
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

7th North American Mushroom Conference at The Roosevelt in New Orleans

On Friday, March 4, in 1988 we had dinner with our dear friends at our home in Dublin, Georgia.
We did inform them that Campbell Soup was forcing us to move to the Reading, Pennsylvania area... 
On Saturday, March 5, we left by car at 9:30 AM for New Orleans, Louisiana and with once stopping for gas and twice for eating a bite, we got there by 7:15 PM (there is 1 hour time difference). It was 590 miles or 950 km.
Husband Pieter had to lecture at the 7th North American Mushroom  Conference.
We did live at that time in our previous home, at 304 Fairmont Drive, Dublin Georgia/USA.
The Conference was being held at The Fairmont Hotel...
Yes, The Roosevelt New Orleans, used to be called The Fairmont back in the 1980s.
It has been our privilege for having known it in its full glamour!
The Roosevelt still looks just like the Fairmont in the 80s, it has been restored after Hurricane Katrina damaged it severely in August of 2005.
Across from the street is the in 1851 established Immaculate Conception Jesuit Parish by Jesuits from Lyon, France.
The present, rebuild Church (1929) is in Moorish architectural style and is really beautiful.
We did go to Mass on Sunday morning at 9:30 AM and talked with the priest who had served on Dutch ship, The Rotterdam and he'd visited over 50 countries. Such a wise man and I've mentioned him in a previous post, see below under Related link.
This beautiful 1929 Moorish architecture style Church is opposite The Roosevelt New Orleans and it is visible from the pool area.
We really were in another world, at The Fairmont Hotel...
On Monday evening, March 7 of 1988, we did have dinner at the famous Sazerac Restaurant and I had a delicious Steak au Poivre...
As you can read here below from a post, Sazerac had big banquette tables covered with what looked like lace and beautiful china and silverware.
Also dishes received tableside preparation!
Extinct Restaurants - Sazerac Restaurant click on the pink hyperlinks.
Now, back to the REASON of this stay at the Roosevelt hotel.
7th North American Mushroom Conference
That includes the USA and Canada
RIGHT ON TARGET was their chosen theme, all around MUSHROOMS
printed on this beautiful parchment paper that encased the Grand Ball menu card
On Monday, March 7 of 1988, my husband Pieter had to give his lecture.
On Tuesday evening, March 9, we had the Grand Ball with Dinner
We sure got a royal treatment in those days.
The Menu Card with its sponsors mentioned on the back, elegantly held together by a gold cord
So many familiar names on this complete list... Some of them no longer are with us today.
On March 24, 1988 husband Pieter received this thank you note from American Mushroom Institute.
Fond memories and we both look back on it with pride!
We made a lot of great friends all over the world...

Stay tuned for more about New Orleans!

Related link:


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you for sharing those wonderful memories with us!
    I love the white Horsewaggon ;O)
    Have a lovely week,
    Love and hugs and blessings, Claudia xo

  2. ik gloof het goed ,dat je mooie herinneringen aan dat weekend hebt
    het zag er ook allemaal zo prachtig uit ..
    heel veel liefs Mariette

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    dein schöner Post erfreut mich.

    Sonnige Grüße


  4. Ziet er wel allemaal chic uit,prachtig de witte koets.

  5. Hello Mariette, What a wonderful VIP introduction to New Orleans, which Pieter earned by sharing his mushroom expertise. I noticed how many Doctors are among the list of experts, including Pieter! It goes to show the serious extent and importance of the mushroom industry, which most people probably don't realize or think about.

  6. Wat prachtig daar en wat een luxe!
    Mooie herinneringen hoor
    Hartelijke groet

  7. Hello dear Mariette!
    Great post!
    Very impressive and luxury hotel!
    The food sounds very interesting!
    Thank you for sharing your fond memories and your wonderful pictures!
    Have a happy February!Hugs! ❤️

  8. Dear Mariette,
    It was bit of shock when you had very bad one of your Peter's has bad cold with still coughing it was very shock was very bad one, I was in my place was what is just bad one?..Hags and lots of Love both Michiko

  9. It looks very glamorous hotel. I visited New Orleans long time ago, before Hurricane Katrina hit there. Would love to visit again one day :-)

  10. Dearest Mariette; Great memories at such a GORGEOUS hotel; experiences only privileged people can have☆☆☆ I wish I could visit America someday and stay wonderful hotel like that.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*


Thanks for your visit and comment.
