
Sunday, December 6, 2015

{A Happy Saint Nicholas with Chocolate Letters + Update}

        A very stressful week with a Happy Ending!
Dad is home again and did NOT need any heart surgery at all.
Prayers did get answered big time and we all feel so blessed.
My sister Gerd with daughter Lindsay did bring Dad home this afternoon.
Perfect timing for Saint Nicholas!
This is last year's order of Chocolate Letters for Friends and Extended Family...
Most people prefer MILK chocolate; what is your preference?
Mine is DARK...
Husband Pieter's is MILK or MELK in Dutch...

Before my sister Gerd, with her daughter went upstairs to Dad's room at the VieCuri hospital in The Netherlands, Lindsay did IMPROMPTU play at the Grand Piano:
Lindsay's version of Comptine d'un autre été l'après-midi by Yann Tiersen
Just click the above link... ENJOY! Sorry but Gerd has deleted said video...
And last but not least; THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Chocolate letters are great gift ideas for Santa Claus...

Related links:
{Chocolate and Silver Alphabet Letters for Saint Nicholas} | previous post by me
{Since 1896 Dutch CHOCOLATE LETTERS - Have YOU Tried Them?} | previous post by me
{Chocolate Letter LOVE} | previous post by me


  1. I am so happy to hear that your Father is home and not needing surgery, my Dear Mariette! This must be such a relief to your worried mind and allow you to enjoy the season a little more. Very good news. I must admit, I love milk chocolate, although I know dark chocolate is much healthier. I save it for very special treats only occasionally. That is quite an alphabet of chocolate letters! Congratulations on being a citizen for 22 years! Hope your weekend is relaxing and full of joy. Hugs xo Karen

  2. Ben gek op witte chocolade (of anders melk )manlief houdt weer juist van puur.....

  3. Hello dear Mariette,
    Don't worry, I too have difficulties blogging, I am still too often very busy after my drama.
    I am sorry for your dad but at least only medication is needed.
    Yes, being "connected" is not that simple, especially if the family doesn't follow.
    It must have been quite frustrating to remain without news for a few days.
    Huge hugs, keep well and enjoy your weekend :)

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    Joy stretches far and wide; how wonderful that your father does not need surgery.
    Proge likes dark chocolate. I am allergic to chocolate, although I can have white chocolate in small quantities.
    Here's to an enjoyable, stress free weekend............*s*

  5. Um chocolate sabe sempre bem.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    ich freue mich sehr, dass dein Vater wieder zu Hause ist - Gott sei Dank ist es ja
    glimpflich abgelaufen und er kann die Advents- und Weihnachtszeit mit euch genießen -
    ach ja, wer liebt nicht Schokolade - ich bin ein Vollmilch-Fan - aber ab und zu esse ich auch
    dunkle Schokolade -

    ich wünsche dir nun eine entspannte wundervolle Zeit -

    herzliche Grüße - Ruth

  7. Hello Mariette
    So glad that your father goes back home and not need surgery!! You must be so relieved! I enjoyed Lindsay's piano play. What a lovely performance! I hope you enjoy your days.

  8. I remember those chocolate letters. I like all chocolate but maybe lean toward dark. I hope now you can relax and enjoy the season. Janey

  9. Yeah milk chocolate hands down I can eat a very small piece of dark chocolate but over all I prefer milk or white chocolate

  10. Dear Mariette,

    So lovely to hear that your Dad is out of hospital and home again and your prayers were answered - and even better that he is not needing to have surgery.
    Now you will be able to relax and enjoy the holiday season.
    Sending hugs

  11. Liebe Mariette,

    einen frohen Nikolaustag und 2. Advent wünscht dir

  12. What a great news! I'm so happy your dad doesn't need surgery and he is home! I hope he gets a good rest.
    I love those chocolate letters. I almost read "puur" as "purr." This happens when you have kitties :-)
    I enjoyed Lindsay's piano! She is such a talented and beautiful piano player!

    Happy Sunday xoxo

  13. I am so happy for your Dad. I know as does my family what that was like for you. xo Blessings to him and to the entire family.

    I love milk chocolate and I have not had good chocolate since my sons were in Europe and brought some home. New Zealand chocolate was delicious too when they went there. xox

  14. Fantastic newws Mariette!!!. I´m so happy for all the family. Chocolate is the key word!. I love chocolate because I´m a greedy. All kind of chocolate, but the best one for me is dark chocolata. Mmmmmmmmm I love ii.
    Hugs and more hugs.

  15. Dearest Mariette; Wow, really wonderful news about your father and for you, all of your family♪ Home is the best place to be☆☆☆ Oh, great I love chocolate as well, makes us relaxed as long as we know how much we should take. Love the soft taste of milk chocolate♡♡♡ 
    So sorry for my belated comment; hope you are having a bit relieved and relaxed week.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*


Thanks for your visit and comment.
