
Monday, June 29, 2015

{White Gladiolus in Cylinder Vase}

This year we were lucky for having a bouquet of our own, white gladiolus!
This was on May 31.
Looking just lovely and I have to admit that for me white is my favorite!
The light changes these flowers all the time...
Too bad we were leaving within two days so we could not fully enjoy them!

Related link:
{Gladiolus in Cylinder Vase with Beach Pebbles} | previous post by me


  1. Would never think to place them inside the vase like that. They look very nice.

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    in gewohnter Schönheit.
    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße

  3. Mooi om ze zo kort af te snijden.

  4. Your photos will always remain for you to enjoy them!
    They are so pretty and perfect in this lovely vase!
    Keep well and enjoy this Sunday :)

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    I.too, am partial to white flowers. I love the way the glow at dusk.
    We are having a lot of rain this weekend.
    Toes crossed for happy travels..........*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Thank you but the travels already have been done. Gladiolus photos are from May 31 and we traveled on June 2nd-10...

  6. I love how you put the flowers in a clear vase. Looks so elegant and beautiful!

  7. You have such beautiful flowers in your garden!

  8. You always show us lovely flowers. They look so beautiful in that vase.
    Hugs Mariette.

  9. Dearest Mariette; Oh, the power of sunshine♪  I LOVE the white one of Gladiolus, very pretty arrangement, dear friend♡♡♡
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  10. Dearest Mariette these are so beautiful ... Pieter and yourself certainly have the magic touch. Love how you are displaying them ... tres elegant!! hugs to you both Celia M. (

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    they look wonderful in this vase!
    Happy new week to you,
    Lova and hugs

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    You had locky bougest of white gadious,white in favorite! your husband Pieters photos being what a difference that worde make for white and pink couple of flowers to enjoy...
    The tiny a little bit more perfect a nice gorgeous one...
    Hugs and Love to both of you!

  13. Wat prachtig Mariette. Ze staan zo ook mooi op de vaas.
    Fijne week, lieve groet

  14. Meine liebe Mariette,
    die Gladiolen sehen ganz wundrschön in der Vase aus.
    Ich mag Gladiolen schon immer und hoffe, dass sie auch
    bald bei uns blühen.
    Einen guten Wochenstart wünscht dir

  15. Just beautiful! I love how you displayed them, too.
    {I put a link in my most recent post to your post on the difference between teacups and coffee cups.}

  16. I like gladioli, but mine did not bloom for a long time. Interestingly they look so arranged in a vase. Greetings.

  17. They are lovely, Dear Mariette, and how clever you are for displaying them that way! My Grandmother, Beatrice grew gladiola's every year and especially loved yellow and white ones. She always sent us home with big armfuls of them! I scrolled down and took a peek at your wonderful hydrangeas and tablecloth and your beautiful gardens. It must be just heavenly to have the gardenias right out side your door. What a pretty view of your gazebo from your table, too. My hydrangea's are doing wonderful this year, too. They are one of my favorite flowers. Enjoy this beautiful time of year and hope you have safe travels. Hugs xo Karen

  18. Das ist auch mal eine interessante Idee, liebe Mariette. Nun habe ich ein Stück weit runtergelsen, was ich verpasst habe. Erst war meine Mutti so krank, dann mein Rücken, den ich schonen muß. Ich werde mir bald ein Stehpult für den PC anschaffen, vielleicht gehts dann besser ...
    Sei nochmals lieb gegrüßt


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