
Thursday, May 14, 2015

{Dutch King's Birthday Celebration in Atlanta, Georgia}

Okay, let's sum up what happened since our trip to Arizona... Husband Pieter had another Birthday on April 29. Next day we drove to Atlanta, to celebrate Dutch King's Birthday with a reception at Naylor Hall in Roswell. Spending one night at the +Hyatt Place Atlanta/Perimeter Center. Only to drive back next day, to Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport picking up a dear friend from The Netherlands, who stayed with us for one week.
Here you see the Dutch Honorary Consul, Ewoud N. Swaak (l) with my husband Pieter.
A nice wooden floor was placed on the lawn.
Pieter wore his Agave denim Fit Classic Rocker, in an orange charcoal pinstripe and orange cotton pique Ralph Lauren polo.
The event was being held at the Historic Naylor Hall, an 1840 mansion.
Weather was cooperating very well; far better than the previous day on husband Pieter's birthday when it rained cats and dogs...
For the event I did wear my orange Escada stretch jeans with blouse.
Lovely costumes worn by charming Dutch girls!
The Honorary Consul did speak to the crowd and we sang the national American and Dutch Anthems.
The American Anthem at the top and in Dutch, the Wilhelmus and also translated into English.
My hands holding the iPhone with which I did tape the typical Dutch Klompen Dancing.
Not such perfect ending but still okay...
Yes, I enjoyed this evening tremendously!
In the outside 'tents' they were serving typical Dutch fare...
Bitterballen, (click link for recipe!) patatje met mayonaise.
Bitterballen duo...
Kroketten ←click the link. In the past, I loved a Kalfskroket between a whole wheat bun... So yummy!
Inside Naylor Hall there was a buffet with delicious food.
Vine ripe tomato and mozzarella salad
Field greens with strawberries, pralines, goat cheese & sweet peppercorn vinaigrette
Say CHEESE...!
And more CHEESE...
Are you getting hungry yet?
Very much I enjoyed this Wild mushroom risotto with white wine & fontina cheese...
Thanks to many generous sponsors!
Hope you enjoyed it...


  1. yes, i'm very hungry! the food looks great! what a nice celebration to attend. and happy birthday to pieter!

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      This was such a wonderful evening. The weather was like a dream and unreal, considering the heavy rain on Pieter's Birthday.
      Glad you liked the food...

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    lovely pictures look so good in Orange , wonderfufl dress!
    And now I am hungry too, I love bitterballen ;O)
    Sending Love and hugs,

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Oh, you certainly would have enjoyed the food as well and it was a happy evening and feeling good in my orange.

  3. Ziet er allemaal heel gezellig uit en je past mooi met je oranjepak bij de " Dutchy girl: "fijne dag,Joan

    1. Beste Joan,
      Ja, best gezellig en dat zo ver weg van Nederland. Het is elk jaar een plezier om er naar toe te rijden.

  4. Wat een leuk Hollands feestje met bitterballen mmmmm dat moet lekker zijn geweest en al de hollandse kazen erbij. Je was in vol oranje outfit, leuk. Het dirndl-achtige delfts blauwe jurkje was wel een heel vrije interpretatie van de hollandse klederdracht :) Ach en de klompendans die hoort erbij, die hebben ze mooi uitgevoerd ondanks de komisch uitglijder aan het eind.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Het was al met al, zó ver van Nederland een heel mooi feest. Die jurkjes vond ik toch best een geinige creatie; iemand is zeer creatief geweest! Ja, jammer van die uitglijder maar het was prachtig.

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    du sorgst dafür, dass viele Appetit bekommen.
    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, wenn man soviel leckers zusammen sieht, da bekommt man Appetit.
      Liebe und sonnige Grüsse zurück.

  6. Hoi Mariette,

    Jullie vierden deze dag nog traditioneel op 30 april,voor ons is dat verleden tijd omdat Koningsdag dit jaar voor het eerst op 27 april gevierd werd, de verjaardag van Koning Willem-Alexander.
    De dag kreeg ook een andere invulling en werd in een moderner jasje gestoken,geen koekhappen en klompendans.
    Maar ik zie dat Nederland het in het buitenland nog altijd goed doet met bitterballen,kaas en klompendans;-)ziet er gezellig uit.
    Jij vierden en zag in elk geval meer van deze Koningsdag dan ik die de deur niet uit kwam.
    Maar daar kies ik zelf voor,ben nog nooit liefhebber geweest van oranjefeesten.


