
Saturday, September 15, 2018

We Biked from Fort Benning to Columbus Georgia via RiverWalk

On June 15, I did post about last year's bike ride on the Chattahoochee RiverWalk in Columbus, Georgia.
On August 16, we did go back for a repeat of this lovely ride through nature.
Along the Chattahoochee RiverWalk there are spots for fresh cool water, so here husband Pieter is filling up his insulated water bottle.
This photo is taken of the Chattahoochee river in Columbus, GA High Uptown
We started out at Fort Benning, Infantry Museum where we parked our car.
Here we are on a bench in Columbus High Uptown after having completed over half of our ride of 30 km total or 18.6 miles.
We had a good whole wheat sandwich with beef tenderloin and sour cream/garlic/chives/horseradish for much needed muscle power.
So proud of my very senior mate!
Feeling very happy and FIT since my 2.5 month of NON-activity due to my closed double pelvic fracture.
Started biking again on June 15.
This beautiful arch with CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVERWALK is also in High Uptown Columbus, GA
Bridge with beautiful architecture and plants under those arches!
This also was in Uptown Columbus, GA
Would have loved to walk this bridge for taking more photos...
This is Downtwon RiverWalk in Columbus GA
Don't you love the pavement and the lanterns + railing!
Showing you here that beautiful railing alongside the Chattahoochee river, with Pieter waiting for me...
There is so much to see in Downtown Columbus GA alongside this RiverWalk, like this ALL WOODEN BRIDGE...
But we better keep going for returning back to Oxbow/Ft. Benning where our car is being parked!
The weather stayed perfect on Thursday, August 16 - no rain! 32ºC or 89.6ºF.
This is the entire 30 km or 18.6 mile route on Strava...
It took us 2 hours and 12 minutes.

Thanks for joining us and below is a short 59 seconds video of the entire ride.
       Related link:
Time for Repeating THIS... | previous post by me


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    dein schöner Post schenkt mir viel Freude.

    Sonnige Sonntasgrüße

  2. You are a great example of determination - nobody would ever guess that prior to this you had been on crutches for several weeks, and it looks a perfect place to take a bike ride - nice and flat with plenty of interesting views to see as you cycle.

    1. Dearest Rosemary,
      Thank you and guess you are right, having very strong will power will get you going and moving!
      It was a very enjoyable ride with relaxing time later at the pool. Good for body and soul.

  3. Hello Mariette, You and Pieter are lucky to find a bicycle trail with so many spectacular features. At my old house, I had a bicycle, but the nearby highway, though scenic, was so narrow and shoulderless that it was not safe for bicycling or even walking. There are a number a large parks in the Cleveland area, but mostly I explored these on foot--my favorite was was to walk directly in the creeks during the summer, an unlikely feat with a bicycle!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      This bicycle trail is the best we know so far but it is quite a distance driving from our home...
      Narrow roads are way too dangerous for biking as traffic can pass by at the seam of your pants!
      Walking in the creeks sounds like refreshing in summer time. We did that as kids, leaches didn't keep us out.

  4. Replies
    1. Dearest Francisco Manuel,
      Yes, it serves both purposes good for our health and a beautiful surrounding.

  5. You are amazingly healthy. Please take good care not to get heatstroke. Thanks for your comment on my post.

    1. Dearest RTC,
      Well, both of us are not that 'healthy' but we certainly want to keep what we got left at a stable stage!
      As for heat, when drinking plenty of water there is no risk. Both of us are son and daughter of a market gardener and working inside the greenhouses (hot houses) did prepare us well.

  6. Hello dear Mariette!
    Such a lovely place for cycling!The scenery looks amazing and full of beauty!Great images!
    Lovely pictures of the bridge,the lake and the river! You both look healthy,I wouldn’t be able to do the same bicycling for two hours!You were lucky the weather was great! Wishing you a lovely day and a happy week! Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you and yes, it is an amazing scenery.
      This is the best we can do for trying to stay as healthy as possible, considering our conditions.
      The weather still is the very same here. Never have seen it this sunny and warm, way into September.

  7. Dearest Mariette......You must be so happy to be able to ride again! What a beautiful ride. Thanks for the photos.

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Yes, the day after the orthopedic surgeon gave me the green light, I was on my bike to accompany Pieter again after 2.5 months!
      This was a very beautiful ride.

  8. Hi Mariette! Great place for cycling! Hope you're okay now? Beautiful place to eat refreshment ;-)

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, I'm fine and without pain. A great place for a lunch break!

  9. I am doubly proud...of the BOTH of you. And both of you look like a million dollars. Very proud of your abilities to make that wonderful trip. Read the temps and so on. I'm going to ask my cardiologist in my appointment time in a few days if I can do as Pieter does for example, as he and I are both heart patients albeit different problems
    XXX and Barty, be a good boy. The rest of you give Mom and Dad some room in the bed!

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Thank you for your kind words! Yes, I'm very proud of my mate and of myself for having build up to this point again. Exercise is such a crucial thing in our lives and let's hope we can keep it up for a long time to come.
      Barty is the sweetest boy ever! Speckie the youngest is like a magnet, demanding constant full attention...

  10. Very nice landscape. It's a great pleasure to ride a bike in this park.

    1. Dearest Nathalie,
      Guess you meant to write this comment on my previous post... But I got the message.
      Indeed, a wonderful experience and being in nature without any traffic is great.

  11. It's nice here too. You didn't see any ducks?
    Enjoy this beautiful weather !
    Hugs to you two :))

    1. Dearest Nathalie,
      No, we did not encounter any ducks here and I wonder why...?
      Other water birds in some areas and no gators, even though it is their territory!
      The weather still remains very summery here.
      Hugs back from both of us,

  12. I think you are amazing, I can barely walk, so riding a bike isn't something I would try

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      It only is a question of very strong will-power!

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    you both did such a wonderful biking tour again! Thank you for the beautiful pictures and informations!
    Have a lovely nwe week,sending Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      We sure would do this more often but we cannot always travel that far and stay at a hotel for a wonderful bike ride!

  14. What a great bike ride. The sceneries are so gorgeous. It's very nice you can get a fresh cool water! You both amaze me a lot - you are definitely more fit than I am :-)
    Have a happy new week, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Oh, this ride is the best and the scenery does also change several times. Love the down town area very much with its architecture and the beautiful railing and pavement!
      As long as we can, we keep on biking, just got back from our morning ride before it is getting HOT again.
      Summer does not know how to stop here in Georgia it seems...


Thanks for your visit and comment.
