
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Dutch PVV must WIN because Rutte is STEALING Money from 34,000+ ELDERLY in USA and Canada

On March 15, the Dutch people will vote again. Maybe this time they will vote smart and do away with the present, corrupt leaders!
AOW-uitkeringen; gekort (see the blue marking top right)
Dutch Social Security; cut
For USA and Canada alone it is for more than 34,000 elderly living abroad!
My husband commented on a post: Dutch election 2017 odds: WillGeert Wilders win in the Netherlands?
The Dutch election 2017 is set to be closely-fought battle between the far-right Geert Wilders and incumbent Prime Minister Mark Rutte. Here are the latest odds on the upcoming Netherlands vote (click on pink hyperlink above).
Expatriates are being FORCED to file their taxes as a ONE Person income, regardless if they are married or not! 
That is discrimination in the worst way possible.
The top figure shows you the taxes to be paid, versus two-person income at the bottom.

Are you a foreign taxable person? No tax partner and Not entitled to tax credits and deductions...

Over 2015, 2016 and 2017 this has already been the DISCRIMINATING TREATMENT for all foreign taxable persons.

When asked: 'Why suddenly such unfair treatment?'
The response was: 'For this question I have no answer, this has been a political decision.'
PM Rutte already started his preparations in 2012, when he cut all the funds for the Dutch World Radio.
That was the ONLY reliable information for expatriates, living all over the world.
Maar terwijl het internet de wereld veroverd, raakt de rol van de Wereldomroep op sommige vlakken uitgespeeld. In juni 2011 maakte het inmiddels gevallen kabinet-Rutte bekend dat het budget van de Wereldomroep met ingang van 1 januari 2013 zal worden verlaagd van 46 miljoen naar 14 miljoen per jaar: een budgetverlaging van 70 procent. Het maakt drastische keuzes onafwendbaar.

But while the internet conquered the world, the role of the world radio gets played off against some areas. In June 2011, the fallen Cabinet Rutte announced that the budget of the World Radio from January 2013 on, will be reduced from 46 million to 14 million a year: a budget reduction of 70 percent. It makes drastic choices unavoidable.

The Dutch World Radio always stood up for the Dutch living and/or working abroad. 
For several years, husband Pieter's Dutch Social Security (AOW) got deducted by witholding medical insurance, even with the fact that he could not make any use of it.
There was a lot of protest and World Radio let people from all over the world speak up!
The government finally gave in and took that deduction off.
BUT World Radio has paid the price for it and they were shortened on funds and then they finally had to disappear from the air... Sad fact!
They really were looking out for us.
What can we do as little people?
Especially because money from the elderly is being taken to fund migrants! - Maybe Citizen Journalism does have a little impact?!
They obviously removed my Tweet...
Hoping for the BEST results on March 15, for The Netherlands!
Socialism is not what the people want...

It took more than 6½ years but in the end the people elected Geert Wilders from the PVV and he won in a landslide: Dutch election winner Geert Wilders is an anti–Islam firebrand known as the Dutch Donald Trump ←click link.

Related links:
"Zestig procent van mensen in de bijstand is allochtoon" by 60% of welfare recipients are immigrants
What you need to know about the Dutch election by 


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    herzlichen Dank für deinen interessanten Post.

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ein tragischer Post...
      Lieber Gruß,

  2. Hello Mariette, This is a shocking taking advantage of those least able to represent themselves--the distant and the elderly. The differences in tax responsibilities are huge! I hope that you do well in the coming election.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      It is very shocking indeed! And knowing that: NEARLY A QUARTER OF DUCTH VOTERS ARE 65 OR OLDER makes them a large target to milk from (see link under my blog). Let's hope that those that remain in the country will vote with conscience!

  3. Wist je dat de media in Nederland en vooral de tv ervoor zorgt dat de PVV op een abnormale wijze zwart wordt gemaakt? Wist je dat Geert met een kogelvrij vest loopt? Hij sterke bewaking heeft? Enz.enz. Er is een vluchtelingen probleem wat heel veel geld kost en dat moet ergens vandaan komen. Denk niet dat PVV een kans krijgt om te winnen.

    1. Beste Janny,
      Jazeker dat weten we en we hebben ook zijn uitvoerige boek gelezen!
      Het is schrijnend om deze Ouderenhaat te moeten constateren...

  4. hola amiga querida !! espero que tengas un bendecido domingo

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    This is a all over the would Staling Money 34.000 all Elderly living in Forget about the Flowers,
    A man who folds the laundry in a real turn on yes..I don't think an unusual-folding fantasy?
    First the age old tension over. I wouldn't said that ..Your husband doesn't pull his weight around the house but I feel (note use of non-accusatony feel word..couples therapy.
    Hot weather Mon 82 74 82 89 80 79 92.
    Most of bad things in all over things!
    Have a nice day!

  6. Living abroad comes with some difficulties for sure. I hope for the best result, too.
    It's getting cold...stay warm and have a lovely weekend, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, you too know about certain difficulties between different continents.
      As for the results of this election: 'The truly final results will only be known next week. But the current numbers show that the Freedom Party has become the second largest political party in Parliament having gained five seats while the Labor Party has disastrously lost 29 seats'.
      It took me a while for replying because I did crochet the 2nd Fleur de Lys curtain; just pressed it and hung it damp. Pieter just told me it's our most beautiful room...
      Feeling happy!
      Wishing you a happy upcoming weekend and hope the frost was the final sign of winter!

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    dieser Post sollte aufrütteln - aber leider ist das nicht so.
    Auch bei uns und in Frankreich wird es spannend. Leider werden
    die Menschen aus Schaden nicht klug.
    Einen sonnigen Start in die neue Woche wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmtraud,
      Doch es hat sehr viel aufgerüttelt aber vielen schweigen lieber...
      Die Partei hat auch fünf Sessel dazu bekommen also sehr guter Erfolg!
      Ein schönes Wochenende wünsche ich Dir mit lieber Gruß,

  8. Hello. I think you are not satisfied with the outcome of the elections in the Netherlands. I'm sorry. * We are pleased that the Dolomites are known to you. I also like the mountains. Regards.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      Well, as you can read from the link embedded in my reply to Tamago, we can all feel very proud for the gain of 5 seats and being the 2nd largest in Parliament!
      Yes we both keep very fond memories of the Dolomites and wish we could go back to indulge more...


Thanks for your visit and comment.
