
Monday, July 3, 2017

Would LOVE to Reincarnate as Fur Baby...

Well, especially for our spoiled Fur Babies.
That's why I would LOVE to Reincarnate as Fur Baby...
Our tiny Tiggy-Tiger is a hyper girl and she loves to find some sun puddles after breakfast.
On top of her SOFT blankies...
Love that NOSE of her!
Looking almost edible to me...
Closing her eyes and dreaming of mousies...
Isn't she adorable?!

Oh, such a spoiled stinker!
Kneading her blanky...
Her brother Bandido (Dido) all curled up on THEIR special cushion, on top of a chair with some sun puddles of course!
Mom, how dare you wake me up!
Dido is giving me that 'LOOK'...
Their sister by adoption 'Speckie' is more content with eating a FULL meal and than napping on her special padded pillow.
She too is giving me that look of WHY disturbing my nap time?!
She does always do the dishes; that means licking out every crumb or morsel of all six cat bowls and that twice a day!
Hence her FAT body but she's happy just doing that! 
Letting one of her legs just hang...
Mom, put that camera away!

And such is the life of our Fur Babies so I really would love to reincarnate as one.
Don't you want that too some times?!

Thanks for your visits and comments.


  1. Dearest Mariette; How sweet seeing your Fur Babies enjoying such gorgeous and relaxing time♪ I smiled with "WHY disturbing my nap time" eyes and the title of this post; and I sure agree with you p:-)

    So sorry for my absence. Have been a bit busy for test week of my students etc p;-)
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you for those lovely cat pictures :O) Yes, they know, how to relax in this heat of summer!
    Have a wonderful day and a great weekend ahead,
    sending Love and hugs and cathugs, Claudia xo

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind reizende Fotos.

    Liebe Grüße aus dem regnerischen Bochum

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    Love all your kitty photos, particularly Tiggy-Tiger. She looks like a mini Aloysius, who weighs in a twelve pounds.
    Every morning after I give them breakfast, all three furbies come and have their morning nap on the bed with me while I go over my email. Started after I retired and is now part of their and my morning ritual!
    Toes crossed that you are enjoying summer..........*s*

  5. Your adorable felines are certainly living a pampered life, dear Mariette! Love all the sleepy poses and sweet, adoring looks! Yes, I think I would like to come back as a spoiled and loved kitty-cat! Sending hugs to you and the kitties. xx Karen

  6. Dear Mariette,

    Such wonderful photos of your sweet cats and they look so happy and relaxed.
    Love the way they follow the sun around inside the house and find the perfect spot to sleep in.
    Happy weekend

  7. Oh, my dearest Marietta! Look at those precious little ones! So very loved . I too would love to come back as a fur baby if I could be in a home like yours and my own. And that way, as a kitty, I would give as much love to my Mom and Dad as they give to me. xxx Katie and Mom

  8. Ma chère Mariette,

    I'm hopelessly in love w/all of your fur babies. How lucky they are to have become part of your family. You and Pieter are just the perfect parents to these gorgeous felines.

    Gros bisous, M-T

  9. Hello dear Mariette,
    What wonderful cats you've got!
    You're giving me the blues about those we had in South Africa!
    Since I am away all the time, I can't have another pet.
    Lovely photos making me whish to be a cat in a loving home :)))
    Keep well and enjoy your weekend

  10. Liebe Mariette,

    wie niedlich deine Katzenbabs. :-)
    Tiggy sieht ja aus wie unser Finn...und wie süss sie auif der Decke trippelt. Das macht Fiona auch bei Kuscheldecken im Liegen. Finn trippelt nicht.
    Wenn ich als Katze wiedergeboren werden sollte, dann nur bei jemanden wie dich oder uns. ;-))
    Tolle Bilder von eurer Bande.
    Wünsche dir alles Liebe und Gute. ♥


  11. Such great pictures of kitty contentment. They are all so gorgeous!

  12. Your cats look very content....I would too curled up on those soft blankets.
    I scrolled back to see what you have been up to. Wow you two certainly looked nice all dressed up and I like the new desk. Have a wonderful weekend...Janey

  13. Hahaha, I'm very familiar with that "look" :-) Your fur babies all look adorable and happy! I wish I would be a kitty! Nap all day, enjoy sunshine, have humans to serve meals, etc...:-)

  14. Dear Mariette,
    How sweet to see your lovely cat pictures! They are so adorable and I am a bit surprised to see that their legs are longer than ours in Japan!! They must be stylish!
    Happy day to you.

  15. You have one photogenic cat, Mariette, who seems to enjoy being the subject of pictures! I have to credit the photographer for having a great eye also!

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    It made you rearch for a USA your computer work now and you have chosen it office chairs. I have thinking of the top perfect lovely things.
    Happy time nice day.

  17. Ma chère Mariette,

    Just had to share the sad news that we had to have our beautiful Allegra euthanized on July 1st. She had cancer. Very unusual in a cat only seven years old. Naturally, I am devastated. She was very special. Thank heaven we still have our gorgeous Miss Kiri Kat to share our love and cuddles. It's been a difficult year. We started
    the year with four cats, which is our usual, and lost one to old age and two to cancer. The house seems very quiet now.

    Gros bisous, ma chère amie,


  18. Your kitties are SOOOOOOO cuuuuuute! And I can see that Bandido and Speckie have a very hard life, too! ;)
    Tiggy–Tiger looks exactly like Tareco and he also loves to lay down in the sun (he's doing that this exact minute) and kneading his blankies, just like she is doing in the video!
    Like you said in your comment, they are very inquisitive and want to inspect if things are safe.
    I don't know if your Tiggy-Tiger does that, but when Tareco isn't sure of an object or thing he sees, he starts pawing at it first, then he smells it until he knows it's safe. Tough life, isn't it?
    Have a beautiful week and a safe travel, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Paula,
      Thank you and how funny that Tiggy–Tiger seems to have a far–away cousin!

  19. Oh, and I just remember: doesn't your Tiggy–Tiger meows a lot? Tareco is always mewoing, like he is talking to us!
    PS - I saw that you had an older post on the side of your blog, about the various types of feet and I also have Egyptian feet! Or Elite feet, if you please!

    1. Dearest Paula,
      Tiggy–Tiger and her brothers are very talkative indeed. Her sister Spunky not so much.
      Haha Elite feet member; that is funny to meet yet another one.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
