
Saturday, December 3, 2016

{My Office Assistants}

Sure, I do get a lot of help when printing the labels for the Tyvek envelopes for another shipment of  sales from Mariette's Back to Basics.
Two sisters, Spunky & Tiggy-Tiger were helping me this evening, after coming home from a Christmas Party from Rotary.
All of a sudden I looked beside me and found Spunky girl inside the paper waste basket...
Did not know she would FIT in there!
It is just NO SIGHT to see Spunky girl inside my paper waste basket... 
The Tyvek envelopes slid down...
Envelopes put up but oh my, they fell off from the stack of padded envelopes!
Spunky girl jumped out of her basket backwards, staring at those dangerous Tyvek envelopes, accompanied by her sister Tiggy-Tiger.
But they calmed down quickly!
Tiggy-Tiger on the armrest of my office chair for a Selfie with her Mami.
Those girls are super cute and very sweet!

Do you have assistants around as well?


  1. Dear Mariette,

    Love the photos of you and your sweet cats. They do love getting cozy in small places.
    Happy December and many thanks for the kind visit to my blog.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    how sweet :O)) I was laughing, because cats almost find place it the tinyest things :O)
    My cat is arround me all the time, when I do handcrafts, but, she loves to lay on my feet then! So I always have to be really careful to do only ons step :O)))
    Wishing you a wonderful 2.Advent-Weekend,
    sending much Love and hugs and blessings, and big hugs for your sweet helpers :O)
    Claudia xo

  3. Oh, they are very sweet assistants, my dear Mariette! It always amazes me how cats will squeeze themselves into the tiniest spaces! Sending hugs xo Karen

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    I love having my helper cats, although at times I wish they could be copy cats!
    Have a great weekend.......*s*

  5. Oh my goodness, Spunky girl inside the basket made me squeeeee! Kitties can fit anywhere if their heart desires, can't they? :-) And probably tighter the better! I have pictures of Goro when he was a kitten napping in a basket. He is way too big for that basket now, though :-) And I love your sweet selfie!

    Have a happy weekend, Mariette!

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    Two sister Tiggy-Tiggy mostry sweet Assistants on your office chair for selfie Mum.
    Have a great weekend.

  7. They are both so sweet!!! Yes, they always end up finding the smallest box or basket to fit in, aren't they funny?!!!
    Happy Advent Sunday, dearest Mariette!

  8. What would we do without our beautiful, furry assistants. My Miss Kiri Kat sleeps on my foot under the desk and Miss Allie prefers to survey things from the easy chair in my office. Miss Ceci is pretty much in her own little world these days at the age of 22. She recently had an infection, but has come through it and is just fine.

    Your assistants are so precious.

    Cheers, ma chère amie,


  9. Amei teu assistente. Minha filha tem cinco gatos e dois cachorros. E os animais parecem que pressentem que ela os ama e vem morar conoscoi. Tem uma que se mudou para nossa casa, o dono chama e o cão não vai embora, escolheu nossa casa para viver.
    tenha uma ótima semana.

  10. Dearest Mariette; How great to have an adorable helper(♡^.^♡) Your kitty babies are SO lovely; I LOVE the last picture and wonderful to see both of you together♫♫♫

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*


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