
Monday, April 4, 2016

{Part XII of Husband Pieter's Trip to East Asia - By Train from Guangzhou to Hong Kong}

From the subtropical southern city of Guangzhou, where husband Pieter also stayed for 3 nights, the team went by train to Hong Kong in about 3-½ hours time. 
As Pieter wrote in his letter to me, that train trip was the best way of traveling of the entire trip so far. 
Passing through the beautiful countryside of the Pearl River Delta near Baiyun Mountain. Also being able to observe far better than from a bus, or let alone, from a rattling Russian Ilyushin Il-62 
Just to give you an idea about the distances traveled so far...
From Tokyo they flew in to Shanghai and on to Beijing.
By plane to Fuzhou, which is some 2,000 kilometers south of Beijing.
Again by plane to Guangzhou and now by train to Hong Kong, visible south of the mainland of China.
From there they will fly to Taiwan...
Find more info here: Guangzhou Explained
The weather looked rather cloudy on April 2 in 1987, but they did enjoy passing through areas with wet rice cultivation.
We both know this too well from Indonesia and it does look more tropical.
Such a train trip indeed gives one a good view of the country with all its bridges, homes and fields.
Wet rice wherever you look and very fertile grounds with palm trees.
The train at that time in 1987 did not go that fast, so you really could observe the countryside!
A chimney, for maybe brick making?
Flooded rice fields...
Guess here they produce big part of the nation's consumption of rice.
People working the rice paddy...
Always a muddy job to work in the rice paddy!
Everywhere you see people!
What job for the people working the wet rice fields...
Beautiful vista with the mountains in the back and some trees behind the rice paddy.
Quite impressive to see that many people out on the fields!
A kind of kolkhoz (Russian abbreviation for Kollektivnoye Khosyaistvo - collective economy) that was also quite common in communist Russia.
Nearing Hong Kong...
As husband Pieter wrote: Arriving in Hong Kong, the vertical build city...!
Very cloudy looking... the sky pregnant with rain!
Rolling into Hong Kong's railroad station.
Husband Pieter took this photo from the train's balcony...
Postcard from the Kowloon - Canton Railway Terminal with the grand view.
Canton is the former name for Guangzhou

See you next in Hong Kong!


  1. Came in from Biebkriebels. I haven't done much traveling but I do enjoy when some one who gets a well round view of an area.
    I have never been out side of the United States, except to Canada.
    Coffee is on

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    dein schöner Post erfreut mein Herz.
    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße

  3. Dear Mariette,
    Again,those are very interesting photos. Many farmers working outside on the field is amazing.
    Happy spring!

  4. Dat was een hele reis. Per trein is inderdaad veel ontspannender en je hebt betere overzichten over de omgeving dan vanuit een bus. Hongkong ben ik ook heel even geweest op een tussenstop naar Australie, even een stadstourtje gemaakt om de dag door te komen anders hang je maar op zo'n vliegveld rond. Inderdaad alles is verticaal, maar er waren nog wel een paar oude wijken toen in 2004, misschien zijn die nu ook inmiddels weggebuldozerd.

  5. Hi Mariette,

    Beautiful photo's of Pieters trip! What caught my attention, is your beautiful header. The area around your gazebo looks beautiful with the rhododendrons in bloom! They still have a week or two/three to go in my garden.

    Wishing you a happy week! Enjoy the flowers.

    Madelief x

  6. Love the change in blog header ... your gazebo surrounded by flowers is so beautiful! We hiked through rice paddies in Nepal. Definitely very messy and muddy. I wonder what all those areas Pieter saw look like now.

  7. Que de différences sur certaines photos ! Quel voyage.
    Bises chère Mariette

  8. Great scenery from the train! I like travelling on the train as long as time allows. It's fun to see changing scenery. Large rice fields remind me of Japan...but palm tree is something I don't see very often :-) Hong Kong is indeed vertical city! I've heard the night view is magnificent. I wonder if your husband Pieter had chance to enjoy it. Looking forward to the next post! Have a great new week, Mariette!

  9. East Asia-By train to Hong Kong,Fly to Taiwan arriving in Hong Kong in Husband Pieter wrote and photos from the train's balcony.. I was implassed of lots of difference your husband make us more
    appreciative of what we will read more new one. Thank you very much!
    Have a lots of Love both!

  10. Hi dear Mariettes,, Hong Kong es una gran ciudad ,, unas ellas fotos ,,,, espero que tengas un buen comienzo de semana

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    das waren wieder imponierende Einblicke in das Tagesleben der Chinesen.
    Danke dafür. Es ist schön, dass du nach all den Jahren die Zeit gefunden hast,
    diee Reise entsprchend aufzuarbeiten.
    Einen guten Start in die neue Woche wünscht dir

  12. Thanks for the shots of Hong Kong, Mariette. I hope to be there early next February.

  13. Very interesting Marietrte and Hong-Kong is nice aswell.
    Have the best week.

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    Ihr habt viel von der Welt gesehen, bzw. in diesem Falle Dein Mann.
    Für Eure Katze alles Liebe und Gute!

    Liebe Grüße

  15. Ma che bella l'immagine del tuo gazebo circondato da azzalee! Magnifico reportage di una terra particolare. Affascinante il tuo racconto, affiancato da foto che parlano letteralmente. Hai viaggiato molto nella tua vita, visitando posti e luoghi stupendi. Il mondo oggi è cambiato, tanto. Fortunata tu per aver potuto essere cittadina del mondo in un periodo in cui l'odio non prevaricava come oggi. Un abbraccio. Paola


Thanks for your visit and comment.
