
Monday, November 28, 2016

{LAST Solid 925 Sterling Silver Cherub Angel}

Well, it is not yet Christmas but I would love to show you this unique solid silver 925 Sterling Silver Cherub Angel. You don't have to use it as a Christmas angel of course. 
Beautiful Cherub Angel in solid 925 Sterling Silver
It is such a lovely Cherub!
Closeup below:

Silver marks are Dutch and there is one with the 925 flanked by two scales, as seen below.
Top right you see the scales with the 925 silver mark that is on this angel.
This is how I have used mine.
Together with my Giovanni Raspini silver Christmas balls hanging from red ribbons.
My moss wrapped wreath.
Don't you love this angel?
Sold out...

Related link:
925 Sterling Silver Cherub Angel Zen Cart powered on line boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics
{Giovanni Raspini Silver Christmas Balls + 500 Posts} 925 Sterling Silver Cherub Angel
{Giovanni Raspini Silver Christmas Balls} 925 Sterling Silver Cherub Angel is shown here as well, with silver Christmas Balls from Giovanni Raspini, Italy.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

{Happy THANKSGIVING 2016 and THANKS for so many FRIENDSHIPS}

Once again, we do have SO MUCH FOR BEING THANKFUL FOR!
The only negative is, that Thanksgiving comes around way too soon; another year is just about to exit...
On Monday, I did receive such a warm and touching card, with a sweet note from a lovely blog reader; Patricia from Ohio.
Thank you so very much Patricia and husband for being loyal readers of my humble blog!
In the future I promise you there will be more stories that you like.

THANK you ALL for being loyal visitors here and for lifting each other up in times when needed.
I believe in ANGELS and I know that many are living amongst us!
Wishing you and your loved ones a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING
And all those that reside outside of the USA, THANKS for your VISITS over the years.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

{Who Wants to Become Our New Neighbor? - LOT for Sale}

Yes, we both have made the decision that it is time to SELL our adjacent LOT.
So, the question arises as to Who Wants to Become Our New Neighbor? 
We have a LOT for Sale.
Our adjacent lot where we did cultivate several rare species of trees, shrubs and plants is getting too much to handle for husband Pieter, at his age...
So here it is: FOR SALE
It is to the right of our home.
Maybe somebody else wants to build such an Energy Efficient Green Roofing like we got? You can check out the details here: {Our Interlock Aluminum Aged Copper Slate Roofing}
This is how such Energy Star Aluminum Aged Copper Slate Roof looks like.
We have definitely lowered our Carbon Footprint for the rest of our life.
YES, this roof is guaranteed for LIFE!
Back to the street, where our adjacent lot is waiting for its new owner...
It is approximately 1 acre. 
It is being sold through Century 21
Photos are from October
For all information you can call Century 21 at the number shown below
Or you can email them via contact us at

Oh, and we promise to be very good neighbors!

Thanks for your visit and wishing you a happy weekend.

Friday, November 18, 2016

{208 Countries Visited - Welcome Samoa}

Already on October 26, the 208th Country Visited my humble blog - Welcome Solomon Islands! 

According to The World Factbook it is located in Australia-Oceania.

Wishing you a Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

{Dutch American Heritage Day with Memories of Mom}

Just a few lines in–between my time away from blogging. Coming back from Europe, it has really hit me hard for not finding Mom at home... Only now, having been there physically and seeing Dad living alone in the house, it became a reality to me. So my grieving has been completed upon returning back to the USA. All my siblings were right there, time before and during her requiem Mass and cremation but I had to do it at a distance of some 8,000 km.

But the memories of Mom are always with me and with that numerous fond photos.
Such as her presence with Dad at the 2005 official Celebration in Atlanta with the Dutch Consul etc. on Dutch American Heritage Day.
Please read more: {Dutch American Heritage Day 2005 with Mom & Dad}

So far I've done one performance singing with our choir and enjoy it very much.
There are more performances lined up, keeping us very busy.
Also I'm spending more time on my eBoutique and hope to sell off some more of my items.
Thanks for your visit and if time permits, I will visit you too!