
Saturday, April 16, 2016


Guess I need two more weeks for finishing my photo albums and having them ALL digital... 
Several I already did have digital, from scanning the slides before. We often did have slides + photos, developed from special professional film rolls for that purpose.
How times have changed!
But I very much like the way it is now being archived.
Every day I manage one album... 
So by the end of April or early May I will be DONE!
Hope I'm getting out of the stupid time where photos had rounded edges, in the mid till late 80s.
Have to fill those edges in, which is time consuming!
For sure I will do the HAPPY DANCE once I'm through.
The weather is not yet such that it feels like a time waste...
There are some JOYS also in early spring.
Such as this Bletila Striata Alba Orchid that Pieter dug up from our wood garden where it almost wilted.
We have had three of them for years but the roots from those big trees compete for food and water.
They are happy inside a pot now and bloomed very early on March 20!
You can read more about it in my previous post from 2011:
{Our Bletilla Striata Alba Orchid native to Japan and China} They now are 20 years old!
On March 11, while having late afternoon tea in our living room, I heard some strange noise...
That turned out to be the gas burners from a HUGE Hot Air Balloon that landed in our back yard! 
Just beside the big pond and they barely managed to get over the huge oak tree that stands next to the pond.
Lots of spectators too in our back yard.
After having worked hard all day and taking a shower afterwards, Pieter already was in his robe and ready to retire in front of TV... Not so!
WISH we would have been on the balcony for seeing them land.
The daughter of a dear friend was inside the basket, it was one of the things still on her bucket list.
 After having received two donor lungs, and recovering well enough, she finally was able to realize this!
Here are our boys, Bandido, left who joined his brother Spooky to the right in their favorite bolstered Kitty Sill Deluxe.
Probably they can communicate as it turned out that this was on March 28 and by Friday, April 1 (no joke!) Spooky was near dead with a urinary track blockage.
It was a dreary rainy day and I spotted him, hidden in the cat house in the front porch, with big eyes looking at me.
He did not want to eat and later he'd hidden away against the wall of our front porch; in the rain... We found him and rushed him to the Animal Clinic that is only one mile away from us. She did sedate him and insert a catheter and on Monday we could pick him up.
He's now eating medicated dry food and has improved greatly.
He'd lost weight and was without energy.
So glad we found out in time!
So what do you do with all this stress?
Rewarding ourself with a delicious five course dinner at the authentic Italian Restaurant of Ristorante da Maria at Dublin Farm "Come Home To The Country" 
Also my webmaster let me know that he will get out of this business so I had to secure all of my text before it will be taken down.
Too much on my plate but this will pass!
Wishing you a lovely upcoming weekend and thanks for your visits.


  1. Hi dear Mariettes !,, un balón. Qué maravilla poder subirse a uno ,, que tengas un buen fin de semana

  2. Ddearest Mariette,
    looks like a lot of work, all those thick photobooks to scan ...:O)
    Thank you for more wonderful pics today, Hotairballonriding is georgeous, I got a ride from my hubby for my 50th Birthday.... I never will forget this.
    Also love the cats in their basket lovely!
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  3. Magnificas fotografias gostei bastante das dos dois gatos pretos.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  4. Ik zie dat je lekker bezig bent met digitaliseren. Hier is er geen beginnen aan, we hebben zoveel albums en ook nog van de beide ouders geerfd, plus nog dozen vol dia's... We pikken er soms maar een paar uit. Wat een naar incident met je kat, gelukkig dat je er op tijd bij was. Je moet ze altijd maar goed in de gaten houden, je ziet soms een gedragsverandering inderdaad.

  5. I can't image the shock of having that balloon land in your backyard! happy your cat is better. Take a break and have a nice weekend. janey

  6. Mariette, das sieht nach viel Arbeit aus.
    Da ich keine Erben habe, die sich für die vielen
    Dias und alben interessieren, mache ich mir diese
    Arbeit nicht.
    Herrlich die Katzen. Ich mag sie auch sehr-
    Einen guten Start ins Wochenende wünscht Dir

  7. I have tons of pictures in paper form - I need to scan them, too, but haven't been able to do yet. Looks like you have a LOT! You sure deserve a happy dance when you are done :-) Glad that huge hot air balloon landed safely with the tree so close. How wonderful your friend's daughter got her bucketlist wish come true!

    Continued prayers for your sweet Spooky for full recovery xoxo Have a wonderful weekend, Mariette!

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    lasse ich sonnige Grüße hier.

  9. Dearest Mariette,

    You do sound to be very busy and hope you will have some time to relax over the weekend. It is a big job organizing all your photos - just last week I found some of our old photo albums that are in storage and have to do the same thing. What a surprise having the balloon land on your yard and lovely that your friend was able to tick off one of her bucket list. Best wishes for sweet Spooky for a speedy recovery.
    Sending love and hugs and wishing you a happy weekend

  10. Hola Mariette, es un gran trabajo el de preservar tus fotos. Ahora escaneandolas y guardando las de manera digital. Un poco de nostalgia alternos como testigos del tiempo cambiante. Abrazos! Me encantan las orquídeas!

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    What an inspiring story of a fellow non tree - you want to do well I love the simple tips that made this seem whether you're already mindful about waster or never give your daily disposable coffee cup a second thought,there was something with your friends. And what goes on in their busy minds!
    Hugs and Love your both!

  12. glad spooky is okay! and what a surprise to have a balloon land in your back yard!

  13. I have so many photo albums that I should also scan but no time to do the job...!! Maybe some day I will manage to do it!
    How you must have been surprised to see the balloon on your back yard!! That's quite an experience, I guess!
    I hope your lovely Spooky is already much better!!!
    Many hugs to you, dear Mariette!!

  14. Quante emozioni hai avuto cara Mariette, pure una mongolfiera in giardino. E il gattino poveretto? Meno male che tutto si è risolto nel migliore dei modi. Il lavoro che stai facendo con le foto, è sicuramente lungo, ma poi sarà più facile ed agevole poter riguardare tanti bellissimi ricordi. Un abbraccio grande e buona settimana. Paola

  15. You have a lot of work with photos. I admire you for that. Balloon flight is not for me, I think I would be afraid, but others admire. Regards.


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