
Friday, December 16, 2016

{New Quilted Graduating Ombré Silk Velvet Bottom}

As already mentioned in my previous post, see link below, today I show you what I finally created from yet another remnant of my French Graduating Ombré Silk Velvet.
Yes, this was my very special project!
A new bottom for my treasured French Ormolu Jewelry Box!
Again, from a remnant, used for my own sewing creation in Graduating Ombré Silk Velvet.
This photo is from December 9, 2004.
Yes, I also did make a matching Silk Hair Bow Barrette...
Using the same batting for quilting...
Sewing on the barrette clip...
Fastening it with the silk charmeuse band in the center.
Tricky to hold it all in place while threading your needle but it worked.
In Atlanta at Holly Lobby on November 18, we did find these perfect Czech Glass Beads in Metallic Gold! 
Also the matching DMC embroidery floss.
From left to right: French Graduating Ombré Silk Velvet, some stiff material (?).
Together with my dear Friend Ellie, I found it in my hometown while in The Netherlands.
To the right you see a remnant of batting for quilting.
DMC Embroidery Floss; Czech Beads, Pencil and Silk Charmeuse for lining the underside.
From the original example, I did measure and pencil draw these lines for quilting.
Putting the beads inside small Pillivuyt ramekins and threading my gold tipped sewing needle with 2 strands of embroidery floss.
This is how I did sew the beads on:
First the big bead, secondly the smal one and than going back with the needle through the big bead and into the fabric again.
First of course I had stitched the stiff filling, batting and silk velvet together!
Rounded corners, like the original and this is how it looks now from the underside after sewing those beads on. 
With Basting Thread, I did tack the Silk Charmeuse with its right side onto the Silk Velvet.
But what a HELL OF A JOB to reverse this!
Turned out that the stiff filling was way too stiff to handle.
It got all warped up!
But slowly and with perseverance...
Yes, the battle was almost over here...
Wearing still my shorts a couple of weeks ago!
Now I had to hand sew the opening that I left unstitched, between two rounded corners...
Using silk thread, from Britex Notions (link below).
Also the quilting I've done with this Japanese KINKAME silk thread.
Here it is; completely DONE!
Very hard for making half decent photos in the December light...
Also the Graduating Ombré Silk Velvet has its shine and different color nuances.
This photo is taken outside with daylight.
Now you clearly can see WHY I opted for this golden brown Ombré Silk Velvet Bottom.
It goes so perfect with the Ormolu. 
Also love the beveled glass panels!
In full daylight...
So happy for having this little, but very complex task accomplished.
Hope you like it too!

Thank you for your visit!

Related posts:
{My French Ormolu Jewelry Box got new Bottom} | previous post by me where you see also original
{My French Ormolu Jewelry Box & Silver Angels} | previous post by me
{My Sewing Creation in Graduating Ombré Silk Velvet} | previous post by me
{Did I loose my strength?... Like in Samson and Delilah?} | previous post about my braid on ombré
Britex Notions
Beading on Quilts Ideas Video Intro | How I got the beading idea...



  1. Liebe Mariette,

    deine Arbeit hat sich gelohnt.

    Frohe Grüße im Advent

  2. Looks beautiful Mariette! You did a wonderful job with the sewing.

  3. Well you used the remains of the material, even though it cost a lot of work. Regards.

  4. Wow, Mariette, you totally won the battle :-) Your silk velvet bottom is perfect for this beautiful jewerly box. It looks so elegant and regal! Love it!

  5. Wow your silk velvet of golden brown color of giraffe print skirt,photon May 23-1998.
    Two types of silk in a graduating. You done the Japanese kinkame silk thread.
    Thank you so much of your work show us Dear Mariette San!

  6. You are so clever....and crafty. good Job!

  7. Was für einen herrlichen Stoff hast Du verarbeitet, liebe Mariette, Seidensamt! Ich schwärme davon und freue mich mit Dir über Deine wunderbare Arbeit, ihn mit bezaubernden Perlen zu beschmücken. WOW!

    Ich wünsche Dir und Pieter einen lichterfüllten 4. Advent und schicke liebe Drosselgartengrüße durch die unendlichen Weiten zu Euch.

  8. Dear Mariette, Oh yes, I really do like it too. I am not very good with hand crafted things, so I admire anyone who can create such pieces of art- and this one do looks so lovely - can imagine it must have been quite some work to have it done- but oh that pays off when you see the result - thanks for sharing my sweet friend- inspiring really. Sending big bugs:-)


Thanks for your visit and comment.
