
Sunday, April 24, 2016

{Wearing my Escada Sheath Dress with Jacket}

On January 5, blogger friend Marie-Thérèse from The French Touch wrote about: Something Old, Something New and Something Essential and in the commenting she asked me how many Sheaths I have in my wardrobe...
Okay Marie-Thérèse, here is one of them!
On April 9, it was a rather cool day for Georgia standards so I loved wearing my Cashmere Wool Escada Sheath with Silk Leopard trim + Jacket!
Also wearing my thick Majorica pearls with this outfit.
Here you can see the comments about the very subject and some funny language details as well.
A Classic Sheath Dress in Dutch we call: 'Nauw Aansluitend Jurkje' or Tight Fitting Dress if translated. But if you search for 'Sheath' in Dutch it also will show a condom... only emphasizing the tight fit! 
But let's go back to Fashion...
Just love to wear this soft and warm Cashmere Wool with Silk Escada outfit. It is lined too.
Together with my Wolford tights and Escada suede pumps it works fine.
I also got to wear my Majorica pearls...
Come to think about it, since we both retired, we don't attend Congresses anymore so the need for dressing up is a lot less. 
Frankly, I'm more of a jeans and shorts wearing girl...
What do you like to wear mostly?

This was on April 9, with our Rose Arbor and soon our two white Eden roses will be blooming!
Things are always growing and time is going fast.
Proud for having scanned now 25 of my 33 photo albums; so there is light at the end of the tunnel. 
What looked like a mega task is diminishing now.
With perseverance and will power.
BUT, in tackling this job, I'm a bit too sedentary for my health...
In a week that too will change and we get back to walking and biking together and hope that will improve my health.
Went to see my Nephrologist on Wednesday and learned that both of my kidneys are functioning for 48%.
That hit me real hard; thinking about my Mom who died last year, after almost 8 years of kidney dialysis.
This means that my stage CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) went from 2 to 3A.
Let's hope I will be able to reverse it somewhat! 
At least keeping it steady and not progressing...

Related link to previous post by me showing a Sheath Dress:


  1. Dear Mariette,

    You look very elegant in your smart outfit. I wear mostly shorts around home and like to dress up when I go out though.
    Happy weekend

  2. Oh, you do look very nice in your sheath dress, Dear Mariette! It is a beautiful and perfect dress for any occasion. I do mostly wear jeans, but do like to dress for special occasions. Pearls are always classic. Sending prayers for continued good health, my dear. Hugs xo Karen

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    die Fotos sind sehr schön.
    Sie gefallen mir gut.

    Alles Gute

  4. Dear Mariette,
    You look very good in your dress. You have a perfect choice to fit to the dress,Pearl necklace! You are also sending me your lovely smile. Thank you! Have a good day,my friend.

  5. You look so beautiful and elegant in your dress! Love the gentle color of the dress, and it looks really soft. Funny about translation:-) I usually wear jeans and shirts. To be honest, the clothes I put on when we met was the most dressing-up for me last year! With your healthy lifestyle, I believe your CKD has been managed much better compared to others with the same condition. Wishing you a continued health xoxo

  6. You look stunning and elegant in your fabulous outfit Mariette. I have a pearl necklace but don't wear it much...maybe I should!
    Hope that you manage to reverse the kidney disease with exercise or diet. Best of luck!

  7. You are splendid dear Mariette
    Hugs and good sunday

  8. You have to back to Fashion like to mostly wear dress! Are most of expecting time with lifstyle.
    Have a wonderful good day Dear Mariette!

  9. This is just wonderful, Mariette. I remember our exchange and you have turned it into a brilliant post. As always, you look très chic. What would you and I do w/out our little sheath dresses.

    Gros bisous, ma chère amie,

    Cheers, M-T

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    How lovely you look. Your arch is a perfect frame.
    Because I spend most of my time in my studio or garden I generally am dressed in sweats. I do put on reasonably nice pants and shirts whenever I go out, even if it is to run to the post office. If I don't I am sure to meet someone I haven't seen in ten years who acts as though I have fallen on very hard times indeed!
    I hope you and Pieter are enjoying the spring.................*s*

  11. You look beautiful my dear. Sending love and prayers your way.

  12. Meine liebe Mariette,
    so ein Rosenbogen ist was Feines. Und Du schaust wie immer gut aus. Ich sehe, Dein Haar ist wieder gewachsen.
    Tja das Fotoscannen ist eine Wahnsinns-Arbeit. Ich schaffe das gar nicht neben allem anderen, da mache ich mir gar keine Illusionen. Man tut sich selbst oft Zwang an, denn wen interessiert's nach dem eigenen Ableben? Ich habe nun 3 Kinder, aber die wollen von den Fotos gar nichts wissen. ;-) Ist halt alles Vergangenheit, die Kinder leben im Hier und Heute.
    Viel Stress ist Gift für die Nieren, ebenso Salz und Bluthochdruck. Da heißt es wohl kürzertreten. Ich kenne das von meiner Mutti. Sie hatte sich auch immer zu viel zugemutet und irgendwann bekam sie die Quittung dafür.
    Wir leben heute oft ungesund mit dem vielen Sitzen am Computer und wenn es auch "nur" das Notebook ist oder ein Tablet, Smartphone .... immer und überall der Stress, der selbsterzeugte Druck oder das sich gar von Anderen unter Druck setzen lassen - doch wofür .... unsere Lebenszeit ist begrenzt. Aber das sagt sich so leicht, ich weiß. Jeder Mensch hat etwas, das ihn antreibt, heißt es in irgendeiner Werbung und man möchte Spuren hinterlassen ...

    Sei liebst gegrüßt und alles Gute für Deine Gesundheit!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
