glans van het feest er wel een beetje afgehaald dit jaar.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Jámmer is zoiets dat een kleine, luidruchtige minderheid het altijd zo kan verpesten voor de rest! Het is net als met kleingeld, dat hoor je maar de papieren biljetten die hoor je niet...
      Voor de kleintjes is het met name jámmer; het kan zo mooi zijn!

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    This is such a lovely post!! Your books about Sinterklaas and the festivities look so interesting!
    I very much liked your vignette with your beautiful tea cup and saucer on the Christmas napkin. And, as I always tell you, I even learned a new word from you -the serger! I did know the name of this machine in greek only, and thought this is a professional machine, whilst you have one at home!
    Happy Saint Nicholas day, dear friend! We will also celebrate my husband Nicos' name-day tomorrow and I am busy with the preparations!
    Many hugs!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you so much and it is so full of fond memories too, I had to share this on the eve of Saint Nicholas's birthday! Wish I had had some chocolate letters for the photo but this worked well. Oh, all those terms for sewing etc. we learn over the years; often the hard way. So therefore I never forget! English is not my mother tongue either...
      Enjoy your very special Saint Nicholas day as it is your dear husband's name-day. Glad that you are still keeping that tradition alive. Greece has so many of these age-old and warm, loving traditions. In that regard you are rich in culture!
      Sending you hugs and love; to both of you.

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    was für wundervolle Bücher - es gibt so viele schöne Rezepte und Ideen -
    die Kerze ist einfach toll - beim Betrachten deines Bildes könnte man sich gleich an den Tisch setzen und genießen...

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Danke und ja diese Rezepte und Ideen sind schon Jahrhunderte alt und deswegen eben noch viel wertvoller. Ich mag diese Zeit sehr und besonders weil es nicht im Streit ist mit das pure Weihnachten. Es war drausen so lecker bei 23°C das ich tatsächlich meinem Tee da getrunken habe nachdem ich die Bilder gemacht hatte!
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  7. Those books sounds wonderful to learn history and enjoy pictures! And I love how you displayed it. Gorgeous tea set and napkin!
    Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you and they are such a valuable asset for learning more about this nation's history. Of course being Dutch by birth makes me proud of the fact that they played such an important role in the USA in the 17th Century.
      The tea set is gorgeous and I was looking for my china with 'some' Christmas colors. Green is always fine.
      Happy weekend to you and enjoy your kids.

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    You has every nation of history from saint. are treasure International agnelments for bidding racism and discrimination from helps saint Nicholas.
    For the little children the Dutch Celebrati their gift giving.
    Your lovely good tea with boiling water and TV interview video from last years!
    Wonderful book Happy Santaclaus next time!
    Hugs and Love to you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Guess that indeed many nations have their Santa culture as an offspring of Saint Nicholas. So glad that the Dutch Court ruled in favor of the age old black Pete tradition. Why would a few liberals want to destroy this for the little children?! Just because they are loud mouthed and draw media attention does not give them the right to kill this greatest celebration of the entire year. Glad the people did bond together on this and it ought to be preserved for the future.
      Thank you for your visit and let's hope that all the Dutch children had a lovely Saint Nicholas. This year it is lovely as it is followed by a weekend...
      Hugs and love,

  9. Dear Mariette,

    I was aware of this as I had a Dutch flat mate and best friend whose family are Dutch.
    Interesting to learn more of the history and the books look great.
    Happy Saint Nicholas and the start of the second Advent.

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Glad that you already got an insight into this age old Dutch tradition. Those books are a treasure, I always loved the Dutch book I had about the December celebrations and now this new American publication is a treasure. Glad that this lady took the time for all the research and for passing it on for future generations!
      We had a very quiet Saint Nicholas and we are looking forward to the second Advent with a great music program.

  10. Such lovely traditions your country has passed down to us, Mariette! The books look wonderful - I love the illustrations - and your pretty tea cloth makes a beautiful vignette. Hugs xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Oh, history has shared so many favorite things from different countries but this is very unique as it was so typically Dutch. Believe me, that new book is precious and well worth having for the recipes and ideas.
      Thank you for your compliments, had to go outside as our living room is too dark in winter time for any decent photos. This worked well.

  11. It is nice to see how different countries celebrate. I have a lovely book that talks about lots and lots of different countries traditions.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      That sure is nice to see and whichever way you look at it, St Nicholas plays a starring role in the longest party in history!

  12. Dear Mariette,the truth is that i did'nt know!
    Today is a great day at the Netherlands!Saint Nicholas is giving gifts at the little children!
    And here today is my son-in-law's,name day and we have preperetions for diner!
    Happy Saint Nicholas my friend!Flora is celebrating with the chocolate,letters,today,i'm sure!
    Wish you a lovely weekend!A BIG HUG!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Sure, Flora is right there in the country with the chocolate letters; she will understand.
      Wishing you and your loved ones a very special day for your son-in-law's name day!
      Hugs and happy 2nd Advent.

  13. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      They sure are and very valuable in regard to history!

  14. Lieve Mariette,

    Prachtige boeken vol tradities die voor het nageslacht niet verloren mogen gaan.

    En wat het vieren volksfeest van Sint Nikolaas betreft op 6 december zijn gedenkdag/sterfdag in het jaar 342 volgens de overlevering,wordt er in veel gevallen van de werkelijke datum afgeweken en geschoven en geschoven tot er een geschikte dag gevonden is,net als op eigen verjaardag die steeds minder op de dag zelf gevierd wordt.
    Iets wat ik nooit heb kunnen begrijpen,maar wie ben ik.

    Fijn weekeind en lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja, zo'n schrijfster heeft een waardevol stuk geschiedenis neergeschreven voor de komende generaties. In Nederland is Sint Nikolaas nog reuze populair, dat is nog eens goed gebleken de afgelopen jaren.
      Ja, een verjaardag verschuiven naar een weekend of een tijd dat iedereen aanwezig kán zijn s toch geen enkel punt?!
      Liefs en geniet van een knus weekend.

  15. Nice and interesting gifts give each other in the Netherlands. Regards

    1. Dearest Giga,
      A very nice age old tradition indeed. Some of the recipes also are age old and still very popular.
      Hugs and happy Advent weekend,

  16. Lovely story. Traditions are wonderful at Christmas.
    Giving is such a special part.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Such age old traditions are really wondeful.

  17. What a lovely tradition.

    God bless you on St Nicholas Day and always.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes, a lovely culture and tradition!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
