
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

{Fresh Young Coconut as Bonus from Hyatt Regency Sarasota, Florida}

When we were staying at the Hyatt Regency Sarasota, Florida, I was wondering about those tall palm trees around the pool area.
For sure those are not coconut palm trees I said to husband Pieter...
Well, the answer came on the last morning as Pieter went to the car for putting luggage in.
With the help of tall ladders, they were actually cutting off YOUNG COCONUTS!
Yes, a special crew that does this regularly, so none of these coconuts fall on people's heads...
Pieter was offered some of these Young Coconuts and he actually did put 3 in the car.
Two for sharing with friend Natacha, in Miami and one for us.
While living in Indonesia, we had this young coconut meat very often.
Called 'Daging Kelapa Muda' in Indonesian.
Here in the USA it is not that often that we have a fresh young coconut, they look very attractive too.
It takes a good sharp knife for preparing the coconut for pouring the coconut water out and than scooping out the soft flesh.
In some super markets I've seen the saran wrapped young coconuts as seen in this video.
So these palm trees at the pool are the Cocos nicifera

Thanks for your visit!

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  1. My oldest boy loves coconut -- the water and the meat. We had plenty while in Sri Lanka. :) Have a good week!

  2. Hello Mariette, I also love the young coconuts and their water. It is very refreshing on a hot day, and since I cannot drink milk, I find this makes a good substitute with cereal.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Due to my kidney problems, milk is also off the diet and indeed, anything coconut is a great substitute and very healthy too.

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    das sieht interessant aus.

    Alles Liebe

  4. Hello dear Mariette
    oh no, it did not let that falls on someone's head!
    Nice place.

  5. That pool area looks just divine! I've had fresh coconut water and the flesh in Brazil, it's usually sold around the beaches.
    You were lucky to have had those offered to you.

  6. I eat almost everything, but a coconut I have never liked, the smell and the taste I cannot stand it. But it looks very nice from the outside :)

  7. What an interesting post! I never knew that you could eat a young coconut. I agree that the resort is beautiful We are headed to one this weekend. I will be checking out the Palm trees for coconuts! janey

  8. O problema destes cocos é se eles nos caem na cabeça.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  9. Wow, what a nice sourvenir :-) I love coconut oil, but I usually don't get to eat coconut meat. I found dried coconut snack at Publix the other day. I didn't get one but maybe I will next time :-)

  10. The Fresh young coconut in indonesian called Daging Kelapa Muda Diefary Fiber contenr....
    I will looking for next time.

  11. glad they gave them to you. fresh coconut is wonderful.


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