
Sunday, January 17, 2016

{Our Camellia Sinensis Tea Plant Blooms in January}

Just like the early blooms on our Japanese Magnolia, in mid winter, also our beautiful Camellia Sinensis Tea Plant showed its early blooms!
Today is a wet and rainy day so the blooms turned brown from rain damage...
Using some earlier photos for you.
Looking so lovely against a blue sky!
It is a huge blossom, see my fingers to compare its size.
Nearly impossible to have those blossoms pure white without any damage from heavy rain!
But it sure is a very welcome sign of new life during this time of the winter.

Hope you enjoy something blooming in your surroundings as well!


  1. Good Morning Mariette,
    Your magnolia made my day!They are beautifully shining in the sunlight, lifting your spirits. It is beautiful day here too. Love your new header too.
    Have a good day,Mariette.

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    deine Blütenpracht schenkt große Freude.
    Alles Gute

  3. Hello Mariette, You are lucky to have even these few blooms during the winter. During an Ohio snowy winter, although there are signs of life if you seek them, the outdoors can seem truly bleak and forbidding.

  4. Oh how beautiful it is dear Mariette. And especially on winter days like this, when then dream of spring and flowers blooming is rather distant. Love the pic of the flower - and against the blue sky. Made me smile - YES there is hope. Thanks for sharing this wonderful moment. Wish you a wonderful weekend my dear friend. Big hugs

  5. Mooie bloem is dat toch altijd en zo mooi gefotografeerd.

  6. Belas fotografias.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  7. Déjà en fleurs ? Maintenant que le gel est là au matin, je ne sais pas s'ils vont fleurir de suite ici.
    Bises ma chère Mariette et bon we

  8. Good afternoon Mariette:
    Woooooow . Beautiful magnolias. Mine are already in blossom but I think I will have to wait a litlle bit for seing her lovely flowers.

  9. What beautiful blossoms! I especially love the picture with blue sky in the back. They brighten the cold gray winter :-)
    We had a very heavy rain yesterday, too. Though we enjoyed sunny and rather mild day today :-) I hope you are having wonderful weekend, Mariette xoxo

  10. Very pretty. I'm not seeing as many blooms this season but I keep looking. Still another couple of months before it gets too hot so maybe there will be some next month or so. Have a good day!

  11. Zeker erg mooi zo met op de achtergrond blauwe lucht!Groetje,Joan

  12. Wunderschön, liebe Mariette!! Rosenblüten ähnlich. In unserem Umkreis habe ich vor vielen Jahren auch im Garten eine rosafarbene Camelie gesehen. Als dann der strenge Winter 2010 kam, ging sie leider ein. Um so schöner, daß sie jetzt bei Dir um diese Jahreszeit blüht!

    Viele liebe Sonntagsgrüße

  13. Nothing blooming here, except my indoor plants! African violets and Christmas cacti. Your blooms are beautiful, especially against that blue, blue sky.

  14. Deaerst Mariette,
    wonderful blossoms! Camelias do not grow in our garden :O(
    Here Winter came back ....
    Wishign you a lovely new week,
    love, hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  15. La camelia, fiore delicato, affascinante ed elegante. Bellissime queste tue camelie cara Mariette, devo dire che hai delle piante magnifiche. Devi avere, insieme a tuo marito, quello che si suol dire "il pollice verde". Paola


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