
Sunday, July 12, 2015

{Rio Negro Lily}

On June 13, we did have our very first Rio Negro Lily blooming and husband Pieter made some photos to show you.
Rio Negro Lily from Dutch Gardens, just click the hyperlink and follow Lilies, then Oriental Lilies to the left and there you find them...
They do have a very sweet fragrance! 
One stem with two large blossoms!
Do you also have some fragrant Oriental Lilies?


  1. Lovely! especially that last picture with the sun behind them.

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    Sonnige Grüße

  3. Que maravilla, es una flor hermosisima, su color es esplendido!

  4. Truly beautiful flowers. Years ago, we had some of these growing in our garden but have since moved. I do remember the nice fragrance. Have a happy weekend.

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Reo Negro is a gorgeous lily! I've never seen that deep pink in a lily.
    My lilies and day lilies are finally blooming. Our mini drought in April and May slowed things down, but flowers are blooming now.
    Enjoy your weekend.....*s*

  6. I only can say:Wonderful, nice, lovely. What a deep colour!.Congrats Mariette, you are a good gardener. Perhaps the best? jajajaaaaa.

  7. What gorgeous lilies! Those colors nature makes are just amazing. Thin vase looks perfect for those big blooms. Beautiful display!

    We've got some heavy rain today so it cooled down a little bit. Happy Saturday and have a wonderful weekend xoxo

  8. Wow, what stunning lilies! The color is quite lovely and vibrant :) May you have a beautiful Sunday, my friend! Hugs and blessings!

  9. Hello Mariette, I imagine that having such exotic flowers is even more satisfying when you have searched them out and raised them yourself. I love the way the back-lit ones in the vase appear to be pink--are they actually a different color from the others?

    1. Dearest Jim,
      All I can tell is that the ones in the vase were cut off three weeks after the other blooms. If the weather or temperature has an influence, I don't know. Usually the first blooms, before the big heat, yield the best results. Our same roses don't even look like being related when the weather is hot!
      Hope you enjoyed your 4th of July, being back in the USA; can't believe how time is going so fast.

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    Your weather has being very hot days. we having a most of cold raining from another three days...
    todays 8c - 5 days.We both are not realy good weather so far...
    Hugs and Love both of you!

  11. ach wie herrlich, die Farben der Lilien sind unendlich und wunderschön - leider verblühen sie bei der jetzigen Hitze sehr schnell -

    hab einen schönen Sonntag, liebe Mariette

    herzliche Grüße - Ruth

  12. Mooi dat rood /wit ... heb alle foto's groter gemaakt ,maar weet niet of het nu voor een ander beter kijken is, andere tip ben ik nog aan het uitzoeken....

  13. That is most lovely. I wish I had my lilies again. I will plant some again soon and show you the pictures by and by in my blog. xox

  14. Wunderschön, liebe Mariette! Bei uns wachsen Lilien nicht gut, daher verzichte ich lieber auf sie.

    Liebe Grüße

  15. Hello my beautiful friend Mariette,
    Your Rio Negro Lily is so nice, I really love the color. We do have some Lilies, but unfortunately I lost the cards with the different names, but I do remember the name of one of them and it is called African Queen Trumpet Lily and I remember that name because this is tallest Lily we have, height 18-36"
    I wish you a wonderful Sunday to you and Pieter. <3

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    Both your Oriental Lilies Belgrado and the Rio Negro lilies are gorgeous!!!!
    I used to have some lilies in the garden in the past, but regretfully not any more. I will make sure to plant some for next year, as I love their scent!!!!
    Many hugs to you!!!!

  17. Hello MAriette,
    That is a superbe flower and your photos are pure magic :)
    What delight to see this beauty this morning!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
