
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Vancouver British Columbia, Canada in 1996 and back again in 2018

A long time dream of us, was to go once back to British Columbia, Canada for sight seeing.
We did work in the Vancouver area, Fraser Valley in 1996.
Driving our rental car from the Vancouver airport to the Sheraton hotel in Surrey we fell in love with the surroundings.
This photo is from June 15, 1996...
The Province of British Columbia, Canada has a very special meaning to both of us.
After all, Pieter's adopted daughter Liz is born there!
Pieter did mail a beautiful card from the snow covered Rockies, to Liz in Horst.
You can read more about her in a previous post, link you find below.
For the 12th North American Mushroom Conference held in Vancouver, husband Pieter got invited as a speaker.
So here we are in July of 1996, back in Vancouver once more!
Staying at the Vancouver Hotel which is now the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver.
Pieter's lecture went very well and it was even called the Highlight of the Conference!
On the final day, I checked as usual the telephone book for any VandenMunckhof or Vedder names.
No VandenMunckhof here but as usual several Vedder names.
Then I checked for the biological father of Pieter's adopted daughter, his name was Jeurissen...
There was but ONE Jeurissen T and we presumed that would be Tony, her Dad...
See name at bottom above.
Pieter made the call around 6:00 PM and was quite surprised to hear a woman's voice: Thelma... Liz's biological Mother.
She was long presumed dead because all searches through Rotary International and the Red Cross, never yielded any result.
She kept her married name, even after the divorce - just in case any of her 3 kids would ever look for her!
She came to the hotel, by Skytrain and we met.
Here she is holding Pieter's arm, in the lobby of Hotel Vancouver.
Mama Thelma is part Scottish and part First Nation (her Mother's side).
These photos are not the best but still they remain very special memories to both of us!
Biological Mom meets Step–Mom who together with Liz's Dad put her through the Royal Academy.
We talked a lot, over a cup of tea in the restaurant, with some dessert.
For a good ten years we stayed in touch, mostly via phone calls and letters.
Mama Thelma passed away in September of 2006...
All the above text, I've written on her Birthday, October 6 - coincidence?!
Recently we did go on September 23, to the Atlanta Airport to spend the night at Hyatt Place Airport North as our plane to Vancouver would be departing at 7:25 AM and for driving from home on a Monday morning with heavy traffic was a no-no.
Now we just got up at 4:00 AM, had some home baked waffles with maple syrup that we had with us and we left with the hotel shuttle from 5:00 AM to the airport.
Via Minneapolis/St. Paul on Delta Airlines, we arrived in Vancouver.
We only had carry on, no checked luggage so it was light and easy traveling.
Just as Mama Thelma had done to come to our hotel in 1996, we too took the Skytrain...
Click on it below to see the 43 second video from the Skytrain ride and our 300 m walk from the Downtown station to our Fairmont Hotel Vancouver.

Click on below image for actually viewing our walk.

      Here is Pieter standing with his carry on in front of the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, just outside of the Skytrain station downtown.
Crossing this street and walking only a total of 300 m.
Here we are! Back again at the very same hotel after 24 years...
The weather in Vancouver was sunny and rather warm!
16ºC or 60.8ºF on Monday, September 24, 2018
We did enjoy a delicious, romantic dinner at Notch8 Restaurant & Bar...
The down pillows and duvet on the bed in room 357 at Fairmont Hotel Vancouver were HEAVEN!
Here I am at 6:30 AM on September 25... in the lobby of the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver where we met with Mama Thelma in July of 1996...
Wearing my Kipling backpack and my hiking boots.

We are checking out - stay tuned for more... to read more about our trip via Canada Rail Vacations.

Related link:
{Our Daughter Liz} | previous post by me


  1. Dearest MAriette,
    it must been wonderful, do to such Visits again after so many years! Is it very differnt , did things change there or is it just like 1996 ?
    Thank you for wonderful pictures!
    Love your Outfit ;O)
    HAve a good rest of the week,
    sending Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      The best is to go back for pleasure, for sight seeing and not for work!
      Thank you for your compliment.

