
Friday, September 2, 2016

{Last Call Outlet Score of Etienne Aigner Sandals}

Nothing is more rewarding than scoring on some high quality items at Last Call by Neiman Marcus!
Very happy with my block heel sandals from Etienne Aigner!
Very comfortable and adjustable, for me wearing them in the tightest option.
The padded footbed is heavenly...
Full price was $ 325.00 and I scored them for $ 87.60!
Love the stacked block heel and also the lugged rubber outsole.
Thong strap
Love the grommets too!
In the back they have elastic, so they really do fit perfect.
At least I'm very happy with this score!
We found them at the Last Call Outlet in Sawgrass Mills in Florida
Wearing my Escada dress with it here.
Do you like them?
We did celebrate this score with a delicious Häagen Dazs kiddo ice-cream (yes, I sinned...) of pineapple - coconut!
Used to eat that always in the years before I had high blood sugar levels.

Thanks for your visit.


  1. Pretty shoes, dearest Mariette!
    Happy week to you,
    Love and hugs,
    Claudia xo

  2. Liebe Mariette,


    Sonnige Grüße

  3. Hi Mariette,
    those shoes are awesome and wonderful. You looks gorgeous with the white dress and the shoes.
    Best, Synnöve

  4. Dear Mariette - I love a good bargain too - you look fantastic in your new sandals, and we should all allow ourselves a 'little' treat every now and then.

  5. Lovely shoes Mariette and a good price too. I'm sure an ice-cream now and then doesn't harm.
    Enjoy the rest of the week.

  6. I wish I could wear sandals but don't like to show my feet. Saw some really cute ones in the States that I thought about getting, but didn't. I inherited my mom's big ol' bunions so it's hard to find shoes that fit right. I also indulged while in Toronto -- a fig gelato cone -- no regrets. :)

  7. I like yours shoes dear Mariette and a delicious Häagen Dazs ice-cream !!!! lol

  8. Hi dejar Mariettas !! Qué bonitas esas sandalias !! Me gustan mucho que tengas un buen día

  9. Wow, that's really a great deal! With such big score, you should celebrate :-) I'm in love with Häagen Dazs and pineapple coconut is one of my favorite flavors!
    Those sandals are very pretty. You look fantastic wearing them, Mariette!

  10. Dear Mariette! Your block heal sandals are very comfortable in the tightest option, are fit perfect!
    Will pineapple-coconut special time.. It was not all times.Enjoy for only your comfortable times!
    Have a lovely day!

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    wundervoll stehen dir die Schuhe - du siehst toll aus -
    bei einer Superfigur musst du nicht auf ein leckeres Eis verzichten -
    dein Mann muss sehr glücklich sein, eine so schöne und jugendlich wirkende
    Frau zu haben -

    ich wünsche euch alles Liebe - Ruth

  12. Wow...ganz tolle Schuhe liebe Mariette.
    Stehen dir ausgezeichnet. Ich selbst mag Zehenschuhe nicht gern, das tut mir weh, weil ich es nicht gewohnt bin.

    Liebe Grüessli

  13. What a great find. I love finding quality at a good price. I also love ice cream. Janey

  14. Die Sandalen sehen schon interessant aus, liebe Mariette, wären mir aber an den Füßen zu nackt, mit nur einem Steg zwischen zwei Zehen. Sandalen trage ich draußen zum Laufen, die müssen was aushalten unbd nicht verrutschen. Aber zum Ausgehen wäre das schon was. Da könnt ich mir den Absatz noch etwas höher und schmaler vorstellen für mich.
    Meine liebsten - allerdings flachen - Sandalen in diesem Sommer siehst Du hier

    die trage ich wirklich tagaus tagein, weil sie bequem und nett anzusehen sind. Mag gar keine anderen anziehen, obwohl ich auch andere besitze :-)

    Liebe Grüße auch hier


Thanks for your visit and comment.
