
Monday, October 10, 2016

{Columbus Day and Saint Armands Circle in Sarasota, Florida}

Columbus came to the New World on October 12, 1492
All over the beautiful State of Florida you find lots of historic markers about this early Spanish era.
As both of us LOVE HISTORY, it is always a treat to be in such places.
Our dear friends Jo and Dennis recommended all this to us, they've had their business right there.
These photos are all taken at Saint Armands Circle in Sarasota, Florida on June 30.
The only problem was that the sun was so bright; difficult for taking photos!
Here I am standing next to one of the 21 classically-themed white marble statues, inspired by the Italian Renaissance cities.
Haha, usually I don't leave the head off, but it was impossible to focus...
This is what you get!
At least, looking down proved to be without any problems and here you can see clearly the CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS QUINCENTENNIAL 1492 - 1992 marker
Lovely presence at this park.
So here it is:
Saint Armands Circle
Acknowledged as the Nation's Number One Tourist Destination...
St. Armands Cir.
Yes, it is an absolute beautiful place to stroll through the exotic park.
Have lunch or dinner  at one of the many restaurants, as we did have lunch at the famous and historic Columbia Restaurant since 1905, see link below post.
Or stroll and shop at the many shops...
Really, the SKY is the limit here and it is a blue sky almost year round!
Such an exotic, almost tropical looking place!
Husband Pieter is taking it all in...
What a beauty this GOLDEN SHOWER TREE or Cassia fistula a.k.a. Yellow Shower Tree, Indian Laburnum is!
Frankly, I just have to admit that it was HARD to leave this place behind...
Husband Pieter walking towards our Murano Platinum, kind of heavy hearted.
But we will be back!
Indeed, JOHN RINGLING (Yes, from the Ringling Brothers Circus!) had some vision and later St. Armands Key resident Edward Pinto.
We owe them a lot of gratitude for creating such incredible ambiance.
Yes, we also have to visit The Ringling Museum of Art one day...
Lots of reasons for being back here many more times!
Hope you enjoyed this mini introduction.
Thanks for your visit!

Related link:
{Columbia Restaurant since 1905 in Sarasota, Florida} | previous post by me about St. Armands Circle
{Award Nights at Hyatt Regency in Sarasota, Florida} | previous post by me where we stayed...


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    lasse ich Sonntagsgrüße hier.


  2. Ja die blauwe luchten zijn echt zo blauw, prachtig met die bomen.

  3. It is such a historical beautiful place ans tropical air,Mariette.

  4. We always enjoy the beauty of Florida, and will head there after Christmas on a golf outing. That tree is beautiful. janey

  5. It definitely was a bright, beautiful day. I would very much enjoy strolling and enjoying some of the restaurants there. Have a good week!

  6. your come to love history on 12-10-12 1492. bad time with talking photos because sun of so bright christopher colombus. saint Amands circle the nation's number one tourist.
    husband Pieter walking towed hearted,
    Have a nice day,Mariette San.

  7. I love those white marble statues. They stand very elegantly under Florida sky. By the way, the blue of sky looks so bright and gorgeous! Golden shower tree is perfect name for those beauty. Interesting to learn about Ringling. I knew the name only by circus until reading this post!

  8. Liebe Mariette, es sieht toll aus. Man könnte neidisch werden bei dem schönen Wetter. Hier ist es kalt geworden. Genießt eure Zeit in Florida. :-))
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  9. Superb pictures Mariette.... Matthew broke everything :(
    Good evening dear Mariette

  10. How lovely! I'v never been to Sarasota, FL. Thanks for sharing this beautiful spot.
    Oh, no! Just read Nathalie's comment above. How sad!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