    1. Beste Ger,
      Het hangt er vanaf wanneer dit gevierd wordt. Het Consulaat moet kunnen en ook moet Naylor Hall beschikbaar zijn, los van allerlei andere evenementen die op dezelfde dag zouden kunnen zijn. Voor jullie is het gemakkelijk omdat 27 april een vrije dag is maar dat gaat hier in de USA natuurlijk níet op. Dus zodoende verschuift het meestal naar het weekend en ook i.v.m. het spitsuur in de metropolitan area van Atlanta, waar meer dan vijf miljoen mensen wonen.
      We hebben het altijd erg mooi gevonden om met de grote Nederlandse gemeenschap in of rond Atlanta samen te komen. Zelfs met Papa en Moeke vierden we Koninginnedag in 1987 bij de toenmalige Consul thuis, in Atlanta. Heel erg mooi en het is ook niet vergelijkbaar met de Nederlandse Koninginnedag of Koningsdag wat meestal uit straat- en pleinfeesten bestaat met vrijmarkten.
      Nederland doet het zeker goed in het buitenland en niet voor niets is dit kleine landje de grootste investeerder in onze staat Georgia. Ook voor de USA in zijn geheel behoort Nederland nog altijd tot de top investeerders. Daar zijn we natuurlijk best trots op en vandaar dat ook zulke geweldige evenementen gesponsord kunnen worden!

  7. Lovely food for a nice celebration.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Indeed a very special celebration with always great food!

  8. Liebe Maariette,
    da möchte man wirklich gern mal zugreifen.
    Ich finde es schön, dass auch in der Fremde die
    Heimat nicht vergessen wird. Dein Outfit ist so
    Einen schönen Mitwoch wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja es wäre sehr schön hier sein zu können.
      Ja, den Niederlanden hat mit Recht gute Beziehungen mit unserem Staat weil sie noch immer die grösste Investoren sind und auch ländlich gehören sie zum Top.
      Danke für deine lieben Zeilen.
      Ein schöner Himmelfahrtstag wünsche ich dir.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  9. Hi dear Mariette!! Que comida más rica !! Me dio mucha hambre !! Que tengas un lindo día !!

    1. Dearest Angélica,
      Thank you and yes, such a food buffet does make one hungry...
      Hugs to you,

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    Congratulations on your Dutch King's Birthday!!!!
    I am happy to see that you indeed enjoyed it very much!
    I also enjoyed the music and the dance of the girls!
    You and Pieter and everyone look very merry!
    Sending my wishes also for Pieter's birthday!!!
    All the best!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you, this was really a very festive period for both of us in many ways. This indeed is annually such a merry event and fun to catch up with other Dutch people. We book a hotel and usually we shop at the Costco wholesale before driving back home.
      Pieter had a special day too, even with the rain.
      Sending you hugs,

  11. Dear Mariette. That looks so fun! Always awesome with national celebrations abroad. You look so smashing in the orange outfit:-) The food looks YUM.....Big hugs

    1. Dearest Eli,
      It was a perfect evening with yummy food, great program and you will see more tomorrow...
      Thank you, orange is one of my favorite 'sunny' colors and in our climate quite appropriate.

  12. Hello Dear Mariette! I enjoyed coming along with you to the celebration - you both look so nice in your national orange colors! The Dutch girl dance was wonderful - and very complicated to remember. All of the food looks so delicious, too. Happy Belated Birthday to Pieter! I also enjoyed seeing your trip to Arizona and the Hoover Dam in the previous posts. The Dam is an amazing sight! I watched a documentary once on the building of this dam. It is an engineering marvel. Wishing you a lovely week. Hugs xo Karen

    1. Dearst Karen,
      Thank you for your birthday wishes and your visits to previous posts. Yes, we so enjoyed that engineering marvel of the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge.
      This celebration of the Dutch King's Birthday was also very successful and with perfect weather. That we need too for being successful!
      Glad you enjoyed the Klompen Dance.
      Hugs to you,

  13. Hello Mariette.

      After spending some time away from blogging, for reasons already explained in my last post, back again with great enthusiasm to enjoy the wonderful publications that you share with us.

