
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

{Away from Blogger for a While...}

Too many activities going on in my life.
Have to practice singing and dancing... for some upcoming performances and I take that seriously.
Also it is something that I greatly ENJOY doing.
Even my Dad, was happy with this news and he did let me in on his 70+ years of experience in singing.
That's a long time!

Wishing you all a happy fall/spring, depending in which hemisphere you're living.
I will be back but have not the time for writing right now.

Sending you all hugs and best wishes!
When time allows me so, I will visit you.



  1. Dearest Mariette,
    this sounds like you have to do wonderful things!
    I wish you a wonderful and happy time!
    Looking forward about your news, when you are back here :O)
    sending much love and hugs and blessings,
    and take care, dear friend!
    Claudia xo

  2. Dear Marriette.
    I hope you enjoy your time with exciting activities!

  3. Liebe Mariette,


    Alles Liebe

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    I'm sure you will have many wonderful tales to tell when you return.....*s*

  5. Practicing to sing and dance, that sounds fun! I hope you enjoy and do the best at your performance. I look forward to reading about it, if you can post :-)
    Take care and have a great time, Mariette!

  6. Have fun with your singing and dancing Mariette, sounds exciting, will await to know more about your performance in the near future.

  7. Hello Mariette, Mixing things up is always good to spur creativity and enjoyment. We know that you are not one to let the moss grow--although perhaps the mushrooms!

    1. Dear Jim,
      Well, in fact I do love mosses very much and I always let them be. It is hard to have them survive in our climate but we still got some. Mushrooms only appear naturally but we don't grow any on purpose. That is past time for both of us.

  8. Dear Mariette,

    Life is busy sometimes and I have found the same thing lately.
    Singing is such a lovely thing to do ... enjoy and look forward to hearing about the performance and seeing you back again when you have time.
    Take care and sending hugs

  9. Dearest Mariette; Sounds like some fun is waiting for you ... singing and dancing is a great way to practice some self care .. enjoy your time away from blogging. We will await your return and wonderful writing. Sending you lots of hugs and blessings - C.

  10. Singing and dancing?! You are indefatigable! Driving all around Europe and now singing and dancing. Sounds wonderful, Mariette. You'll have to fill us in on all the details when you get back. xo Deborah

  11. Hola amiga querida,, esoero que tengas un buen comienzo de semana

  12. Dearest Mariette;
    hat is lovely your life with wonderful singing with dance and when you has eating with Mushroom are your feeling wonderful delicious Yum and beautiful I love so much too.
    Thank you has so long years in blogging time.
    Hugs and Love to you!

  13. I can't think of anything better than singing and dancing. Blogging will always be there when you are ready to resume, as will be your loyal friends and fans.

    Cheers, ma chère Mariette,


  14. Najdroższa Mariette życzę wszystkiego dobrego miłych chwil.U mnie jesień mokra i ponura.Dziękuję za odwiedziny i mile słowa.Zapraszam na bloga jak będziesz miała czas .Serdecznie pozdrawiam.

  15. Hope you enjoy most if not all that you will get up to doing ♥

  16. Oh jee...jij die altijd zo stipt bent met reacties en blogposten gaat er een tijdje tussenuit..
    Daar zal je wel een reden voor hebben buiten het zingen en dansen denk ik...we wachten geduldig tot je weer terug bent...alvast veel plezier met het dansen en zingen...

  17. Take your time and enjoy what you are doing, dear Mariette!
    We will be here when you are able to be back!!!
    Many hugs to you!!!

  18. Liebe Mariette,

    die Dinge die vor dir liegen klingen wunderbar.
    Nimmm dir die Zeit, denn das reale Leben wartet nicht.
    Ich wünsche dir und deinen Lieben das Beste in allem. ♥


  19. Liebe Mariette,
    ich wünsche Dir alles Gute bei Deinem Vorhaben und schicke herbstliche Grüße aus Ostfriesland zu Dir.

    alles Liebe von Traudi

  20. Good Evening Mariette, Sometimes we have to shed one thing to enable us to do another and your 'another' sounds like great fun. Enjoy your singing and dancing.
    I look forward to your return.
    Best wishes as always.

  21. I know you are taking a blog break but wanted to share because you, I know, will appreciate this. For years I sang and performed with a group of maybe 25-30 women back in Minneapolis. Our director was simply amazing and taught us so many of the vocal techniques we had never learned. We sang everything from Bach to Barbershop to Jazz to Pop. And we were good! Those memories of back in the late 70s, early 80s are some of the finest I have. Enjoy and sing your little heart out.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      You bet I will enjoy this and for sure I will surface here again as I do also love to write! This is now priority for a while...
      Sending you blessings.

  22. Dear Mariette. That is life for sure... sometimes we just need to do other things - I know the lovely writer in you will bring you back to the blog at some point:-) Best of luck and have fun with your singing and all. It sounds wonderful. Sending you lots of love and warm hugs

  23. I am so excited for you! Thank you for stopping by my dear.

  24. Thank you for your comment, Mariette. Happy birthday to your sweet Speckie! Looking forward to seeing you back here whenever you can :-)

  25. I've been away from my blog for a month and wondered if something was wrong when I didn't see your blog at the time of my blog roll. Glad to hear all is well and you are just busy. Have fun with your rehearsals.

  26. Have fun and keep this satisfaction. Regards.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
