
Thursday, January 5, 2017

{2,000,002 Pageviews on my Humble Blog}

It is always quite tricky for catching the right moment...
Well, on December 30, I was almost in time for capturing the 2,000,000 Pageviews.
On July 3, 2014 I did better by capturing the 999,999 Pageviews!
So about 2.5 years later, the next million views.
From November 2009, before I became paralyzed, I had a very slow start.

At the moment, barely finding the time to blog but still, I do get lots of pageviews!

Thanks for your visit!

Related post:
{999,999 Pageviews on my Humble Blog} | previous post by me from July 3, 2014


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    herzlichen Glückwunsch


  2. Espero contribuir para a subida de visitantes.
    Um abraço e Bom Ano de 2017.

  3. Dearest Mariette.....Your number of page views is not surprising as you always have something interesting to say.
    We are in for a period of gray, rainy days. Wishing for the sun!.......*s*

  4. Happy New Year, dear Mariette! What a year we have lived through .. happy, sad, tragic, joyous events round the world. Here in my little world I feel blessed to have family near, to live in a place of unbelievable beauty, that we follow a healthy and diabetes friendly way of eating. You are so right, sticking to the plan is so important (though not easy 100% of the time.). Stay happy, take care, love ~ Helen

  5. lieve Mariette ..
    ik wens jullie een gelukkig en gezond nieuwjaar
    heel veel liefs

  6. Gelukkig 2017 voor jullie beiden met een heerlijk glaasje wijn zie ik. Heel veel pageviews, ondanks dat het bloggen overal een beetje afneemt.

    Groeten Janny

  7. Ad ogni fine segue sempre un nuovo inizio. Ti auguro di mantenere forte ed incrollabile quella determinazione che permette di percorrere la strada del successo. Auguri di buon 2017.

  8. complimenti per tutto!!!!! spero che la tua bronchite vada meglio, oggi sono anche io a letto con la febbre!!!!! un abbraccio grande grande e buon anno nuovo Lory

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    eine stolze Zahl.
    Einen schönen Winterabend wünscht Dir

  10. Wow, it's an astronomical number of page views! Congratulations, Mariette!

  11. Congratulations on so many page-views, dear Mariette! I hope you are feeling a bit better by now. Sending hugs xo Karen

  12. Hi Mariette - congratulations on so many page views - I'm hopeless I never look ... just happy people come by to comment. It sounds as though you haven't been well - so I wish you a peaceful and healthy 2017 - cheers Hilary

  13. Congratulations so many hits, bravo! I wish you health and greet.

  14. Dear Marietta
    Happy New Year to you and Pieter
    WOW - two million page views - congrats! I'm not surprised you are a great friend to so many bloggers and always leave a beautiful comment when you visit!
    I'm trying to get back to blogging after a six month gap - things just got on top of me last year!
    Take care
    Shane xxxx

  15. Dear Mariette,

    So sorry to hear that you have been unwell over the holidays and do hope you are feeling better now. Congratulations on so many page views and your blog is always a great place to visit.
    Happy New Year to you and Pieter and best wishes for 2017

  16. Happy New Year Mariette.
    How wonderful to see your many page-views! I too look forward to visiting you.Mariette.
    I will come back soon.
    Wonderful 2017 to you and Pieter!

  17. Hello dear Mariette,
    Well done :)
    I am so angry with these fake news about Trump: how convenient they come up with such a story just before the other president gets out....
    And we'll be lucky if the later doesn't get us in a war with Russia before Trump takes office.... Gee how rotten this system is...
    Much love and warm hugs :)

  18. Dear Mariette.
    The best of your way has heals of important also I like to stayed Pieter in home, Stay with all your family wonderful 2017.

  19. Congratulations on the now over 2 million page views! Well done Mariette.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