    Warm regards from Gran Canaria - Canary Islands (Spain).

    See you soon.

    1. Dearest Andrés,
      Glad you are back again and for sure we enjoy your marvelous photos from Gran Canaria!
      Happy you enjoyed my humble blog post once again.
      Kindest regards,

  14. I have never heard of this event/celebration so I thank you for telling me something I didn't know I do like to learn things about different cultures

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Well, it used to be Dutch Queen's Day but since we have a King now, it is called King's Day. Our first we celebrated in Curaçao while on vacation with daughter Liz and her husband. That was very special and it was the coronation of the new King.
      We love to attend and also meeting with other Dutch business people whom we know for over 30 years.

  15. Dear Mariette,you had a great time celebrating King's Day!
    Such delicious Datch food too!!You and Pieter look lovely in your orange outfits!
    Very soon i will visit your birth country!You will see why!Happy News!
    I really enjoyed your pictures and the video too!!
    Have a lovely day my friend!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you and yes, we had a wonderful time at this event. Could not have been better in many ways. Always special around Pieter's own birthday. For sure Flora has enjoyed her King's Day in Delft!
      Looking forward to your great news my friend!
      sending you hugs,

  16. Oh you look so beautiful in your orange outfit dear Marriett. I am glad you had such a lovely time.

    1. Dearest Marilyn,
      Thank you so much for your kind words and you can tell we had a lovely time together.
      Sending warmest hugs and love to you down under.

  17. Replies
    1. Dearest Nathalie,
      Indeed, one big festivity in Orange! A lovely evening with great food.

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    Your trip to Arizona Pieter has his Birthday next day! The Dutch girl dance was wonderful has Dutch king's birth day. Spending one night time. You has orange strateh Jeans and Dutch girls has Lovely costimes.
    We having a raining with five days!
    Hugs Happy days!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      No, this was not the trip to Arizona, that was one month before...
      Pieter did have his birthday the day before we went to the Dutch King's Birthday Celebration.
      A lovely time we had and so lucky that it was sunny, as it rained very hard on Pieter's birthday.
      Sorry you too are having endless rainy days. There is so little we can do when it rains.
      Sending you hugs and sunshine,

  19. Liebe Mariette,
    ereignisreiche Tage liegen hinter Euch. Ich konnte gar nicht alles verfolgen, aber heute komme ich auf einen kleinen Abstecher wieder hierher, um zu schauen was ich versäumt habe. Sehr chic, Ihr Beide in Orange!

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja wir waren ziemlich beschäftigt un letzter Zeit aber diese Feier war so herrlich und mit gutem Wetter auch. So ein Tag ist fast jeder in Orange und es macht Freude.
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  20. Happy belated birthday to your husband Pieter! He is looking very handsome in the orange polo. And you look fantastic in orange outfit! What a lovely day you had on king's birthday celebration. Glad rain stopped because the outdoor setting looks very nice. Oh those dishes look so yummy! I love tomato & mozzarella combination, and I love risotto, too!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you very much, it was such a rainy, but very happy day. This celebration was so perfect in every aspect! We enjoyed it and after shopping the next morning at Costco we drove home.
      Sure you would have enjoyed the inside buffet. Outside they served all typical Dutch fare, like Chicken Satay with peanut sauce etc. etc.
      The tomato mozzarella I also enjoyed... and even more so the yummy risotto!

  21. WOW!!!! looks like an amazing time with good food and wonderful people. You and Pieter look great!!! you are both such an inspiration to keep living life with zest and passion... sending you hugs and blessings from Canada - Celia M. ( HighHeeledLife)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Thank you and yes, this is always a great event and we love to meet up with old and new friends; enjoying good food and wine... Hugs and blessings to you.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
