
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Verbena Lanai Blush White

On May 13, our trailing Verbena Lanai Blush White were looking their best!
Our little silver rose vase filled with them. 
And on June 1, we had this in our Fiberglass Window Boxes alongside the driveway.
They are not quite as happy in the extreme heat.
As of today, they almost are getting drowned with severe thunderstorms and torrential rains.
That's the outlook for the coming days...
We got ours from
Hope you have a lovely new week coming your way.

Thanks for your visit and comment!


  1. Very pretty little flowers. Have a wonderful new week.

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich über deinen schönen Post.

    Alles Liebe

  3. These are so pretty! So perfect for your sweet cottage with the lace in the windows, dear Mariette. They are like white lace blossoms. Sending hugs xo Karen

  4. your flowers do very well for you. got any secrets to share on why. all of mine look terrible.

  5. They look so sweet and pretty! I love both arrangements in your silver vase and fiberglass window boxes. It seems our area will have less rain in coming days, which means hotter! Stay cool and have a great day, Mariette!

  6. Olá,
    que linda flor. E deve ser perfumada.
    Bjos tenha uma ótima semana.

  7. Dear Mariette,
    They are very pretty and that silver rose vase is lovely. Bringing nature indoors is a wonderful way to decorate. Have a good day.

  8. Hello querida Mariette!
    Muito obrigado pelos votos deixados no meu blog, sobre o meu aniversário. Desejo felicidades a você todos os que ama.
    Estas flores pequenas são delicadas e muito bonitas. Vida, lar e flores, uma combinação poética e perfumada.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
