
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Bike Rack on Murano Platinum

Both of us enjoy having now our Bike Rack on the Murano Platinum!
Starting out biking from our home, located in Holly Hills, is rather hard.
But it is nearly impossible to find any flat surface in our area...
Here we are, with our 2 Schwinn Bikes on the Bike Rack.
I'm still holding on to my Dachshund Mauzie's wicker basket...
It is handy for putting things in.
The yellow rain coat is peeping out from my basket...
Well, we did get rained on twice, not so much fun!
We just sold our Dutch Batavus Cambridge Sturmey Archer 3 Speed to a gentleman in Houston, TX.
We took it upon us to drop them off at the Atlanta Cycling, on Wednesday August 16.
Bye bye...
Dropping them off and letting go...
Rode my Batavus last on Pieter's Birthday, April 29, and brother Jan rode Pieter's Batavus Cambridge... Sister-in-law rode my Schwinn and our niece rode Pierter's Schwinn - while the birthday guy took his nap! Pieter later joined us at My CoffeeShop where we enjoyed a beverage before biking back home.

Thank you for visiting and commenting!


  1. It is lovely that you both continue to uphold the traditions of cycling from your homeland, but also a wonderful way to keep active and fit.

  2. So nice to enjoy a bicycle ride on a beautiful sunny day, dear Mariette! A good idea to find a flat place to ride, too. Glad you found a good home for your old bicycles. The little basket is so handy for carrying those important supplies. I can imagine how cute your little dachshund must have looked in it. Now I know how you both stay so slim and fit! Looking good! Sending hugs xo Karen

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    viel Freude beim Radfahren wünscht dir und Pieter

  4. It's tough to ride bicycle on non-flat surface. I used to go up on a hill riding bicycle when I was young. Don't think I can do that now :-) It's great you keep up with biking! Love your wicker basket. It's very cute :-)
    Have s wonderful new week, Mariette! xo

  5. I have not rode a bike in years, if I tried I would fall off

  6. That is a so easy of the bicycle but you need of other things with other people's too.Only in the morning make shore not rains too much, Your both of enjoyed with biking Love day Mariette San!

  7. Dearest Mariette; Hitch hike and now "Bike Rack"; I haven't seen both of them p;-) How great you two keep up such active life together☆☆☆ My house located up on the hill, haha I depend on my personal car driver. Have a wonderful new week♫♫♫
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  8. Ja, liebe Mariette, Fahrrad fahren macht Spass, hält fit und jung. Sind Eure weißen Fahrräder neu, sie sind toll und passen zum weißen Auto. Bei uns ist es etwas flacher und wir setzen auch die Fahrradhelme auf, kommen fast nicht mehr zum Autofahren, weil wir die Geschäfte, die Innenstadt ziemlich in der Nähe haben.

    Dir und Pieter wünsche ich allzeit gute Fahrt mit dem Rad
    und schicke liebe Grüße mit.

  9. Liebe Mariette,

    die Räder erinnern mich an Hollandräder oder sind es welche?
    Ich fand mein früheres Hollandrad etwas zu hoch für mich. Denn wenn man auf dem Sattel sitzt, sollte man gut mit den Füßen auf den Boden kommen, sonst kann es gefährlich werden, wenn man einmal spontan absteigen muß. Es war aber kein niedrigeres seinerzeit zu bekommen. Dein Rad wirkt auch so hoch, aber vielleicht täuscht das Bild ja auch. Ihr seid jedenfalls sehr fit! Finde ich klasse! Ich fahre nach meinem Urlaub auch wieder öfter und weit mit dem Rad. Es ist doch ein gutes Training. Vor allem Outdoor!

    Es ist schon wieder viel zu spät geworden heute, aber ich wollte gerne endlich mal wieder vorbeischauen. Die Tage werden immer kürzer, so habe ich den Eindruck, was die Zeit betrifft.

    Alles Liebe, ich hoffe auf bald wieder

  10. Looking good you two!! So inspiring the way you both keep going and stay in shape and enjoy life. Too much traffic around here. We'd need to take our bikes off to a quieter area. Bike racks are great for that. Enjoy the rest of the summer. xo Deborah

  11. Dear Mariette,

    Yes, indeed you are both looking good and fit - cycling is such a healthy exercise and fun. Like you we have lots of hills on the Island so makes cycling more difficult.
    Hope you are having a great week

  12. All I can say is that you guys are in amazing shape!


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