
Monday, July 20, 2015

{Your Pinterest Boards in Alphabetical Order}

Well, I hardly can say: 'Learn from Mariette', as this neat tip I learned from my baby-sister Gerd.
She also kind of motivated me to finally start my own Pinterest...
The button that brings you to it, you find at the top right on my blog.
Gerd told me that it is as easy as 1.2.3.
Let's start:
Open your account and click on boards, so you have them all in front of you.
Now Click on a board then drag and drop it to the place you want it.
Almost in its new spot...
Keep repeating this till you got them all lined up alphabetical, which gives you a far better overview.
And above all, anyone else that will visit your boards on Pinterest!
Every time you do add a board, you still need to manually drag and drop it into its correct spot.
Only when you Pin something onto your own Pinterest boards, they show up alphabetical but NOT on the actual boards. That's something you accomplish by the simple drag and drop method.

Hope this was helpful for you as well.
You can thank my sister Gerd in your comments.

Meanwhile, Pinterest has added a very simple option for having boards from A to Z:
Just click on the sign at top left of all the Saved boards; select A to Z from the drop down list.


  1. Thank you so much sweet Mariette for this great tutorial your sister Gerd taught you. Thank you for sharing it with us too.
    I just rearranged my boards by alphabetical order and it was fun and now I'm more organized to look for them easier!
    Have a lovely Sunday at your beautiful garden.

  2. Dear Mariette,

    Your Pinterest Board looks wonderful and thanks for sharing this. Been in alphabetical order would be helpful.
    Hope you are having a lovely weekend

  3. Hello Mariette, From the five categories shown on the screen shot above (angels, antique silver, etc.) I would have known that this could only be your Pinterest account!

    My photos are arranged in folders on my hard drive, but over the years I have accumulated several different sets, so a huge project in store for me is to merge them all.

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    das gefällt mir sehr gut.
    Frohe Sonntagsgrüße

  5. Mariette toch...had je dit nog niet ....Dit is zo leuk, Pinterest...maar soms ook frustrerend, je ziet zoveel moois, leuks en interessante ideeen. , je 'bewaard' dit om later uit te voeren, maar dan mag je wel 200 jaar oud worden,,,ook het pinnen zelf is verslavend....maar ach zolang de vefslaving niet erger is, je bent er ' mee van straat'.

  6. Handig zeg. Ik heb er nog niet zo veel, maar dat kan nog komen. Heb jij ook een tip hoe je andere mensen kan benaderen, dus nieuwe mensen waarvan je het email of ander adres niet weet, als je iets moois ziet van diegene? Ik ben er nog niet helemaal achter.Ik hebwel een paar boards gemaakt maar er gebeurd niks.
    Fijne zondag,
    Groeten Janny

    1. Je kunt onder iedere pin een reactie geven. Dan is het aan de pinner of ze daar op reageren. Hopelijk heb je hier iets aan?

  7. Very interesting tutorial dear Mariette.Thank you for sharing.
    A lot of hugs.

  8. Thanks for the tutorial Mariette, didn't know you could do this.

  9. You are always so nice to share tips! I'm not on Pinterest, but I bet this is so much help for many friends here!
    Happy Sunday xoxo

  10. Nice to know dear Mariette. Thanks to you and your sister Gerd.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  11. Such a wonderful review dear Mariette! ...thx for sharing!

  12. It's fun to do. Nice that I could teach you something. :)

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    What good instructions. And what a generous sister you have! Now I need to get myself organized and use Pinterest instead of just looking!
    Enjoy the week ahead........*s*

  14. What a fabulous tip, Mariette. I will be popping over to rearrange my Boards very soon.

    Bisous ma chère amie,

    xoxo, M-T

  15. dat is een goede tip ..ik ga meteen een kijkje nemen op printerest..
    een hele fijne week en heel veel liefs

  16. Good Morning Mariette, I do enjoy perusing Pinterest and I do have an account, but do you know, it did not occur to me to organise my boards in alphabetical order, so I say thank you to you and thank you to your sister Gerd.
    I will be organising myself very soon.
    Best Wishes to you.

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist toll. Ich habe so etwas noch nicht versucht
    und werde es wohl auch nicht. Mir liegen diese
    Sachen nicht so.
    Liebe Grüße schickt

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    What a generous sister you have..I was more interested your beautiful lovely friends!
    Hugs and thinking of love both of you!

  19. Liebe Mariette, nun bin ich bei Pinterest mit dem Verschieben fertig, hat toll geklappt, herzlichen Dank an Dich und an Deine Schwester Gerd ;-)))
    Ich verfolge Dich nun auch
    und schicke liebe Ostergrüße
    Alles Liebe für Euch von Traudi


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