
Thursday, July 16, 2015

{Yes, I Love Soap - Do YOU}

Nothing feels more luxurious than a creamy bar of soap!
Oh, the fragrance of a bar of soap can be just heavenly!
Before using soaps I always place them between my clean bed linens; learned that from my Mom!
So you already get many uses out of a bar of soap, besides it being Eco Friendly as you don't dispose of plastic bottles in the landfill!
These soap bars are made from goat milk which is also very mild for the skin.
Compared to body wash, only very little ends up in the landfill...
By now, you know how much I love to photograph with flowers! 
They always add to whatever subject.
Dans un Jardin, the Canadian made soaps just called for adding a huge Southern Magnolia...
Love the different cream colors...
Dans un Jardin
In a Garden...
Do YOU also love the old fashioned bar of soap?

Related link:
{My Towels with Knitted Lace} | previous post by me showing some soap bars


  1. I love pretty soap too and the addition of the magnolia is beautiful.
    My late mom always loved Yardley Lavender soap; it always reminds me of her to smell that lovely fragrance.

  2. Excellent post (as always) Mariette! Have a successful day dear!

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    what a wonderful Soapbar! I guess, it smells beautiful!
    I do have such bars too, sometimes Magnolia , sometimes Lavender ...
    Wishing you a happy week,
    Love and hugs
    P.S. Did you hear news from France?

  4. Ben zelf ook gek op zeepjes! ze liggen overal tussen hier ...en ook zo hier in mijn hobbykamer in kleine schaaltjes ...fijne dag,Joan

  5. Ja ik ben ook nog van de "ouderwetse" stukken zeep, houd niet van plastic flesjes om in te knijpen.
    Je hebt er weer prachtige foto's van gemaakt!

  6. Ci credi che sento i profumo di questa saponetta?Che buono!Baci,Rosetta

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    Sonnige Grüße

  8. ja hoor ik hou ook van zeepjes ....ik leg ze in mij lades van mij kast
    tussen de handoeken prachtige foto's van de zeepjes gemaakt
    heel veel liefs

  9. Bonjour Mariette
    J'adore tes photos, c'est si beau. Cela donne envie de se recouvrir de cette douce mousse ;-)
    Bonne journée.
    Grosses bises

  10. I make my own soaps as I find they have less chemicals. I love beautiful scented soaps, and also put them between sheets and other clothes in the drawers.

  11. sembra di sentire il profume di queste saponette...anche io adoro i saponi, soprattutto al profumo di lavanda! Un grande abbraccio Lory

  12. Dearest Mariette; I LOVE the fragrance from soap and I agree with the "Eco Friendly" part, Dear friend. Love your Southern Magnolia as well♡♡♡
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  13. Oh yes, I do love an old-fashioned bar of soap. Your soap looks amazing and just from the pictures I can tell it's very delightful! :)

    Blessings to you, sweet friend. Hugs!

  14. I love your display of soap bars with flowers. Magnolia flowers add elegance and (I can't smell, but I imagine) fragrance to them! For my shower, I use bar of soap instead of bottles, too. Bar soaps feel creamier, I think. And you've got good point, it's more eco-friendly!

  15. Liebe Mariette,
    auch ich liebe und verwende noch die altmodische
    Seife. Ich finden den Geruch betörend. Herrlich, wenn
    die frische Wäsche ganz zart duftet.
    Liebe Grüße schickt Dir

  16. Oh, how pretty your soaps are, Dear Mariette, especially with the beautiful magnolia blossom! I love the idea of putting the soap between the bed linens! I do use hand crafted soaps and enjoy giving them as gifts, too. So much kinder to your complexion! Hugs xo Karen

  17. My dear Mariette.
    I love soaps, and I made one with magnolia. ¡Amazing!. Your idea of putting soap near the bes is fantastic. What a fabulous smell.

  18. I have a local friend who makes goat milk soap...and truly is amazing. I really think it's because of the goat milk and the natural ingredients

  19. Dearest Mariette ... YES!!! I too love a bar of soap ... it really is luxurious. I'm so happy to learn that you are a fan of a good soap bar too!!! ... Beautiful photos ...hugs, Celia M. (

  20. I LOVE the smell of a new bar of hand milled soap. In fact, I've had the same bar of French hand milled soap in my guest room for years. It never seems to diminish in size and still smells glorious.

    Beautiful post, Mariette.

    Cheers, M-T

  21. I would like to say no as I use shower gel or bath wash but the truth is I do like soap pretty nice smelling soap I see them when shopping I want them

  22. Dearest Mariette,
    I really like old fashioned of shop the little miracles soap.Southem magonolia a beautiful flowers photos.
    Hugs and Love both of you!

  23. Dearest Mariette,
    You made me feel good by letting us know how much you love a bar of soap. through out my life I have only used dove soap bar in the USA and Rexona Soap Bars back in India.

  24. I can nearly smell the delicate scent of this soap!!
    It is so well presented you should have been hired to do the publicity for it :)
    Congratulations on these photos!
    Enjoy your day and keep well, Mariette :)

  25. Hello Mariette, I finally found unscented soap in Taiwan, so now I am happy--I even brought a few bars back to the U.S. for my vacation!

  26. Hi Mariette,
    Me too, I love a fresh bar of soap and especially pretty ones..
    What a wonderful idea to place a new bar of soap between the linens, I have never heard of this. I am going to try it.
    Have a wonderful day, Elizabeth


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