
Friday, April 8, 2016

{Part XIV of Husband Pieter's Trip to East Asia - Encore Garden in Taichung, Taiwan}

On April 4 of 1987, the team from People to People Citizen Ambassador Program left on Flight Cathay Pacific 450 from Hong Kong to Taiwan Taoyuan Int'l (Taipei) airport at 10:30 AM.

On Sunday, April 5, was Observance of Tomb Sweeping Day, a public holiday in Taiwan. The team got a full day cultural orientation to Taichung, Taiwan's third largest city. The delegates visited the Taichung Martyrs Shrine (commemorating the deaths of Chinese patriots during the final days of the Manchu dynasty in 1911), the Confucian Shrine, and the Taichung Harbor.
They also visited the Encore Garden.
Husband Pieter has been SO LUCKY for having visited Encore Garden!
Before the Tuesday, September 21, 1999 Earthquake, Encore Garden was the most popular theme park in the Taichung Region. It got severely damaged and due to financial problems it closed for good in 2008.
Pieter's ticket for Encore Garden...
There even was a Michael Angelo replica from David!
The gardens were incredible!
Look at that...
This is the brochure that was still in our scrap book, it is the spot from the above photo!
Of course taken on a perfect, sunny day...
Part of the brochure showing paradise like images.
So sad that all this got destroyed...
Even on the Internet there is nothing to be found, other than its ruins...
Don't know if this was also in the area of Encore Garden.
Somebody from Taiwan might know?
A lovely little pagoda with a high rise building under construction in the background.
After all the cultural sight seeing the team did some evening shopping at the colorful night market on San-Min Road...

Pieter did also manage to call around 23:00 Taichung time, for congratulating his Mom in The Netherlands  on her birthday, while all of the family (including me) had come together.
That was often the way we had to do things while having to travel!

See you in Taichung 

{Part IV of Husband Pieter's Trip to East Asia - City Views of Beijing, China} | previous post by me


  1. Deaerst Mariette,
    thank you for those wonderful Gardenpictures! It looks great, what they have done there!
    Happy rest of the week to you,
    Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    lasse ich sonnige Grüße hier.


  3. Excelente trabalho deste belo e magnifico jardim.
    Um abraço e boa Quinta-Feira.

  4. Jammer dat de tuin verdwenen is, in ieder geval hebben jullie de herinneringen nog op foto's.

  5. What a beautiful garden! It looks very well kept with colorful flowers and fun place with many activity facilities. It's sad the garden got damaged by earthquake and no longer open :-( Pieter is very lucky to have been able to visit there before that happened.
    I hope someone here will recognize the pagota! Have a great day, Mariette xoxo

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    diese wunderbaren Gärten sind immer wieder
    schön anzusehen. Aber wenn rohe Kräfte alles
    zerstören, bleiben nur die Erinnerungen.
    Einen harmonischen Tag wünscht dir

  7. It was a lovely place for Pieter to enjoy on his busy travel schedule, dear Mariette, and so sad that it is now all but forgotten. I'm sure it is still a sweet memory in many family's hearts. Seeing the pagoda against the backdrop of the skyscraper is a little sad, too. We see the old traditions being pushed aside all over the world. I hope your week is going well and you are enjoying some spring weather. I hope your kitty is recovering, too. Hugs xo Karen

  8. Beautiful garden and I am sorry that this amusement park was not rebuilt after the destruction of the earthquake. The husband was lucky that he still saw. Regards.

  9. Dearest Mariette.
    Pieter has been visited encore garden September 21 1999 Eathquake Encore garden in the Taichiug region. damaged problems it closed for good in 2008.
    Pieter's ticket for Encone gareden Micherl angele replica from David!The gardens were incledible booked the parfect sunny day. Part of showing pardise like images that is sad all the is destroyed. The internet there is other then its ruins.
    Pieter did also manage to call to congratulating his Mom in the Netherlands on her birthday all family come together.
    Have a great day!

  10. Lieve Mariette ,
    wat een mooie foto's van taiwan ...mooie tuinen ..
    maar ik vindt jou foto boven aan (banner ) van je kiosk ook heel mooi ...
    net of het uit een tuintijdschrift komt ..
    heel veel groetjes en een fijn weekend

  11. So glad you share these marvelous adventures with us. Love seeing what the other part of the world is like. However, no matter where you are still so much bad stuff going on. We have to look past that and enjoy the lovely sights that abound.

  12. What a delightful juxtaposition: the serious, athletic David and the laughing, fat Buddha. :)

  13. so beautiful. cute pony rides, too. :)

  14. What a pity this garden was destroyed and had to close down!!!
    Pieter was sure very lucky to have visited it!!!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
