
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

With Mom & Dad to Altenahr, Germany

It was on Tuesday, July 21 of 1981 that my late husband Frans and I drove with Mom & Dad to Altenahr in Germany.
Again, during my 3-week summer vacation and helping Mom & Dad out with picking gherkins in the greenhouse. 
A landmark in Altenahr is Hotel Zum Schwarzen Kreuz just click on link.
Early rising for departure at 6:00 AM for our journey to Altenahr in Germany.
Yes, this very rose pattern curtain I have crocheted for all the homes I've lived!
This was on the door of our garage in Horst, The Netherlands. See link below post.
Here we are in the Eifel mountains of Germany.
As I post these day-trips, made in July, I notice how cloudy it most times was!
For this trip we used Dad's Ford Fiesta.
Me in the Eifel mountains, Germany.
Here we are in Altenahr, Germany on a bridge over the river Ahr which flows through the Eifel mountains.
This is a very short video about the Ahr Valley - Das Ahrtal just click it for seeing its true beauty.
Already the Romans liked it there! Now it is well known for its vineyards.
We had lunch at Hotel Restaurant Ruland just click the link.
My choice then was: Tomato soup, Kalbsgeschnetzeltes in Sahnesauce mit Pilze - sliced veal in a cream sauce with mushrooms, rice and mixed salat. Chocolate with ice-cream for dessert...
To the right you see Ruland Hotel Restaurant where we had lunch.
The top photo from this post was taken in front of Hotel & Restaurant Zum Schwarzen Kreuz, seen in the center. The river Ahr is also visible and the bridge where we took one photo. 
While we had lunch, it rained...
I'm also wearing my hand knitted cardigan as it was rather chilly!
This is our walk in Reckerscheid in the Eifel.
We did stop by a dear friend for a visit before we went home.
By the way, my late husband's Mom was from this region as well.
A lovely area that I've visited for the biggest part of my life and also with husband Pieter together we have been there frequently.
Even our foster-daughter Anita has been there once with us, all the way from Indonesia.
We got home by 20:15 and in bed by 23:00.
Mauzie my dachshund had been fed and let out by my youngest sister as she did not travel with us this time.

Thanks for your visit and comment!

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  1. What a joy it was traveling along on this grand tour. At least, saw places would never have seen before. When so nice when you stop by.

    1. Dearest LV.,
      Thank you and it sure was a joy back then for my Parents for seeing things other than the inside of their greenhouse!

  2. Dear friend you have the most amazing memories from fabulous trips made with your dear parents. Germany is so beautiful and this town is no exception. I didn't know you had a previous German husband and from this lovely area.
    You I know, speak a few languages, how wonderful !
    Thank you for sharing, I loved it.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Guess it is our life's task for creating memories as they make a wonderful cushion for old age.
      Germany is absolutely beautiful in so many regions!
      My late husband was only half German, his Mom was from this region.
      Every language is another window to the world...

  3. Hello Mariette, An advantage of living in Europe is that within a short distance are not only new places, but also new countries, languages and cultures. It must have been endlessly fascinating exploring each region.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, that is the big advantage of living in Europe, it indeed changes within hours and is always interesting for exploring, seeing and tasting it.

  4. Dearest Mariette, wonderful Memories you show us again! Thank you!
    Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week,
    sending much Love and hugs from very hot germany ;O) ...Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      You may already know this area as you live rather close to it.

  5. Liebe Mariette -
    Erinnerungen sind so was Schönes - im zarten Alter und sehr hübsch sehe ich dich in meiner Heimat - die Eifel ist wirklich wunderschön und ganz besonders die Ahr - in Altenahr war ich auch schon sehr oft - ich liebe die Weinberge und die Landschaft überhaupt -

    ich wünsche dir alles Liebe - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Ja es ist wunderschön dort und ich habe soviele Erinnerungen daran in die über fünfzig Jahre das ich da kam.
      Besonders diese liebe Erinnerungen die ich mit den Eltern teilen konnte!
      Liebe Grüße,

  6. Replies
    1. Dearest Regine,
      Thanks you and sending love back to you; hope you can cope!

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    die schöne Gegend kenne ich.

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja natürlich kennst du sie es ist ja nicht weit von dir entfernt!
      Liebe Grüße,

  8. Hi Mariette! Wonderful to watch old photos and remember past time. Have a nice evening

    1. Dearest Anne,
      It is after all the only thing that is left from our loved ones... The memoires we create throughout life together when time is still allowing us to do so. One day it will be too late.
      I'm blessed for having plenty of wonderful memories!

  9. Lovely memories Mariette. Loved that hotel on the first photo, so beautiful.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Yes, those memories are priceless, fond moments of happiness in a beautiful area. Don't you love the architecture?!

  10. Looks like it was another lovely trip! Hotel Zum Schwarzen Kreuz is beautiful. I love the flowers at the windows. The view in Reckerscheid is so beautiful, too. Looks very peaceful. It must have been a really pleasant walk.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Mariette xo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      That was indeed a lovely trip and it gave me lots of very fond memories to look back on.
      The hotel is rather unique and typical for the region and don't you adore those window boxes filled with colorful plants? In Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Italy it is very common and makes for a very happy sight.

  11. Greetings! I love when you journey back in time, sharing those special moments with us.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
