
Friday, May 6, 2016

{Our Fragrant White Paeonia 'Ann Cousins' is Blooming}

Don't we all LOVE Peonies? We have tried over the years so many different varieties, mainly white ones but with the heat we have down south, it proves really hard. Last year no blooms at all...
But this year we got rewarded with a huge white and fragrant flower on our Paeonia 'Ann Cousins'
So I love to share it with you here!
Love this gem! 
Photo is made next morning as it was rather dark in the late afternoon for making any photos.
It is all white, no red specks or whatsoever.
White Flower Farms used to sell these but not any more.
The only place I found this 'Ann Cousins' is at Peony Paradise  ←just click the link.
Too bad Adelman Peony Gardens are located in Salem, OR... Would love to visit them!
Do you grow some peonies as well?

Related posts with peonies:


  1. Muito bela esta magnifica flor.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    What a gorgeous peony. White flowers are always difficult to grow. How delightful that you have this one to enjoy!
    Are you still experiencing rain? We are stuck in a cold, rainy system. Not fun.
    Here's to sunny days!................*s*

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    eine ganz wundervolle Blüte. In weiß sieht man sie
    Liebe Grüße

  4. Hallo Mariette,

    De natuur is bij jullie echt al een stukje verder dan bij ons. De pioenen zijn bij mij in de tuin al een flink stuk boven de grond, maar er zitten nog geen knoppen in. Prachtig dat jij een witte variant hebt. Zo mooi!

    Het scannen van je foto albums klinkt als een flinke klus. Fijn dat het afgerond is. Vooral nu het weer steeds beter wordt en jullie weer van de tuin kunnen genieten.

    Alvast een fijn weekend!

    Madelief x

  5. Wow, your Ann Cousins is beautiful, Mariette! It's the perfect white blossom and I imagine its scent is really heavenly!
    We don't have peonies, but it's OK 'cause I get to enjoy it here :-)
    It's been so chilly for the last couple of days here. I hope your outdoor plants are doing fine in this strange weather.
    Have a lovely evening xoxo

  6. Dear Mariette,

    Gorgeous! And you are so lucky to be able to grow these pretty blooms.
    Happy weekend ahead..hugs

  7. Deast Mariette,
    your Paeonia is wonderful!
    You are really a lucky woman, to have suche a Beauty in your garden!
    Wishing you a lovely and wonderful weekend,
    Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo
    P.S. Nice tablerunner ;O)

  8. cara Mariette, adoro le peonie! E' un fiore meraviglioso!ti auguro un dolce fine settimana, un grande abbraccio Lory

  9. Dearest Mariette; Wow, your Paeonia 'Ann Cousins' looks SO GORGEOUS and the color white makes itself really pure and innocent♡♡♡ Happy for you BEAUTIFUL bloom this year, Dear friend.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  10. I still wait for peonies in my garden. White Unfortunately I do not have. I really like the smell of flowers. :)

  11. Wow!!What a lovely your peony is!I love it!


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