
Friday, September 30, 2016

{Tiggy-Tiger in her Favorite Spot}

Whenever we come home from a trip, be it long or short, our felines greet us on the driveway.
For Tiggy-Tiger her Favorite Spot is on top of the retainer wall, alongside the driveway...
Our Fiberglass  Window Boxes alongside the wall are filled with white Verbena Lanai® Blush White from White Flower Farm
She always has remained kitten-like, so tiny...
But she is very fast and fierce.
Sweet too!
Love this girl and miss them all while we're traveling but they do always have a sweet cat-sitter.
While we're traveling, our cat-sitter also waters the Fiberglass Window Boxes from Flower Framers of Cincinnati, so the Verbenas don't perish in the heat.
They have been blooming during the entire summer.
Not easy for keeping them alive in our harsh climate though...

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Tiggy Tiger looks happy to have mama and papa home. The Verbenas look so beautiful. Furbabies are the best... hugs C.

  2. Liebe Mariette,
    es ist wunderbar von den lieben Fellnasen begrüsst zu werden. Tiggy ist eine ganz Süsse. Finn ist auch eher klein fürs Alter. Der Arzt meinte damals, als er noch ganz klein war, er sei ein zarter Kater. Der ehemalige Besitzer meinte gar er sei ein Weibchen und mit dieser Annahme kam er zu uns. :-)
    Die Blumen blühen wunderschön und passen so gut zum Haus.

    Ganz liebe Grüessli

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    bleiben sonnige Grüße hier.


  4. Um belo canteiro de flores com um guarda muito especial.
    Um abraço e continuação de boa semana.

  5. Always nice to be greeted, the cat we now have doesn't has that habit....

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    I love seeing pictures of Tiggy Tiger. She looks like a tiny version of her kitty cousin, Aloysius!
    Enjoy the day.....*s*

  7. Deaerst Mariette,
    oh, how sweet :O) Tiggy Tiger loves sitting on Top, so he can see and watch everybody :O)
    Youe white Verbenas are wonderful!
    Happy weekend ahead,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  8. Beautiful flowers and beautiful kitten. Our 3 cats are a lot bigger. We've also just come back from a 4 day holiday, but our cats don't greet us that way either...they just get very clingy for a few days wanting to sit on our lap or sleep next to us, a few days later they become their normal independent cats.

  9. What a beautiful girl Tiggy Tiger is! It's so sweet that your kitties greet you on the driveway :-) They sure miss you when you go away even if it's just a short trip! Your flowers are beautiful in the fiberglass window boxes. It's been so dry lately - I've heard Georgia is in long-term drought now. Hopefully we'll get some rain sometime soon.

    Have a wonderful day, Mariette!

  10. Our cats also greet us as soon as we open the parking gate! Tiggy Tiger is so sweet and she looks like my cat Koutsoula! Your white verbenas are beautiful and look very healthy! Your cat sitter has taken good care of them!
    Many hugs, dear Mariette and many thanks for your kind comments on my blog!!!

  11. Dear Mariette. As a cat person -whats not to love in this post. What a beauty!!- and can totally understand her choice of favourite spot - cats are clever:-) Hugs sweetie:-)

  12. Hej Mariette, wat een mooi welkom voor jullie. Prachtig ook de witte Verbena.
    Fijn weekend, lieve groet

  13. Ni dear Mariettas ,, que lindo gatito y esas flores son realmente hermosas ,, que tengas buenas noches

  14. The Kitties Tiggy Tiggy sports girl! come home along side the drive ways and our Fiberglass window Boxes.
    But you do always have a blooming during beautiful summer in taken good care of self!
    Dear Maniette San! Have a lovely day!
    We has raining never stopped ..

  15. Sweet Tiggy and lovely flowers ... a wonderful welcome home. :)

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    Many for your kind thoughts,
    I try not to think about it and keep VERY busy, so much so that I hardly have the time to go shopping for food!
    Fortunately the stags are just what I need but I would easily kill those dam hunters would I had a chance!
    Warm hugs my friend and enjoy the coming weekend :)

  17. By the way, your photo are lovely, and you cat so cute!

  18. Liebe Mariette,
    vielleicht liebt die kleine Dame den Duft der Verbenen? Auf jeden Fall sieht sie so niedlich aus.
    Liebe Grüße an dich und Pieter von Johanna


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