
Saturday, May 28, 2016

{Rockefeller Center New York City}

On August 28 of 2015, when we did tour NYC by bus, of course one of the stops was at the Rockefeller Center.
Atlas is a huge bronze statue in front of Rockefeller Center
It is just across from St. Patrick's Cathedral.
The sculpture depicts the ancient Greek Titan Atlas, holding the heavens.
Rockefeller Center is a HUGE complex, spanning 22 acres or 8 hectare
Using the New York Public Library Digital Collection (see link below post) we can see the Streetview, Then and Now in 1911 and in 2015.
The Rockefeller Center is build in 1939
Beautiful Channel Gardens
I bet, the view from the Rock is breathtaking!
One only needs more time...
Happy sight to see all those flags waving!

Have you been to the Rockefeller Center?

Thanks for your visit!

Street View, Then & Now: New York City's Fifth Avenue just click the hyperlink.
Rockefeller Center | FB Page for lots of photos



  1. Dear Mariette,

    Have never visited the Rockefeller Center or indeed New York so it was lovely seeing your photos - thanks for sharing.
    Looks like the weather was great with the blue sky and the flags waving in the breeze.
    Happy weekend

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you for wonderful pictures and impressions.
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    es ist immer wieder schön, dich zu begleiten.

    Alles Liebe

  4. Gigantisch, liebe Mariette. So kann nan wenigstens virtuell dort hinreisen.

    Liebe Grüsse

  5. Gigantisch, liebe Mariette. So kann nan wenigstens virtuell dort hinreisen.

    Liebe Grüsse

  6. I have been on the top deck of the Rockefeller Center, it is much less crowded then the Empire State Building. We didn't have to wait in a line, just went in and up. Was a tip of our tourleader. The Empire we also did on our first visit to NY, but the view from above is rather the same.

  7. ¡Relly awsome!. ¡ Amazing images!.
    Have a nice weekend.

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    es ist immer wieder beeindruckend, Fotos vom
    Rockefeller Cener zu sehen. Tolle Aufnahmen
    Einen schönen Start ins Wochenende wünscht

  9. Comme la série précédente, la première photo avec la sculpture est très belle Mariette.
    Bravo !
    Grosses bises et bon WE

  10. Fotografias espectaculares de Nova York.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  11. Tolle Aufnahmen vom Rockefeller Center.
    Für mich eine ferne Welt, die ich nur von Bildern kenne.
    Gruß, Anette

  12. Yes, I went to the Rockefeller center (not inside) on the same day I visited the cathedral. To be honest, I do not remember the statues! The Atlas is very impressive!
    Many hugs, dear Mariette, and I wish you a lovely weekend.

  13. beautiful square. liked the comparison of then to now. :)

  14. Hello dear Mariette,
    Great footage an beautiful photos of the Rocky Center!!
    Your photos are very well constructed, especially that first one with Atlas carrying the world.
    I wish a lovely weekend, huge hugs and take care:)

  15. Those are great photos, Mariette! Didn't know the statue was Atlas holding heavens...I learned something new :-) Love the photo of Channel gardens. It's so beautiful. And the then and now pictures are very fun to see! I stopped by Rockerfeller Center several times during my visits to NY, but didn't spend a lot of time. Still it was nice experience to be at such iconic spot :-)

  16. Come già ti ho detto, non ho mai avuto il piacere di visitare l'America, ma grazie a te in qualche modo posso ammirarla attraverso queste meravigliose e splendide foto. Riflettevo su una cosa: è davvero bellissimo poter vedere che il vostro paese, e nello specifico New York, sia riuscito a reagire e a riprendere a vivere a tutto tondo dopo quella terribile, devastante tragedia dell'11-9-2001. Chapeau a voi. Un abbraccio. Paola

  17. Dearest Mariette; Oh, Rockefeller Center is such a famous building; thank you SO much for your sharing beautiful pictures with us♪ Yes, really impressed by the the statue of Atlas holding heavens☆☆☆
    I wonder if I'd be ever able to have a chance to visit America and hopefully get to meet you:-)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*


Thanks for your visit and comment.
