
Saturday, July 16, 2016

{Foster Daughter Anita on the Other Side of the World}

It has been FIFTEEN years now, since we last went to Indonesia for work... And also it has been SEVEN years, since Anita last did stay with us here in Georgia/USA and traveled with us to The Netherlands and to Germany...
Never easy for staying in touch as they are 12 hours ahead of us.
Only 11 hours in summer time...
When Anita is already starting her day, we are still left in the dark...
Even Europe is still asleep!
To the left of the red word Anita you can see Jakarta, Indonesia's capital and she lives near Semarang
We always did fly in to Jakarta and on to Yogyakarta which is on the south coast of Java.
Semarang is on the north coast, as you can see here above...
That's where we are, in Georgia/USA and we're just tiny people on this big world and far apart but oh so close at heart!
Anita always has been a loyal and loving daughter; touching her Mama's heart when needed most.
When I lost my Mom, she was with me through it all in thoughts and prayers—she supported me big time.
From my legal 'step-daughter Liz Vedder' not a single word...
Liz obviously follows a different moral compass.

May God bless Anita, manyfold and I leave all other things into His hands!

Thanks for your visit!

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  1. Bless you, dear Mariette, for this lovely Post, and bless Anita so far away from you!
    Have a lovely weekend,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist sehr beeindruckend.

    Alles Liebe

  3. Excelente trabalho e bela postagem.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  4. With Google you can see the distances very well.

  5. I know how you feel as my family is 13 hours (14 hours in winter) ahead!
    Anita is such a beautiful lady, both inside and outside. Caring, sweet and you are close at heart, which matters the most :-)

  6. Wonderful that Anita keeps close to you even though she lives so far away. It's difficult to keep in touch when the family is spread out around the globe. I know the feeling Mariette.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Lijkt me echt wel moeilijk......onze dochter woont naast ons, dat is dus het 'andere uiterste' .

  8. Dearest Mariette
    When you has working Indonesia city on the Church you meet Anita there photos are beautiful girls,you too You had lots of helpful...
    The Georgia/ USA to Nether land and to Germany after that US in Summer time.
    When I was younger in Japan...Will be nice too..Just thinking of You!!
    Hugs to you and Lots of LOVE!

  9. Hello, Mariette.
    I understand your feeling well.
    It seems that Anita is a lovely lady. Your hearts are always tied!
    Have a good summer and enjoy it.

  10. A lovely tribute to your dear foster daughter!!!! Anita may be far away, but she surely is a very sweet and caring person.
    I wish you a lovely and cooler new week, my dear Mariette!

  11. I love that Anita keeps close to you even although she lives halfway across the world.
    You two are so blessed to have each other.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
