
Friday, February 17, 2017

It Looks Like Spring

We have had such lovely spring weather here in the Heart of Georgia...
Sunny days and they make all the difference!
The white pansies in our Fiberglass Window Boxes from Flower Framers of Cincinnati have been blooming all winter...
Our Pot Plants are being brought out from the green house, back onto the Patio.
Today around 4:00 PM it was 24°C or 75°F
Husband Pieter made this photo at breakfast time. That's our view from the kitchen bay window.
The other Japanese magnolia, Magnolia x soulangeana is now in full bloom.
A huge pine tree once fell on it and split it in half but it is still surviving and doing its best!
Through the rose arbor and with perfect sunlight.
The beginning of our wood trail is good visible here
The back of our home with the crocheted curtains hanging in our veranda.
It felt so warm that our felines were looking for some shade...
Speckie-girl to the left and Barty-boy and Spooky-boy next to the Italian cypress.
Tiggy-tiger claimed her spot under the palm tree...

Hope you too are enjoying some spring weather or end of summer for those living in the Southern Hemisphere!

Thank you for visiting on this perfect Valentine's Day.


  1. It's 61 F here at 9:11 am Wednesday morning. This is the only time of year when pansies and petunias thrive. Your home and gardens are looking really beautiful. Enjoy the nice weather.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    oh yes, this really looks like Spring! So pretty, seeing the cats in the sun! We had sun yesterday too, and our cat was lying in the gardensun almost all the day!
    Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  3. Gorgeous Mariette - what better way to lift the spirits - sunshine, blue skies and blossom. Our weather report for today was a warm front and sunshine, but disappointingly it has started off very misty - just hope the sun is shinning when the mist departs.

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    hier dauert es noch etwas mit den 24 Grad.
    Aber sie werden kommen.

    Alles Liebe

  5. As magnólias em flor são sempre um grande espectáculo.
    Gosto dos gatos.
    Um abraço e boa semana.
    Andarilhar || Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa || Livros-Autografados

  6. Dear Marriette,
    Your Japanese magnolia in the soft light is beautiful! Spring is such an exciting season when everything comes alive. Enjoy your spring!It is still cold here, but I am glad that ume trees have begun flowering.

  7. It's been so warm indeed. Your garden looks fantastic with gorgeous blooms! I love the view of pretty pansies in your window box. If kitties are in shades, it must be really warm :-)
    I'm sorry you had to give up your Toyota RAV4 after all those years. I don't like dealing with insurance companies. I hope all the stress will go away. xo

  8. Que casa mais linda.
    Adorei conhecer o seu blog.

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    das sieht wirklich Einen angenehmen Abend wünscht Dir
    Irmiaus wie der Frühling. Bei uns ist es noch nicht
    soweit. Aber man merkt schon, dass der Frühling nicht mehr feern ist.
    Heute hatten wir einen wunderbaren Sonnentag.

  10. Oh, your little yellow cottage in the blooming gardens is so enchanting, dear Mariette! Like a picture in a storybook! Loving the crocheted lace curtains in the windows and the beautiful magnolia trees. Everything is so pretty. Your little kitties must love their beautiful home. Sending hugs to you xo Karen

  11. Dear Marriette,
    It was Japanese Magnolia because of lovely spring in flowers.You love the south head of the united states Tiger claimed her spot under the palm tree.
    You having nice day!

  12. Dear Mariette, everything is beautiful here <3 In Italy it's like deep winter :-(

  13. We are going through very cold days, here in Athens, dear Mariette! Today it was sunny but still very cold and I am presently sitting across from the fireplace.
    It is so comforting to look at your photos with your beautiful house and garden.
    Your magnolias are gorgeous!! and so are are cats!!
    Many hugs to you!!!!

  14. Dear Mariette. Oh my... Can sense the warmth from the sun coming through in your pictures:-) Soooooo lovely and makes me beg for spring, sun and warmth over here:-) Loved it my dear friend, and your pictures are so wonderful:-)


Thanks for your visit and comment.
