
Saturday, October 22, 2016

{Mainstream Media Always Use Polls to Push Their Agenda}

Over the decades I've often mentioned to my husband Pieter, HOW many journalists does the world employ?
Writing for Newspapers, for Magazines as well as Reporters for Radio and TV.
News Anchors they are now being called...
Whatever the name, a fact is that there are millions of them!
But are we, as the consumer, better off?!
What we expect from a journalist is covering the news, not pushing his/her own opinion through our throat.

There are elections going on in several countries, at different dates but wherever; the Mainstream Media is covering it. But not always in a fair and balanced way!
As for the USA, the election will be soon, on November 8th, no doubt the world has heard about our candidates, being presented by a  mostly one-sided Media.

TRUMP vs CLINTON: Why you shouldn’t necessarily trust the polls
The mainstream media always use polls to push their agenda. Polls can be
skewed by selecting an unreasonable sample size, by asking lead up questions or by selecting more of a sample population of one side of an issue to achieve a desired result. Main stream media skews polls to discourage potential voters from voting and has done it for years.
A good example of the media trying to shape a vote was in 1980. In a Gallup poll released on October 26th in 1980, two weeks before the election, Jimmy Carter was leading Ronald Reagan 47 - 39. Two weeks later Reagan won in such a landslide that Carter conceded before California was closed.
Another example of mainstream liberal media bias was in 1988. A Gallup Poll from July 26 showed Michael S. Dukakis leading George H. W. Bush by 17 points. Of course Bush went on to thump Dukakis in the general election.
The Conservative Tribune reports, Search engine Google's Trend feature has revealed some telling information about what internet users are searching for, which could potentially spell trouble for Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
Rasmussen National Poll - Donald Trump 43%, Hillary Clinton 40%

Those pink hyperlinks will go to the actual

We hope and pray that the outcome of this election, as well as others around the world, will be fair!
Let's hope that the world will not repeat in numerous countries, what has failed big time in the past. 
Pushing for a more Socialist Government has caused tremendous suffering in those countries where it failed.
It is always the people, not the leaders, that suffer in the end!
Big promises and handouts fail...
Look at Argentina, Venezuela and Cuba.

Personally husband Pieter and I have been to Communist countries before the so-called 'Iron Curtain' fell. 
The suffering and poverty we have witnessed is hard to describe.
It would help if others had seen what we have witnessed...

May God Bless the World!

And BLESS the USA, God did!

On November 8, 2016 we had this incredible historic outcome.


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    mit dir hoffe ich auf ein gerechtes Wahlergebnis.

    Alles Liebe

  2. We have the fairest media in the entire world and it is sad that this line of thinking is being perpetuated in this election. Our election process is also very fair and handled separately, state by state. I personally, do not rely on television alone for my news. I read a very unbiased newspaper daily and also other publications to get my 'news'. This is my responsibility as a citizen. I think for myself and do not 'listen' to any others, including media, to make my very informed decisions. This is dangerous and 'biased' thinking in itself to think the media is not fair. When a candidate creates for him or herself their own 'news', it is reported. Everyone has the choice to believe it or not by making sure they are well-informed through many different sources and not relying on one form alone. x Karen

  3. I remember Walter Cronkite, a great journalist. You didn't know what he personally believed. I got a degree in journalism and we were taught that we never, ever bring our personal beliefs or biases into our stories. You were just a reporter -- reporting the news and letting people decide for themselves.
    I agree with Karen; it is always good to get your news from a variety of sources. xo Deborah

  4. In response to the story,Republic an anti-trump Trump senator Ben Sasse tweeted sarcastically:Who could possibly have seen this one coming? Mr Trump's anti establishments campaign has won the backing of about 40 per cent of the American people many of them view the Republican party with as much suspicion as they do the Democrats. Our word the news three days ago.
    We had rains never stopped still on have a lovely days!

  5. Dear Mariette,

    Great post and yes so often the reporters can skew the polls.
    I hope people make a good choice and you get the candidate that will be good for ruling your country.
    Have a great weekend

  6. SMH. You are certainly entitled to believe whatever you want, but I don't have to listen to (or in this case, read) such nonsense. I'll no longer be following your blog. Peace.

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    I remember in American History class being taught how polls can be made to say just about anything by the way questions are presented, even to the tone of voice used in asking.
    My father spent many years in our state legislature, so as a kid I spent many years working on local elections. By the time I could vote (at 21 in those days) I was a complete cynic about party politics.
    The main thing is to vote. I have a neighbor who says he not going to vote this year. I hope at least he will vote down ticket. Local elections are often won by single digit margins.
    We have been getting very welcome after such a dry summer!
    Enjoy your week end............*s*

  8. I hope the best man or woman wins and people aren't biased by what they read!

  9. Na, daaa bin ich wirklich gespannt, wie diese Wahl ausgeht, liebe Mariette! In den Medien wird leider vieles verzerrt dargestellt und wir können es nicht immer überprüfen bzw. jeder hat die Zeit nicht dafür.

    Dazu könnte ich jetzt viel schreiben, doch öffentlich möchte ich das nicht. Nur so viel - es sind immer Menschen in den Regierungen und Menschen sind immer fehlbar. Oft beeinflussen die Geschicke die eigentlichen Mächtigen, also die Wirtschaftsmächte und damit ist alles gesagt.

    Liebe Grüße auch hier

  10. Dear Mariette,
    Thank you for sharing this great post.
    I really hope people make good choice. People have to know that one vote has a value.
    Have a good day.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
