
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

{Dinner with Friends in Lakeland, Florida}

While being in Orlando, it was only an hour drive from the Hyatt Place, to our friend's home.
Without traffic that is...
But we made it in 1.5 hour to be at their home for a delicious dinner!
Happy together after two years.
Lots of things have happened since than, I lost my Mom and Roman's Mom has been in the hospital for 5 months and lost her leg...
Still we have many things to be grateful for!
Roman was the Chef for baking this delicious salmon in the oven...
Served with Mashed Cauliflower and Asparagus artfully added on top.
It was so yummy!
Maritza's Salad is also a very special treat!
We were feeling pampered...
Such a perfect relaxing evening together!
Wish we would live closer but the more we cherish these moments of Friendship!
Such a lovely setting for summer.
Poor cat-boy Ash was not allowed to be near the table.
Hope they soon find time to dine at our home.
IF Ash will let them travel away...
Our Felines and those of our dearest friends are being LOVED!

Do you also travel for catching up with dear friends?

Thanks for your visit!


  1. Agradável momento com os amigos e gatinho.
    A mesa está bem apresentada, com uma alimentação muito apetitosa.

  2. That looks like a very nice way to catch up. And Ash looks like such a sweetie!

  3. It always is lovely to meet friends :O)
    Happy week to you,
    love and hugs, Claudia xo

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist köstlich und einladend.

    Alles Liebe

  5. É sempre bom estar com os amigos e conviver.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  6. Altijd fijn vrienden te ontmoeten en dan nog zo'n mooi maaltijd erbij, ziet er leuk uit.

  7. What could be better than catching up with old friends over a wonderful meal?
    Have a terrific week........*s*

  8. I love salmon and your friend's salmon dish looks delicious! Their kitty is so cute too, I know what it's like, if we want to go anywhere we have to get someone to look after our cats too.

  9. Sounds like you had such a wonderful time with your friends! Table setting is so lovely and dinner looks super yummy!
    Ash is such a cute kitty. His coat looks so soft and fluffy :-)

  10. What a lovely dinner, dear Mariette, and so very special to be with good friends to share this lovely and delicious meal. I'm sure that Ash was hoping to be invited, too :) So glad that you did have this wonderful time together. Sending hugs xo Karen

  11. Looks like a delicious meal. And food always tastes better in the company of friends and loved ones. The kitty is adorable. xo Deborah

  12. Looks like a lovely time..and delicious meal. Yes, we travel to see friends. off the. Houston tomorrow to do just that.

  13. Dinner with friends sounds great! The food looks nice ♥

  14. Happy diner with yours friends MAriette.

  15. Der Lachs sieht fantastisch aus.
    Ein gutes Essen mit Freunden ist immer etwas besonderes.
    Viele Grüße,

  16. how very nice. and what a wonderful looking meal, too.

  17. You had lovely dinner in setting has beautiful table and wonderful together loved one the cute Ketty cuts one!
    It was nice drinks love one both of you!
    Hugs and love your both!

  18. Freunde wohnen oft weit verstreut, liebe Mariette. Das ist bei uns auch so. Es wäre schön, wenn alle nahe beeinander wohnten könnten. Aber wer weiß, víelleicht macht ja auch gerade den Reiz der langen Freundschaften aus.

    Das weiß-karamellfarbene Kätzchen ist ja hübsch!

    Ich besuche auch, wenn ich kann, meine Freunde. Mein Mann reist allerdings nicht so gerne oder nur, wenn es sich gar nicht vermeiden läßt. Daher muß ich meistens alleine fahren. Aber es bleibt leider auch wenig Zeit.

    Lieben Gruß nochmal


Thanks for your visit and comment.
