
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

{Who Wants to Become Our New Neighbor? - LOT for Sale}

Yes, we both have made the decision that it is time to SELL our adjacent LOT.
So, the question arises as to Who Wants to Become Our New Neighbor? 
We have a LOT for Sale.
Our adjacent lot where we did cultivate several rare species of trees, shrubs and plants is getting too much to handle for husband Pieter, at his age...
So here it is: FOR SALE
It is to the right of our home.
Maybe somebody else wants to build such an Energy Efficient Green Roofing like we got? You can check out the details here: {Our Interlock Aluminum Aged Copper Slate Roofing}
This is how such Energy Star Aluminum Aged Copper Slate Roof looks like.
We have definitely lowered our Carbon Footprint for the rest of our life.
YES, this roof is guaranteed for LIFE!
Back to the street, where our adjacent lot is waiting for its new owner...
It is approximately 1 acre. 
It is being sold through Century 21
Photos are from October
For all information you can call Century 21 at the number shown below
Or you can email them via contact us at

Oh, and we promise to be very good neighbors!

Thanks for your visit and wishing you a happy weekend.


  1. A shame to see much of the trees and plants go because of development. You two have worked so hard on the property. But I can understand the need to sell it at this point. All the best.

  2. Hello Mariette and Pieter, What a difficult decision that must have been! It must be like selling part of the family. It will be a shame to see all your hard work and special trees disappear. I would have considered just letting the lot de-landscape itself, but keeping the land with the house, but I do not know the practical considerations attendant upon that. When I lived in Ohio, I had a 2.5 acre lot, none of it "landscaped" and with woods bordering most of it, but I liked the feeling of having that buffer zone, as well as all that greenery outside.

    As always, your house looks like a jewel--I have never seen a house so perfectly maintained.

  3. That's a nice roof. Energy is getting more and more important. Hope you sell your lot soon. Groetjes

  4. I agree, it must have been a difficult decision to sell your beautiful lot. Life has stages and I know we are struggling with the changes in our lives. Here's hoping you will have wonderful new neighbors,who respect this good earth as you do. Happy Thanks giving! Jane

  5. Hello,Mariette,
    That must have been a difficult decision for you and Pieter. But I understand it is getting hard to maintain your whole property. As we get older the life style is also changing. I hope you have good neighbors soon!
    Have a good weekend.

  6. Good Evening Mariette, I am sorry to hear that you are selling some of your land, but I also understand when you say it is becoming too much to look after. There comes a time in life when we have to re-assess our situation.
    I do hope someone buys the land very soon so that Pieter can relax a little more.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Best Wishes

  7. I'm sure whoever will buy the lot is very lucky to have a wonderful neighbor like you!
    And I hope you will have a good neighbor who appreciates the beautiful lot you created :-)

  8. Dearest Mariette.
    What a difficult decision for both of you Special Pieter's had working special trees with lot of de-landscape the carbon foot print is maintained for life beautiful outside.
    I fun out that I made a wish choise your leaving the third that the mail delivery that slow noweday.
    Have a good weekend.

  9. It looks like a lovely place for a home. I hope it goes to some wonderful people (and very good neighbors).

  10. Deaerst mariette,
    oh, it would be lovely to become your new neighbor :O)
    Wishing you good luck and wonderful new neighbors!
    Happy new week,
    Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  11. Lieve Mariette .
    ik zal je graag als buurvrouw willen .maar ik vindt Amerika net iets
    te ver weg ....ik hoop dat je leuke buurmensen krijgt ...
    heel veel groetjes

  12. I'm not surprised that you want to sell part of their own land. It's time, it's hard to have anything to do everything yourself. I lack strength and health due to age you act wisely. Regards.

  13. Dearest Mariette; Oh, how tough it must have been to make the decision. I AM sure the great lot you created will attract wonderful future neighbor♪
    And my late parent's house is still waiting to be sold :-) Thinking the situation in Japan, really hard to be positive(^^;)
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    It must have been difficult to make the decision to sell your land.
    A dear friend put it very nicely when I was dithering about selling a large portion of my land. "Land is meant to be enjoyed not a burden."
    Toes crossed you find good neighbors soon.!

  15. Liebe Mariette

    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    bleiben liebe Grüße hier.



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