
Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day to my Father-in-law in Heaven

Guess I have seen my Father-in-law when I was a teenager, going to Church in Horst, The Netherlands but I never officially met him. Sad, as I would have loved to meet him in person! He passed away on Friday, April 21, 1967 when I was only 16 years old.
On Sunday, August 15, 1920 this photo was taken of my Father-in-law.
A very handsome young man he was!
Husband Pieter always told me that his Dad was a kind of a philosopher...
Even I can remember those kind of shirt collars, as my Dad also wore them.
They got buttoned on.
Visible is his tie pin, which was very common at that time.
Also a pocket square.
One more photo of my Father-in-law, wearing a wool fedora hat. 
The way people dressed up at that time is so different from nowadays' often way too casual dress style.

One day we will meet.
So far I am lucky for still having my own Dad being alive at the age of 96!

Happy Weekend to all and thanks for your visits and comments.


  1. Hello Mariette, Your late Father-in-law looked like a fine gentleman. It is too bad that you didn't get to know him, and that he couldn't a part of your life with Pieter. We should always be grateful for the people we do have.

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    die Fotos von deinem Vater gefallen mir gut.

    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße

  3. A lovely gentleman.
    Happy Father's day to all American fathers. Here in Australia we only celebrate it on the first Sunday in September.

  4. Dear Mariette,
    Your late father-in-law was so handsome, and he was a very stylish man!
    I thank to my old family people,even if I had not met them,and I think how fast the generation is quickly changing. So glad your own father 96 is alive. My mother-in-law 97 is alive,who lives with us at our house.
    Happy day to you all, Mariette!!

  5. Yes indeed, Mariette, your father-in-law was handsome. He also looked kind. Wow, time has a way of marching on, as will happen with the present too!

  6. Dear Mariette,
    Your father-in low was fine generation of good handsome of shirt collars. my father was always his tie pin and hat I still remember with him. Happy Father's Day to present too! Mariette's San!

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    es ist schön, dass du diese Fotos noch hast.
    Auch wenn du ihn nicht gekannt hast, er wird
    es wohlwollend im Himmel zur kenntnis nehmen,
    dass du seiner gedenkst.
    Einen guten Start in diese Sommerwoche wünscht Dir

  8. He was a very dapper gentleman.....and I feel sure he would have loved you. Your are so lucky at this age to still have your Dad.

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  10. Dear Mariette,
    Indeed he was a very handsome man, very elegant and lots of style, no wonder where Pieter got it from. Happy Father's Day to him, your dad and Pieter.

    Send you lots of hugs to you both


  11. Your father-in-laws was very handsome indeed. Looked very gentle and intelligent!
    Happy belated father's day! xo

  12. Very handsome, and very dapper-looking man. Yes, I bemoan the always ultra-casual look nowadays.

    Hope you're doing well Mariette. Happy summer to you and Pieter! xo Deborah

  13. A very elegant man! It is always so interesting to look at the old photographs and the way people used to dress in the past!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
