
Friday, August 21, 2015

{Cat Dining Room}

Our six felines are very mannered when it comes to breakfast and dinner in their Cat Dining Room.
From left to right: Spooky, Bandido, Spunky, Tiggy-Tiger (all are siblings), Barty and Speckie
This is the actual 2nd photo!
It is such a happy time in the Cat Dining Room and then out on the driveway for grooming!
Lying on the concrete with a happy tummy is pure bliss.

Related link:
{You like to meet our 3 Feline Boys?} | previous post by me showing you also 6 diners...


  1. Hi dear mariettes ,, que foto mas graciosa todos esos gatitos comiendo,, son todos una ternura

  2. They look very well behaved and obviously get along well together. That makes for a happy feline family.

  3. It's so sweet to see them all lined up like that. They certainly are well cared for and live a very good life. Best wishes, Tammy

  4. What a cute photo, Mariette. Meow!

  5. I had no idea you had all those cats! They must have attended your etiquette class!

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    your Cat's Dining Room looks great, and your Cats look so great :O) They are so good cats!
    Enjoy every minute with them!
    Great photos, thank you for sharing!
    Have a lovely rest of the week,

  7. How nice that they are so well-mannered! They look very happy and healthy! xo K

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist reizend.
    Sonnige Grüße

  9. Wow cats with perfect manners. How cool is that?! Ours sometimes get jealous of what's in others plate although they receive the same :)

  10. Zeg altijd wanneer je huisdieren hebt moet je er ook goed voor zorgen,
    maar dat is helaas niet overal het geval.

    Fijne dag,

  11. Wat een leuke foto! Zo netjes op een rijtje, je hebt ze goed opgevoed, niemand eet uit een ander z'n bakje? Ik had eens een bazige kater die altijd eerst moest eten en het vrouwtje wegjoeg tot hij klaar was.

  12. ach ist das süß - liebe Mariette, so ein "Katzenesszimmer" könnte man
    stundenlang beobachten -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  13. Owww, so cute! I have a photo of our 5 cats eating in a row as well. Now there's only 3...

  14. Oh my goodness, this is soooooooo cute! I'm squeeing and squeeing here!
    They sure got an excellent dining manner :-) It's great they eat together like that. Good kitties!

  15. Wow, So cute! What a joy!
    Have a nice weekend!

  16. Haha wat leuk, veel heb je er! Maar wat blijven ze mooi rustig naast elkaar eten. Misschien kat eigen?

    Groeten Janny

  17. Will All of cats are sibilings splachile is happy time great eat together in Cat dining room Good healthy Kawaii neco!
    Dearest Mariette!Thank you for your always kind comments on my blog.
    Hugs and Lots of Love to both!

  18. Oh dear Mariette aren't they all so beautiful!
    I'm impressed how well behaved they are - can you follow up with a photo of the grooming session on the driveway - I would love to see that one too?!
    How kind of you to be such a good Mummy to six sweet felines.

  19. Wat een leuke foto...zo eentje heb ik ook, toen wij nog 4 katten hadden, en ze heel mooi alle 4 naast elkaar, zelfs nog van groot naar klein zaten te eten...ik heb die ook, ingelijst en hangt bij de fotocollage van ons gezin..wat ik ook nooit geweten heb, en dat heb ik hier op jou blog eerder al geleerd, is dat een kat of is het poes? een ' feline ' is,,,ik heb een klein nichtje wat zo heet, en telkens als ik haar zie, denk ik er aan dat ze dus eigenlijk een ' katje/ poes is...

  20. Liebe Mariette,
    ein bezauberndes Bild...Katzenfütterung. :-))
    Schön das sie bei dir ein so tolles Zuhause haben und ein glückliches Katzenleben führen dürfen.

    Alles Liebe

  21. Dearest Mariette,
    The kitties look so happy in their dining room!
    When I had my mob of Siamese I always put their bowls in a circle. They looked neat; it was also a good time to look them over and see that all were well.

  22. Achooo! Wish I weren't allergic. They do look happy though.

  23. How adorable, ma chère Mariette. Sadly, we lost our beautiful Victor a few weeks ago to cancer. He was 15. What a lovely little man he was. It's just the two girls now: Cecilia (21) and Allegra (5). The house seems so quiet w/just two cats. I miss him so very much.

    Warm hugs,

  24. Ahahaha, chacun sa gamelle, pas de jaloux !!!!
    Extra :)
    Grosses bises chère Mariette

  25. Hi dearest Mariette. I´ll be back. My vacances have been finished, even though we´ll go to the beach some week end.
    What a surprise those lovely cats!. I love animals, you know.
    Iwish you have enjoy as well dear friend.
    Hugs, hugs, and hugs.

  26. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist ja so ein lustiges Foto. Wie brav und lieb die Katzen da sitzen und aus ihren Näpfen fressen, nur Spunky schaut mal nach nebenan ob vielleicht noch was übrig bleibt...

    Liebe Grüße über den großen See


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