
Saturday, February 20, 2016

{People to People Citizen Ambassador Program - Husband Pieter's Trip to East Asia}

It has been quite a challenge for finally working out this incredible East Asia journey to Japan, China, Hong Kong and Taipei...
Yes, after husband Pieter's actual trip on March 20, 1987 till April 10, 1987!
But it meant so much to him and due to his age, I wanted to get this out of the way before anything else!
Archiving things!
Pieter, being a world renown mushroom expert, got chosen for joining a group of 10, to visit Universities and lecturing and making field trips on behalf of the Mushroom Industry. 
His employer Campbell Soup did fully cover his expenses.
How much I would have loved to join him but we had absolutely no funds for doing so.
Paying for daughter Liz who studied at the Royal Academy of Arts and Design in Den Bosch, The Netherlands and also paying off the mortgage of our home at a hefty 9% rate for the time. As well as paying off my Ford Escort...
We also opted to fund the biggest part of Mom & Dad's FIRST flight to the USA...
So I did fly in opposite directions, to The Netherlands, when Pieter started his trip with a flight to Seattle, Washington.
This also proved to become our LONGEST time apart as Pieter had to go to Europe for about a week, right after Taipei.

In–between we had Mom & Dad for 3 weeks staying with us in the USA and I did most of the sight seeing with them as Pieter only had the weekends available.

I flew back with Mom & Dad to The Netherlands, as I had to do consulting work in Germany for 2 weeks...
All this while Pieter went to Australia and New Zealand for Campbell Soup.

We did have a very close blissful relationship via phone... 
Fostering International Friendship... founded by Dwight D. Eisenhower
Advancing International Communication
People to People International
At that time it was President Ronald Reagan...
People to People Mushroom Production Delegation to East Asia

Bear in mind that at that time we had no digital cameras yet and thus photos are not dated with information from area taken etc.
Due to our very turbulent life style at the time and an upcoming move from Georgia to Pennsylvania we never found the time for exchanging thoughts and viewing together his slides from this mega trip.
Also one box with slides etc. ??? got lost in that move... Making the puzzle only harder. 
But last year I managed to scan all available slides and now I also managed to scan some photos that Pieter had developed from his trip.

So in some upcoming posts you will get to see some of his incredible journey.

I also will try to visit some of your blogs...

Thanks a lot!

Related links:
{Hand Made Easter Egg Gift by Friend Ellie} | previous post by me showing the silk brocade table cloth
{Silk Embroidered Birds from China Trip} | previous post by me
{Silk Brocade for our PRINCE OF PEACE} | previous post by me showing the silk brocade table cloth that Pieter purchased in China...


  1. Desast Mariette,
    what an interesting story!
    So I am looking forward for the pictures about!
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
    Love and hugs,
    Claudia xo

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist sehr interessant.
    Herzliche Grüße

  3. Hello Mariette and Pieter, I am anticipating with interest learning more about Pieter's trip to Asia. Even in 1987, travel to Asia wasn't that common, which also reflects Pieter's status and respect in the field of mushroom science.

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    toll, dass du uns an dieser Geschichte aus vergangenen Tagen
    teilhaben lässt.
    Dein Gatte und du - Ihr habt wirklich viel erlebt.
    Einen guten Start ins Wochenende wünscht

  5. ¡¡Fantastic!!. I love that story my dear. I`ll read more about it because is very interesting.
    Have a nice weekend.

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    Reisen können schon viel Geld verschlingen, besonders Fernreisen. Wenn dann andere Dinge auch noch zu bezahlen sind.
    Wie gut aber, daß Deine Mutter oder Eltern Dich besuchen konnten! Das sind alles Kosten und das unterstützt auch nicht jeder!

    Und solche Zeiten, in denen man zu nichts kommt, kennen wir auch nur zu gut - erst sehr viel später kann man all das evt. noch aufarbeiten.

    Zu den Google-Fotos habe ich Dir dort noch geantwortet. Leider sind einige meiner Fotos einfach weg. Keine Ahnung, warum die nicht mehr zu sehen sind, denn im Blog sind sie ja! Und das hängt nun mit der Umstellung zusammen, sie sind weder im Picasa noch im Google+!

    Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende

  7. Hello dear Mariette!!What an interesting story!
    Always reading with pleasure all your stories!
    Waiting to see your pictures from your tour!
    Have a happy weekend!Hugs!

  8. Fabuleuse histoire Mariette !!!
    Bises et bon WE

  9. Dearest Mariette
    What an interesting life you two have led!
    Pieter's knowledge took him on that incredible trip and to think he visited New Zealand too courtesy of Campbell's soup - a very popular brand here!
    That was all before blogging, otherwise things could have gone differently - imagine if you had accompanied him - we could have met up! C'est la vie.
    A wonderful post, bringing back all those treasured memories of your darling parents too.
    Warm hugs
    Shane x

  10. Good Morning dear Mariette,
    Your post really warm my heart. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful program.
    It is cloudy today but I see spring signs are here and there. Have a good day!

  11. Your header photo is lovely. It's always amazing to me how much you recall from the past and have so much documentation from that time. I would never be able to remember moments or trips in such detail and certainly don't have pictures or any mementos from those long ago times. Rediscovering old slides and clips must have been awesome. Have a good weekend.

  12. Wonderful that you have been able to organize the highlights of your life. It will be fun to see the pictures. You must be very proud of your husband.


  13. Dearest Mariette
    BFF :)
    Oh, thank you so much! What a beautiful pattern for me to knit. I'll try it for my daughter's little baby that will be born in April.
    Many, many hugs to you! / Astrid

  14. How incredible that your husband Pieter was chosen to participate in such a great program! And it's so sweet you kept close contact via phone while bring apart. I lived in Japan but never have traveled to any of other Asian countries. I look forward to reading his journey!

  15. Hello Dear Mariette!
    That this interesting life story, especially with so many experiences in their atravez acomuladas travel the world, in this case Asia!
    I hope more! Hugs, Rose M.

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    How wonderful that your husband Pieter was selected for this wonderful honor of being a true ambassador. It is difficult having to travel so frequently, both for the person traveling and staying in unfamiliar places and for the loved ones left at home to handle the responsibilities alone. I see that he traveled to Seattle first - my backyard. The Olympic Hotel is certainly the best place to stay in the city and it is where all dignitaries and even presidents stay when visiting. My Mother and I would have lunch in the lovely dining room whenever we shopped in the city. You did a fair amount of traveling, yourself during this time and how fortunate to have your dear Parents for a visit and to be able to visit them in the Netherlands. I am looking forward to hearing more about this time in both of your lives.
    Hugs xo Karen

  17. We all do what we have to do, Mariette, and your time back together will be ever more special.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
