
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Classic Escada Skirt Suit with Silk Gucci Scarf

On February 26, blogger friend Marie-Thérèse Norris from The French Touch, wrote about Going Gray the Right Way. She also mentioned the days of the well-dressed Church Ladies.
That prompted me to wear my classic wool/silk/cotton blend Escada skirt suit to Church on March 5.
It is a plaid with dark navy so I did wear navy panty hose with my Escada pumps and Escada hand bag.
The suit came from the Escada outlet in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
The handbag from the Escada boutique in Jakarta, Indonesia when it was on sale.
Happy with some sun rays...
The Silk Gucci Scarf, in fact a neckerchief, I bought in Singapore at the airport, tax free.
Going 18 years back in time... at my Parents' home in Horst, The Netherlands.
This very skirt suit I did wear on Mom & Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary.
Both, Mom and I had been to the hair dresser before heading to Church on February 27, 1999.
Mom had requested me to be the lay reader at the St. Lambertus Kerk (Church) in Horst, The Netherlands for their 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass.
The Horster Mannenkoor Choir is seen to the right, honoring Dad on his Anniversary.
Of course as their eldest, I was happy to grant her that wish!
Spunky girl is with me in this photo...
A short sleeved woolen navy sweater from Escada is underneath.
Not bulky and very comfortable to wear.
Lots of fond memories around this classic Escada Skirt Suit and even if it is already 18 years old, it for sure is a keeper!
Here our Verbena Lanai® Blush White are already blooming at their best.
This Gucci silk scarf had some navy, gray and cream tones so it worked perfect.
Those were the perks of being and International Consultant and having a stop-over in Singapore; a shoppers paradise!
51% cotton; 49% rayon is from the short sleeved sweater
The suit is 32% Wool, 28% PA Nylon, 23% Silk, 17 Cotton and very comfortable in our climate!
The short sleeved sweater is 51% wool with 49% rayon.
Handbag I found in Jakarta, Indonesia on sale at the Escada Boutique.
Low heel pumps came from Chattanooga, TN Escada outlet.

Thanks for your visit!


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind wertvolle Erinnerungen.

    Sonnige Grüße

  2. hola querida Marierre !! que bueno verla tan bien vestida .. se ve muy bonita .. espero que tengas un lindo dia

  3. Wow..wat een mooi en tijdloos pakje.. je kon het toen 'hebben' en nu nog steeds.
    Toch wel knap dat je na je 15e niet meer van model of gewicht veranderd bent...
    Als ik nu weer zou wegen wat ik woog op mijn trouwdag, toen was ik 21, dan zou ik er nu trouwens "slecht uitzien" denk ik...

  4. Your suit is beautiful, Mariette! You look very elegant. Love the photo of you and your mom. It's such s beautiful photo, like it's from a magazine! And such lovely memories with your mom :-)
    Happy April, Mariette xoxo

  5. Looking absolutely stunning! A classic suit like this - stands the test of time (both in wear and style). as always elegant my friend. Wishing you both a beautiful and blessed week ahead .. XO

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    zuerst möchte ich dir zu dem wunderchönen Header gratulieren.
    Was für eine Blumenfülle.
    Dein Kostum ist eine elegante Kleidung - und einfach zeitlos.
    Einen guten Wochenanfang wünscht

  7. Belas fotos ...Espectacular....

  8. Wow, my dear Mariette. You look stunning! So elegant and lovely. Warm wishes your way my sweet friend

  9. Good for you for staying the same size and being able to wear this very same classic suit 18 years later! It looked fabulous on you then, and it still does! That's the thing with classic and beautifully designed clothes. I did read M-T's post, too, and enjoyed it very much. It is a little discouraging to see how casual and even sloppy everyone has become. I do love to dress up! It looks like you are enjoying some spring weather there. Can't wait for it to arrive here. xo Deborah

  10. You look lovely in your classic suit, dear Mariette! Such a wonderful photo of you with your dear Mother, too. Some things never go out of style.....Sending hugs xo Karen

  11. Mooi en tijdloos, hier heb je nog jaren draagplezier van.
    Het staat je ook prachtig!
    Lieve groet,

  12. Your Mum favorite brocate suite roll model Happy wedding anivelsary to her you both very happy times.sending your hugs with lots of both of yours!
    Happy April ways!

  13. Dear Mariette,

    Your look fabulous in your suit and very lucky that you are still the same size.
    Lovely seeing the photo with you and your Mother.
    Happy rest of the week

  14. Carolyn ( don't know what happened xo

  15. Dear Mariette,
    How wonderful! You have kept your size almost 20 years.I envy you!! Your classic suit is very elegant, and looks still new . You look good in your suit.Such a lovely photo of you and your mother, Mariette.
    Happy weekend to you.

  16. Ma chère Mariette,

    Forgive the lateness in leaving this comment. It's been rather wild chez moi lately. I am beyond delighted that my blog post, "Going Gray the Right Way," inspired you to write this wonderful post and to share such beautiful photos and memories with us. Aren't you the lucky lady to be able to wear the same size all these years later? I know it actually takes a bit of will power along with some luck to stay thin as we age.

    The picture of your Mother is so dear. I love when you share those family photos with us, and I confess that I love talking about our mothers -- amazing ladies both!

    You look so lovely, Mariette, and the kitties are precious beyond words.

    gros bisous, M-T

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