
Friday, October 14, 2016

{Lazy Speckie Girl}

Wow, nights are getting cooler and at times we look at our felines with the thought of wanting to curl up and be lazy...
Our youngest adopted girl is a master at it.
Her name derived from a German diminutive of 'Bacon'...
You get the picture!
She can be very demanding for attention and she forces you to do something with her...
So picking up one of their balls to make her fetch it is the thing I do.
But she's not even standing on her feet!
Catching it all right and looking at me with a face: 'What's wrong? I sure don't need to get up - YOU can run around!'
How can we get mad at them...?

She will never ever be as svelte as her sister by adoption 'Tiggy-Tiger' is and that's okay.
She's happy and just loves her attention.
It is also very hard to brush her, she hates it.
BUT she also has jumped down from the balcony, so she is an athlete after all; when SHE wants to be one.
By the way, her weight is 7 kg.

Thanks for your visit!


  1. Awww she is such a beautiful girl! I love her shiny black coat, beautiful white shirt and gloves :-) And sounds like she is making you do the work - that's the right feline attitude, isn't it? Hahaha. She is adorable, happy and sweet girl :-)

  2. Speckie Girl and Gabbana have much in common. While Dolce wants to play ball and run about ... she prefers to curl up next to us. Speckie Girl looks adorable ... Hugs my friend..XO

  3. Oh, Mariette,
    she is so lovely :O)))
    They know absolutely, how they can get US to do things for then, so, they have time enough for relaxed times :O)))
    Much hugs to this sweet lady cat,
    sending you Love and hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette,
    have agrest rest of the week and enjoy every minute with this sweet cat :O)

  4. Liebe Mariette,


    Sonnige Grüße

  5. Hi dear Mariette !
    Oh my cat spleed all the day too.
    the cold is there and the ball stay on the sofa lol.
    Have a good day Mariette

  6. She is a very smart girl, dear Mariette! Why get up when you don't have to? I have a sign in my sewing room where my two cats like to sleep - 'Dogs have owners - Cats have slaves'. That seems to be very true! She is very cute with her white whiskers and mittens. Sending hugs xo Karen

  7. Linda a Lazy, tive um gato muito parecido com este.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  8. Speckie is very cute. I've had a cat quite similar to her, that died a few years ago.
    I too wish I could just curl up and sleep in a nice warm place whenever I could!

  9. lieve Mariette ,
    Nee daar kan je niet boos op worden op zo lief poesje ...
    wij hebben ook een klein lief poesje en zo klein als hij is
    zo slim als hij is ...heel veel lieve groetjes

  10. She's just precious, Mariette. Looks like my Allegra, who, coincidentally, also has a weight problem and is on Purina OM (Overweight Management). She has lost weight, but like your Speckie will never be svelte. At least she can clean herself properly now, which, with her fat belly, she couldn't do before. Still, she's a beauty, just like your little girl.

    Great pictures.

    Cheers, M-T

  11. She was beautiful cute white whiskers she feel warm happy time can around but not standing her feet that was your love one. Dear Mariette San Have a good day.

  12. Ze doet haar naam eer aan, een beetje spekkie. Ze kunnen inderdaad zo lui een tik tegen een balletje geven en wachten dat het weer terug komt...

  13. Maybe you should have named this one Lazy Daisey. I would so like to have a cat...but. achooo.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
