
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

{Part VI of Husband Pieter's Trip to East Asia - Temple of Heaven in Beijing, China}

The team's next visit in Beijing, all done on March 25, 1987... on a very loaded schedule beside visiting the Institute of Microbiology, is the Temple of Heaven.
Such an incredible structure and a MUST SEE if ever in Beijing!
This is from a post card... Wish Pieter had been there at the time of these blossoms!
What a dream...
This is the World Heritage Site of Temple of Heaven: an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in Beijing ←(just click on link) founded in the first half of the 15th century.
Notice the tiny toddler in the picture?
Husband Pieter went over for a better look through his lens.
This photo from shows to the right of the Circular Mound Altar the Divine Kitchen and Pavillion for Butchering Animals...
Sacrificial Altar indeed!
For viewing a short 2.50 minute video from Temple of Heaven: an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in ... (UNESCO/NHK) just click the hyperlink. That gives you a pretty good idea about this complex.
Be aware that Temple of Heaven Park is the largest park in Beijing; covering 675 acres!
Slide, showing the marble steps and carving around the Imperial Sacrificial Altar look impressive.
This is a scanned photo, as the slide did not show the entire height...
One can see the steps next to the marble imperial carriage way.
The entire structure of Temple of Heaven is done without nails and look at the elaborate details on the ceiling!
This elderly man with a cane is struggling on the stairs.
Indeed, it is HUGE with the size of 675 acres.
If you want to see more of it, for getting an impression, this is a very good short video:
Temple of Heaven - Beijing, China (Full HD) just click.

Hope you enjoyed Part VI.

Will be continued with the Lama Temple in Beijing, China.

Related links:
{Part IV of Husband Pieter's Trip to East Asia - City Views of Beijing, China} | previous post by me


  1. Wow, what a place. The Temple of Heaven is such a gorgeous building. I'm amazed by the great detail of the ceiling! I would love to visit there some day....and preferably when it's warm :-)

  2. Lovely place, lovely trip and lovelies pictures.
    Sending a lot of hugs.

  3. What an amazing adventure to have experienced .. I always am left speechless by the beautiful photos you share from your travels. You capture the country and the essence of the people ... Thank you for giving us a glimpse of the world .. Hugs, Celia

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    wonderful pictures....thank you for sharing!
    Have a lovely new week,
    love and hugs, Claudia xo

  5. Scatti superlativi, immagini che pare quasi essere "dentro" ad ogni foto.Il Palazzo è un capolavoro da ammirare in ogni suo angolo. Grazie Mariette di permettermi di "viaggiare" visto che non posso farlo realmente. Un abbraccio caloroso e affettuoso. Paola

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    Sonnige Grüße

  7. What a huge imperial building and the surprisingly details on the ceiling!
    All are interesting photos, Mariette.
    Enjoy your new week!

  8. Bonjour Mariette
    Vous avez encore là un beau voyage.
    Grosses bises et bonne semaine

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    das sind wieder ganz tolle Fots. sie lassen Fernweh
    aufkommen. Schon beeindruckend, was die alten Baumeister
    alles konnten.
    Einen sonnigen Start in die neue Woche wünscht

  10. Leuk die oude foto's, een imposant complex. Dat kindje is zo lief in zijn warme kleertjes.

  11. Very beautiful and huge temple. How knows maybe one day we will visit it.
    Pavilion to butcher animals....ewww, not so nice!

  12. It is a very lovely building and amazing that it was built with no nails! The stairway is lovely, too. The history of this site is quite disturbing, although many cultures did (and some still do) believe in human and animal sacrifice. Maybe we will not think of that and just enjoy the beauty today! Hugs xo Karen

  13. Met veel,heel veel zwoegende en hardwerkende arbeidskrachten kwamen ze tot deze resultaten van enorme gebouwen.
    Je komt het wel vaker tegen op de wereld dat paleizen met één en al pracht en praal zijn gebouwd.
    Het grootste en het mooiste was nog niet goed genoeg voor de regerende vorsten.
    Het Topkapi paleis gebouwd in opdracht van Mehmet de Veroveraar in Istanbul,tussen 1472-1478 begon men met de bouw en tot ver in de negentiende eeuw werden gebouwen veranderd en toegevoegd.
    Dit is er één van de vele die mij op dit moment te binnen schiet,die wij bezochten tijdens rondreizen.

    Het kindje staat prachtig op de foto en ik zag op eerdere foto's dat in de periode dat Pieter in China was dat het bekende Mao jasje nog vaak gedragen werd.

    Lieve groet,Ger

    (heb nog steeds probleem met het openen van je blog,blijft herladen)

  14. Grossartig solche Reisen erlebt haben zu dürfen. Reisen welche einem immer in Erinnerung bleiben werden. Und das auch noch zur Kirschblütenzeit...himmlisch schön.
    Die Gebäude sind so alt und voller Geschichten.

    Habe eine gute Woche liebe Mariette.

  15. Hi dear Nariettas , que gran templo , usted estuvo en un maravillo viaje , por un gran y espectacular país como es China

  16. Beautiful and impressive! I will also now go to open the small videos for more details!
    Thank you, Mariette!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