  2. Hello Mariette, I have never had the chance to visit Vancouver, but by all accounts it is a fascinating place, with so much scenery. It is extra nice to visit some place when you have a personal connection to it.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      We even have been contemplating to make another trip to enjoy the city more in detail. This was just our arrival day for the start of a special trip! We enjoyed being back in the very same hotel and walking down West Georgia Street again after 22 years. We were quite impressed! And of course special emotional connections,

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    herzlichen Dank für deinen schönen Post.
    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke, es ist ein Vergnügen um dich mitnehmen zu können!
      Liebe Grüße,

  4. Hi Mariettas !!! Estube hace una par de años en canada !! Y espaecialmente me gustó Vancouver con su gente tan educada

    1. Querida Angélica,
      ¡Es la verdad y nos quedamos impresionados por su cortesía y la más alta gentileza!

  5. Vancouver looks beautiful Mariette.
    So lovely that you managed to find a family member and what a great idea to look in the phone book for your surnames and try to find relatives.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      It was like finding the needle in a hay stack and we were both thrilled! Meeting the biological Mother of your legally adopted daughter is quite special! So we both enjoyed this partial trip back to memory lane and used it as the starting point of our special vacation.
      Oh, checking the phone book we've done for decades, not anymore as cellphone and Internet have replaced that.

  6. I visited Vancouver long, long time ago. It is a beautiful place and I'd love to visit there again :-) Lovely photos with Thelma. They must bring you fond memories of her. xo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Vancouver is indeed a treasure of a city with so many things to see and to do, we have to go back...
      The photos of Mama Thelma are very dear to both of us, it was such a special and warm meeting!

  7. How exciting! Awaiting a continuation;-)

    1. Dearest Anne,
      It is exciting and I'm thrilled for putting our wonderful vacation into words with photos and special Relive video.
      In two hours people can read my next chapter about this special journey.

  8. Hello dear Mariette!
    What a lovely trip you had visiting Vancouver and family!I would love to visit one day!
    Wonderful pictures! Love your outfit! You look great dear friend!
    Wishing you a lovely day and a happy weekend! Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Our trip for the Conference and for consulting work before was special and above all finding and meeting Mama Thelma! This was very special for us as we both have such wonderful memories.
      We sure had a happy weekend, a very special wedding...

  9. Dear Mariette, it's always a pleasure to follow you on your travels and in the exciting life stories that you give us!
    A big hug ♥

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Thank you very much, we have visited each other for years now via blog. Wish we could visit one day in person...
      Just continue to follow this very special travel, in less than two hours the second part will get published.

  10. Oh dearest Mariette, I've never been to Canada but long to visit several of its cities. Perhaps one day I'll fufill my wish! Continued Happy Travels to you and Pieter!

    1. Dearest Debbie,
      We have worked for years as consultants in Canada and always have loved doing so. That's the reason we wanted to go back to indulge in some sight seeing!
      You can easily fulfill your wish before it is too late.

  11. So amazing how you were able to make the connection and meet with Mama Thelma. Great photos from then and now.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Yes that was more than amazing, as I wrote in one of the replies, like finding the needle in a hay stack.
      Valuable photos!

  12. Mariette ancora non sono riuscita a commentare sul tuo blog (mi fa scrivere 2 o 3 lettere poi mi si blocca). Ho letto tutto il post con molto piacere. Sei una signora bellissima come bellissima è anche la vostra Liz. Ho letto anche il racconto della sua storia. Davvero fortunata questa ragazza ad aver trovato un cuore d'oro come il tuo Pieter. Ti mando un grosso abbraccio e ti auguro una felice serata

    1. Carissima Lorena,
      Indovinate una cosa, io stesso ho anche problemi commentando su qualsiasi Blog! È fastidioso e in questo momento solo può farlo sul mio MacBook.
      Grazie per il tuo commento gentile e in effetti, figlia adottiva Liz è molto, molto fortunato per aver trovato un papà amorevole! Entrambi abbiamo lavorato duramente per metterla attraverso accademia e quello che fa con la sua vita è a lei. Soltanto il Dio giudicerà noi umani alla fine.
      Abbiamo almeno fatto il massimo!

  13. Mariette ho capito come fare a commentare… Devo scrivere sui commenti in Google+ poi fare taglia/incolla qui altrimenti non riesco.

  14. Dearest Mariette!
    I had so many of years all of month my energy and make conscions effort to phoblem in a my few of my years!

    1. Dearest Michiko san,
      Hoping that you are reasonably well at present and still enjoying your life!
      Wishing you the very best and sending you hugs,

  15. I'm glad you had those visits, Mariette! The scenery is stunning, but oh, so many people!

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Yes, the scenery sure is stunning but during summer time it no doubt attracts droves of tourists.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
