
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Solid Silver Diyas our Consulting Gift from India

Already quite a while ago I've promised a dear friend from India, to show our Solid Silver Diyas, that we received as a precious gift while doing Consulting work in India for then Pond's India.
So Finally I made some photos...
Not easy to find the ingredients for making photos!
For me that is FLOWERS with the object and good light.
Here you see our Camellias in a Baccarat vase and the two solid silver Diyas in front, complete with some incense cones.
Very tricky to make photos against the light from a window on the south side.
You can see the gazebo through this window from our living room.
Love the scent of these incense cones, this is Jasmine.
Or Sandalwood!
Taking this beautiful solid silver Diya somewhere else without direct sunlight.
There are 5 openings for such an incense cone.
Here are the solid silver Diyas on their own.
You noticed that I've not polished them before making photos.
This only becomes obvious when looking at the photos later!
One more photo against the closed indoor shutters from our arched living room window.
Yes, inside our home we do have a lot of fine gifts from India and we treasure them!
Having done Consulting in India for over 10 years, the country has a special spot in our hearts and we loved not only its delicious food but also its culture.

Have any of you ever traveled to India?

Related links:
{Did YOU Ever Touch Baby Elephants?} | previous post by me about our work period in India
{Our DEEPER Reach In Bedroom Closet} | previous post by me showing more gifts from Pond's India.


  1. Hello Mariette, Your diyas are indeed a magnificent souvenir from India, for their beauty and also treasured as a gift. Are they meant for incense or for burning oil? I know what you mean about polishing silver. Sometimes in person silver objects seem to acquire a little patina and personality, but in photos they just seem tarnished!

  2. Beautiful arrangement Mariette. Your flowers are always a treat to see.
    Never been to India, and although I know it's a rich country culturally, I find the poverty and dirt a bit confronting, so it's probably not a country I would visit.

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    lovely Gifts you got!
    Have a lovely rest of the week,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings, Claudia

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    vielen Dank für deinen schönen Post.

    Alles Liebe

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    das Arrangement mit den herrlichen Blumen ist
    Tolle Dinge habt ihr aus Indien mitgebracht.
    Einen wunderschönen Resttag wünscht dir

  6. Hello Mariette,
    I discover the Diyas, I guess they are meant to burn incense...
    I have bee to Sri Lanka but not to India itself.
    And it will not be a favourite destination, too crowded!!
    Warm hugs, keep well and enjoy your weekend

  7. Piękne prezenty.Super zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    Once more, I learn a new word from you!! It is the first time I see/read the word Diya!
    Your incense burners from India are so beautifully presented with your gorgeous camelias!!!
    Many hugs to you!!! Have a happy Sunday!!! For us this is the last Sunday of the Carnival and then Ash Monday, when we fly the kites and we start the Lent period before Easter.

  9. Dearest Mariette,
    This part of the world..Dear friend from our solid silver Diyes.
    You made some photos make against the light from a window on the south side. and the garzebo window from your living room. also without direst sunlight and the closed indoor shutters from the arched living room window.India people are family posting in beautiful inside the home.
    Have a nice weekend!

  10. What a precious gift. Your diyas are beautiful, Mariette! The camellias make a prefect companion for the photos. They look so heavenly :-)
    I've never been to India. Only Indian restaurants...but I do love their food! My coworker went there on business trip and he told me that curry was served for every meal. I'd love to visit there if I get a chance :-)

  11. I've never been to India and I definitely will not. Beautifully you showed souvenirs that come from there. Regards.

  12. Your diyas are a beautiful gift and a lovely reminder of your time there, dear Mariette. You must have so many memories.....I have never been out of North America, so I must visit these places through movies, books and blogs - like your beautiful blog. Every place we live has its own impact on our lives and gives us new perspectives and understandings. Lovely photos taken in your beautiful, sun-lit home. I love to burn incense, but my burners are not quite as lovely as yours :) Wishing you a beautiful week, my dear. Hugs xo Karen

  13. No I have not been to India and I wasn't sure what a Diyaa was until you mentioned the incense.
    have a wonderful week Mariette.

  14. Dear Mariette,

    The Diyas are so beautiful and such a lovely reminder of your time spent in India.
    I have not been to India but would be a fascinating place to visit one day.
    Your camellias are so beautiful in the vase and such a gorgeous colour. Also love the header with the pretty magnolias out in bloom.
    have a lovely weekend dear friend and many thanks for the kind visit to my blog

  15. Those camellias are lovely. Such a beautiful color. And no, never been to India, but had plane tickets to go last year, and then it didn't work out. I imagine you have a lot of wonderful and interesting memories from your time there. The incense burners are beautiful. Every once in a while I burn some, and it seems very exotic. xo Deborah

  16. Dear Mariette,
    In India the diyas are traditionally used as oil lamps, and the five notches are where the wicks would go. If you use clarified butter or gingelly/sesame seed oil, a subtle fragrance is spread. We usually light the diya as well as incense sticks in the evening. It helps the transition from the activities of the day to a soothing and relaxing night. Thank you for the wonderful post!


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